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\ l 1 U S V50AS LATJ rap. coup doneral Balance Sheet Month of July 1919. LIABILITIES Ig a t AMOCE? STOCK 11. Capital Stock 11-1 Common Capital Stock Total Capital Stock AFFILIATED COMPASS' IBS 11 ¥• Los Angeles & S alt Lake P„ftoCo0 - Loans 1-* CUBaa?? LIABILITIES i • Vouchers Pay#,bl2 CKaUJUSTEE GRSLITS 13. Accrued Depreciation 16. Accrue Mk .» 'XSS Estimated Accour ts Bepa »}X& Tot a l Unadjusted C red its QAAJmi &j «J.£U‘ P r o f i t and Lo to C r e d it Baiaveo December P r o f i t and Lots s .L e b lt Balance Current i't J&C02D& Cre> Balance T ran sferred iVo^s-S: To ta l Corporate Bur plus 50 000,00 50 000.00 33- l A c c 'd Lepn, Ilhdwood P ip e L a id in 1905 11 ?RR ..ppj 13-2 AC6 Lepn, 'brought Ira n Pipe L a id in 1907' O 13-3 Acc *d Lkpiu. .rou^dit Iro n Pipe la i d In 191) t. 314.29 13-4 Acc 'd Bodwood XJ* dl X r XSXQ 561,59 13-5 A cc'd Lapn. Water S ervice Connections 681,9$ 13-6 Acc *d 33®pn» Booming House lin e n 13-7 24,60 Acc *d Dopn* Rooming House B u ild in g 4 442.63 13-0 Acc»d Lopii. Booming House B lan k ets, etc* 261,05 13-9 Acc*d Dapiu Rooming House F u rr.itore, e t c . 291.39 lo—lo ACC *d Depii, Four Boom Cottages 7 675,94 13-11 Acc'd JDepn. Five Boom Cottages 8 445,82 13-12 Acc’ d papn. Hospital Building 412.55 13-13 ACC.*«. Dopn * Mi sc e l l an so us Equipment 360.55 13-14 Acc*d JDepn. E le c t r ic L i got Sys fees !*V'' * AW '*4.t.1 Accrued D ep reciation Other Unadjusted C red its 34-1 Towns 5. te 7 468,89 3 b09* <2 >25 975*92 ___ 14 ,70 50 QOOoOO 151 713.17 & 9 75»A 41 519,68 11 362.41 227 617,95 TOTAL L X A B 1 U T I 12$, 405 19 «. ? 2 O