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    $25,000,000 —----------------------------------Our Cold ----------------- ------------------$25.000,000 TTze Phenomena/ !ro^^h of Go/df/e/d From nothing to a population and connecting GoidAeld with aii strings and seek other localities, faith and g^titude an Ideal of profit is as great to the small Of fifteen thousand in three years the outlying camps of Southern but this money, taken from under City. ^ as to the large holder, and in this C a long jump for a city to make, Nevada, is very complete. An- our feet, is being used to advance MERCHANDISING. way our younger generation ts ^ ` ^ ' ** 4 but this in short is the story of swering the crying need of the the welfare and increase the pres- ^he solid k)As upon which learning the best of all les Goldfield's phenomenal growth— Greater Goldfield, this company tige of this community. this city sta^^Kcommerclally, Is the advantage to be gained by ^ and jump is the only word that is now at work reconstructing its BUILDING. attested by t^Hact that our mer- saving. From these small begin- jy ^ ^ , < adequately expresses the light- system to serve the thirty thous- -- , , . . chants suffer financial embar- mngs some very snug little for- ` ^ ` ning change from desert waste to and people that will soon be set- P ^°f unes eingex —th^Ecredits being the tunes have grown. There is one metropolis of a great State. tied within our gates. This new P^P,P M}. . ^ . highest; thereNHns to be a gen- newsboy in Goldfield, popularly Mj{HS?r Three years ago, unnamed, un- system will also afford Goldfield u"'^Lnl'et contra^s for more 'ral feeling oTpride in the fact credited with the possession of. hcardof, unthought of; today, the direct long distance telephonic ^ , , . - that all billslML discounted. This $25,000 to $30,000 he most talked-of city in the United communication with Reno, San ? !uc++-^ ,,,:fu is a simple thing for the mer- learned the value of the small in- States. Not only by reason Of the Francisco and Pacific Coast . ^ ^ ^ +rt- chants, for instead of having to vestment. There are many of our f _. )' ,^^ " visionary real estate boomer, but points. !T ^ nf worry about the disposal of their younger people of both sexes who ^ by virtue of true worth, for Gold- Goldfield is an exceptionally -?Y srn nf stocks during current seasons, the know the satisfaction of posses- jSRa held has fulhlled every promise. well lighted city for its size, .^1 , ^ only difficulty is in keeping a sup- accounts worth $5000, In many of the gold rushes of electricity being used extensively ^ , in th^ir c^npral P^Y equal to the demand. This $0000, and up to $10,000; these ^&^ the past, thousands of thought- in decorative street lighting, but ^ consr ^ ^ . r applies to all lines of merchan- _____ y ^ ^ # h-r haphazard man, th. plant now *3T444rHd. <*""g, **" ^g„. The .n!y drawback to ---------^------------- ! Anancially and physically unequip^. service is too small, and the Ne- \ , , ^ business here is lack of available //T'/Tlr^ ..A <sSaMBt ped to meet the conditions that vada Light and Power Gompany ° *' space, and this-will soon be sup- f LA __" ` must inevitably be faced in a held will soon install a new system, RAILWAYS plied. \ 7\ ! A where every man must battie for which will be adequate for all * The rate of wages paid for all 1 f.*- himself, have been the first to lighting and power requirements Goldfield has in the past been daggeg of labor in Goldfield is C7\Lfy join the great army of treasure- of a city of thirty thousand pea- hampered to some extent by in- higher than for the same / ^ ^ ^ LHH^^ seekers, and the result has always pie. adequate transportation facilities, gg[-vices in any other section of / "'A.'-* been, that after the first few The plans of the new gas com- haying rail connection with the country—and,there is work / ^ / * ' . months, these men becoming dis- pany are also being made on a outside world only through the ^pr every man.