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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    i 62. O 181 CONTINUED: DANCELOT But, soft I what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Phona is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,,, KING LOUIE Hold It, hold itl Man, that's the lousiest jazz I ever heard in my life... (quoting) '... it is the east, and Phona is the sun... ' What*re you doing, a weather report? I'd rather do it myself. The Knights go Into a short two-bar intro and King Louie sings of his love for the Princess. 182 SHOT - A GUARD During the song he spots what is going on under the balcony and hurries off. 183 WIDE ANGLE - THE GARDEN No sooner does the song end than the Duke hurries out with his Guards and commands: DUKE Capture themI And-a one, and-a two, and-a three-- 184 SHOTS - THE CHASE .The Guards run after King Louie and his knights. At one point, Samson stops and snatching his horn blows a quick four bar riff at the Guard. The Guard Is powerless to restrain himself and begins Watusi-ing to the compelling music. Samson stops and sprints off. Finally, they all manage to escape through the hole in the wall. 185 AT WALL - KING LOUIE He is about to go through when he stops and waves back up at the Princess and calls out: KING LOUIE Fare well, my love, parting is such a sweet dragI Then he hops through the hole and is gone.