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I agree.1\ EA4A-AkCOMPANY fUBLtC RELATIONS Ttut w* k**4- tvJ ?╜*- ?╟≤*- v r*V *?╟≤* ^1T<?╟ Sepiewber 30. 1055 rs?╜ H, X. H. Linden ?╟≤~8"v Alnont Street J \JT *% a i/far-t -V- , Beverly 1111*, Cal* ?√ß ?√? | Dear Mrs, Linden ?╟╓ ^*aydon, of 4BC-TW, ha* notified the Dunea ??½*f* that yon are the winner of a content held recently on hi* fine ?╜hew. We want to eongratulat* you on winning the prise ?f * ***?╟≤?╟≤?╟≤-*** vacation at the Dune*, and would like to set up your arrangenent* for enjoying your prise when you are ready. Please let ae know when you plan to enjoy your prise vacation, and I shall sake the definite I!!*!!?*!?! for *** &ttte?½ Publicists Dunes, we will handle any questions or thJt *?╟≤ ?½fa A* order to help you enjoy your stay at the Dune* more?½ I shall fee in Las Vegns until Octofeer 7, and will fee back at mj office in Bovorly Bill* nozt weekend. Please drop mm a line either at the Pisnee or at uy local effice here and let ue know your plan*. ?╟≤ydera, J?½c-T? v**ir HILLS, CAL?╟≤ 449 SOUTH msliv B91VS ?╟≤ CllirVlIW 4 4,St