^T!o need for alms- / ` * — ' " - '** - ` \ ^ besides several not so pretentious couraged and, being without basis to supply a city of thirty to Tonopah & Goldfield Railways houses here. With the entire \ buildingS, and great care is exer- means, unable to leave, became a fifty thousand population. connections with the Southern labor popuiation employed A / s ^ \*<Stn \ cised in the selection of teachers, detriment instead of a help in the The construction of the Inter- Pacific Railway, but there are high wages, money is plentiful, H.T, - ! [n this respect as in everything upbuilding of the camps. Urban Electric Railway, giving now nearing completion two more naturally placing all business on H ?' H j Goldfield accepts only the best, Any man may brave the sting all outlying communities direct roads, each of which is straining ^ ^gli basis, with the result that g j and the child completing the of cold or the pangs of hunger railway communication with this every 'nerve to reach us at the ^experience, nb periods of Anan- / courses given in our local schools and privation if the gold fever city, is no longer an idle dream earliest possible date, their great eial unrest. \ / is fully equipped to enter any of is on him, but only the strong, but a soon-to-be-realized fact, haste being due to the fact that BANKING. \ / the best preparatory schools cool headed man dares face the This electric road wiil give Gold- today they are losing many thous- Irrefutable evidence of the im- \ / should the parent desire for it a terrors of desert, even in search Acid a still greater prestige as the ands of dollars in not being abie ^g^,gg volume of business annu- \ higher education. The magniA- of the greatest of all treasures, commercial center of a vast region to share in the great harvest of gEy transacted, and the best state- \ cent stone central school building And this is the one great advan- whose richness has, as yet, been revenue arising from passenger m^t of the steady, rapid growth \ \ accommodating 400 scholars tage Go!dAeld had at the outset, only in a small way developed. and freight traffic to and from this jg ^ be found in the story-the \ ' -'\. * - i / erected at a cost of $30,000, has she was buried in the desert and These permanent improvements point. bank Agures teil. This city has taken the place of several of the he who would seek here for gold tell plainer than any words of the GoidAeld is the center and nab- hanks, with total deposits of -t3?smaller buildings which had to must come equipped. This re-^ ^bsolute stability of GoidAeld, ural base of supplies for the en- <^2,000,000, and these Agures arc used temporarily, and is only suited in the gatheringin the little and when you consider that the tire Southern Nevada minmgre- growrig everyday. This isfor.*. the Arst`of several tohe erected camp of a body of strong men, men back of the enterprises are gion, and it is to us the outlying ^ Afteen thousand popula- a§ fast as possible. With over strong mentally and physically, those who have succeeded in this camps must come for supplies. D<3 you grasp the meaning 1000. school children we must With such timber to startWvith,* digfri&G i`s a large way, and are The completion of these two rail- ^ such Agures—rat the rate of ^ ________________ . build fast to give them all com- it is little wonder 4hat' this city now using their fortunes to fur- ways the Las Vegas & Tonopah, ^gooo for each ipan, woman and fortable quarters. This year we has developed strength sufficient ther ^develop the natural resour- a branch of the San Pedro,^ Los ^-bild. — A" will erect another^still Aner to overcome every obstacle—meet ces af the territory tributary to Angeles and Salt Lake Railway, Probably no city in the United - * ' " —r-v * < ^ building at a cost of $6g,ooo, and every emergency. this natural cehier, you will read- and the Tonopah & Tidewater cduld make the showing ^ ^ f this plan of building up a perfect The. pioneers, when the great ily see that our ^prosperity is not Railway, connecting at Lumow, ^at is possible for GoidAeld in ^ * *,,,**'' ` ^ * A free educational system will be rush to their camp began, realized ^ day, or a )^r, but is per- California, ^i^b the Santa he the point of substantial bank*ac- * pursued until our public schools that some provision must be made manent. These n%n who have opening as they will, new, fabu- ,-Q^ts held {by -young men and -s.-^ will stand second to none, tocareforthenewcomers, and in battled with NaHtre and won, !ously rich regions, will greatly ^Q,nen. It Is with a feeling of ^ T)T-TT<-<T^TTc . . addition to the daily task of gqld know the possibility^ the Gold- increase the commercial impor- 1 * RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL seeking, found time to lay n}^ns Held District, an(^^H^e greatest tance of this city, as the bulk of The religiously inclined will for the erection of such strudnires proof of their etn^^^^^pnAdence the commercial business of these ry ^ jj ) t) &HH`` .< And here a hearty welcome to as would best serve theiy pur- ts, that when fo9^^^^^!es upon new districts must necessarily / ^ L f.......) )A)— J any one of Ave representative to the ^"b- ^ ^ ^ congregations, ^^ And no fear of ^th^!S^!Lm\S^toJShlr / A'".G G ^ j barest and proAt thmu^h'theL they kept up the .work of build- A ^ # #,\ ^ ^ cia!lift oA^he^cdyt^t ry"closel ing-building, building, always * , #________/HS#L lyidentiAed. building. That was three years ...^ - - #' ^ ' A-A'* A ,'^Q" " \ During the fall and winter t!`e prices df w!dcnM listed great praise. Our telephone ^ their lessons. And so it is no have gone soaring, with the re- mMi. system, covering the entire city wonder that our bankers know suit that improved residence while we enjoy our homes, iH5Hmr J' \ not the dread of Wall Street, property is now making a new clubs, churches, etc., we can ) \ their vaults are Ailed with home price record, and unimproved lots n^ver lose si?ht of the fact that ^ money, and each tomorrow, more can be sold in the twinkling of an ^ mines—the richest in the ! will be added, until next year we eye. This condition is a perfectly __we owe it all. -----—" ......."L—^—^^ will have another incredible story natural one, as those who are GoidAeld lies in a little valley, !^ ^ coming here today are !ocat<ng entirely surrounded by barren 'i^sar' liilluA'!''! 'All r.—Miners' Hanaay. s.—Centra! School Bui!d!ng. 3—At Attraeetwe Front on REALTY. permanently, And they, with our .... ^ . matter which w.v I................ ?fjt t Main Street.'4—Wint0r Street Scene. ^-OneofOrrBanh^-StoneisUeed ^ ^ oeoo!e are commencing to ^ jExtensive!y in Budding. 6.—Shoving a Weli Stock d Supply Houao. 7c— The general prosperity of this P P ' .. . . our eyes turn, we are conscious Nixon Building—This Comer is the Financial Center )f the City. city has been so continuous and "****3, Ana tne time is not ta -* ^ gazing on vast treasure vaults -----------------------------------------------------------------—----------------------- the increase so rapid that business tA"t when our already creditable ^ nature's the facts, no one can doubt that great pride tlat we say, two- commenced to be congested and residence section wM compate precious gift, GOLD. And nSSt A GoldAe!d's commercial supremacy thirds of our young men carry there has arisen a great demand favorably with much older etttes. under the entire city ia this ^ t will soon be as widely recognized check books AH of these ac- for business properties. During EDUCATIONAL. same gold for a foundation. S)MS*$*' L i as its Anancial independence. counts are nog large, bat they are the p$at ninety days realty values There was a time when the As the endless development ;; `With all the great improve-, all growing. Mere the young man have risen by leaps and bounds, coming to GoidAeld felt it goes on we must continue to A-..: ` ** ' ments that are being pushed to and woman N^re learned the ad- until lots that thirty-six months to leave his family be- grow, and you and the others wiU completion at enormous expense, vantage of jAcious investment ago were held at twenty-Ave dol- ? . . . ^ come to share in our prosoeritv 1 we have the satisfaction of know- and each m<Hth A part of the lars are today worth what their bind, it not being ad considered in this light k §s ! *viH),` ing that the load is being lightly earnings is plHed in some one of owners see At to ask. In thirty take the ch;!d of school age where g^^g almost a mistake to or*. carried by home capital exclu- the cheaper Kocks—usually the days improved business properties it could not be given proper edu- thirty thousand people i— A* sively. The reason is plain; our cheaper stoc!y, as these offer the have doubled in value. catlonal advantages. But today ,g^ maybe we should sav ..'t'-- mines are tl^e most productive in best-chance Af immediate proAt. Partially in sympathy with the no hesitancy need be felt on this njv3rAT^A theworld, and the wealth we take T\tese stoAkurchases are sel- general upward trend but more score, for the need is now sup- .NEVADA, ^ ^^^^*^^^********'****'***^^*******^*******^^^ from the Gold Foundation is used dom for laa^^HM^mta, but when directly anected by the increased plied, and GoidAeld has one of the , $o^oo Population , ————————————^ m building our monument of demand for desirable home sites, best school buildings-in theStatq^ ^ ^ , ,