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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 14, 1982






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 12 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000339. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA Senate Meeting #33 Session #12 4:00 p.m. 7-14-82 (WEDNESDAY) MSU 12 8 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #32 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Rick Oshinski, Greg Goussak, and Charles Bloom- Intercollegiate Athletic Council VI. Committee, Board and Department Head Reports A. Entertainment and Programming Board B. Elections Board C. Organizations Board D. Publications Board E. Radio Board F. Bylaws Committee G. Student Services Committee H. Ad Hoc Committees 1. Elections Investigation Committee 2. Constitutional Revision Committee I. Beverage Manager J. Intramurals Director K. Day Care Center L. Other M. Appropriations Board VII. Unfinished Business A. Reinstatement of 1981 Office Hours Directive (from table) (Clayton) B. Nominations for vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (3) 2. Health Sciences (1) 3. Education (2) VIII. New Business A. Appointment of B&E Senators 1.Robert^Barnum,2.Stephen Bowie B. Appointment of A&L Senators 1.Robin Hunt,2.Terri Tollefson C. Approval of $1000.00 forStUdent Handbook (D. Levins) 1. Transfer $1000.00 from 906-9002 to 907-9001; 2. Increase 907-3000 by $1000.00; 3. Decrease 906-3000 by $1000.00. Page 2 Senate Agenda Meeting #33 7-14-82 VIII. New Business - Continued D. Contract Proposal for Dan Siegal & Nightwind 9-16-82 (Fitchet) See Attached Contract E. Final Transfers for FY 81-82 See Attached Memo 1. $2000.00 from 906-9002 to 905-9001 2. $2000.00 from 906-9002 to 900-9001 3. $2000.00 from 906-9002 to 901-9001 F. Contract Proposal w/ Michael Schivo, CSUN and IAC IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGREEMENT This agreement entered into on between the Consoli-dated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas hereinafter re-ferred to as the PRESENTER and Evan Lipton hereinafter referred to as PRODUCER for the purpose of producing a concert with potential finan-cial benefit to KUNV F.M. 91.5 radio station a fully owned subsidiary of the PRESENTER. The PRODUCER agrees to: A. Produce a jazz concert featuring Dan Siegal and the second group Nightwind to perform in Ham Hall on Thursday September 16, 1982. B. Tickets will be sold for $8.50 for General Admission and $6.50 for Students. Seating will be reserved. Total number of tickets for sale will be 1886. C. Insure the groups do not perform within 100 miles of Las Vegas seven days prior to or preceding subject concert. D. Any changes in entertainers must be approved by the PRESENTER. E. There will be no other entertainers. F. Complimentary tickets will be determined by the PRODUCER. G. CSUN will be recognized in all publicity. H. Will provide for off compus ticket sales. I. Producer will pay all costs related to cancellation costs in-cluding $25.00 per day for every day refunds are made on campus. J. Supply & Pay for all security deemed necessary by the University. K. All costs relative to clean up of areas necessitated because of concert in excess of reasonably expected. L. To provide a certificate of insurance in the amount of at least $500,000.00 which provides that CSUN and UNLV and any employees and/or agents of the same be insured against any liability aris-ing from the concert or resulting from the performance of au-thorized duties of said employees and/or agents relative to the concert. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 M. Pay all miscellaneous costs which may arise from said concert. N. To make available documentation of all costs relative to con-cert production. 0. To pay to CSUN an amount equal to 50% of all revenues in ex-cess of 120% of PRODUCTION costs. P. To pay all costs relative to production of subject concert and all costs directly or indirectly related unless paid by PRESENTER. The PRESENTER agrees to: A. Supply an on campus ticket outlet. B. Provide Ham Hall. C. Substantial publicity through KUNV Radio, the UNLV Yell News-paper and all other University media outlets available. CSUN President Date Producer Date Dean Student Services Date CSUN Business Manager Date University President Date CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 MEMORANDUM TO: Jef Wii FROM j DATE: July 6, 1982 Please place these transfers on the agenda for the July' 13, 198 2 meeting. These should be final transfers for fiscal '82 budget, A. Transfer $2000,00 from 90^-900.2 to 905-9001, This is a cash loan to the: Yell , B. Transfer $2000.00 from 906-9002 to 90.0-90.01, C. Transfer $3000,00 from 906-9002 to 901-90.01 Item A was an oversight on my part as I had intended this transfer last week. Items B&C are due to unexpected bills, JF/rs CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGREEMENT The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and the Consolidated Students at the University of Nevada Las Vegas hereinafter referred to as the Producer and Mr. Michael Schivo hereinafter referred to as MSP are entering into this agreement whereby MSP will render pro-fessional services as a consultant and coordinator in the production of a major concert. Terms of this agreement are as follows: A. Producer will produce a major concert on or about October 24, 1982. B. Producer will use all means and resources available to assist in the accomplishment of all agreed planned objectives relative to the concert. C. Producer will be available, with reasonable notice to make decisions relative to concerts progression. D.- Producer will assume all financial responsibility as well as make all final decisions relative to the incurrence of same. E. Producer will secure all necessary and proper authorities required by law and to otherwise to produce said concert. F. Producer will have final authority on all decisions relative to the concert. G. Producer will insure MSP against any liability arising from the performance of MSP1s authorized duties relative to the production of the concert. H. Producer will pay MSP ten percent (10%) of all Gross Revenues for which the Producer shares in directly due to the subject concert. The Producer guarantees MSP seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) as a minimum amount for services relative to the production of said concert. Subject payment will be made as follows: 1. Twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) will be processed for payment upon presentation of possible concert options. 2. Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) will be processed for payment upon confirmation on contract with entertainer. 3. Ten percent of the aforementioned Gross Revenues less seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) will be processed for payment within seventy-two hours (72) following the concert. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 Agreement continued Page 2 4. It is understood that if the Producer decides not to produce a concert or decides to postpone concert to a significantly later date that the initial twenty-five hundred dollars is not refundable except that said twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00) would be applied against payment for any similar arrangement between Producer and MSP prior to June 30, 1983. I. MSP will act as advisor on all aspects of concert production. J. MSP will coordinate all aspects of the concert. K. MSP will negotiate contracts for the main entertainer and any other contracts relative to the concert whereby the Producer decides that MSP would be most qualified to do so. L. MSP will be available for meetings relative to concert preparation progress and any other business related to said concert. M. MSP will supply the Producer various options as to entertainers potentially available and willing to preform at the Silver Bowl in late October 198 2. N. MSP will assume supervisory responsibility relative to the actual physical production of the concert prior to and on the day of same. 0. MSP reserves the option to cancel this contract prior to signing of contracts with entertainers by returning all monies paid by the Producer if MSP determines that Producer is making decisions con-trary to MSP advice and that those decisions are significant enough to jeopardize the success of the concert and reflect adversely on MSP's established reputation as a concert promoter. CSUN Business Manager Asst. Director of Athletics CSUN President MINUTES Senate Meeting #33 Moyer Student Union Building MSU 12 0 4 p.m. 7-14-82 I. Call to Order Senate President Wild called the thirty-third meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate to order at 4 p.m. in MSU-120. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Phil Horn Cathy Clay Tammy Shipp- .excused absent MaryBeth Nitzschke Ginger Clayton-absent Charles Bloom-excused absent Dave Levins Pam Jacka Nancy Felsing Paul Berger-excused absent The meeting was recessed until 4:15 p.m. Senate President Wild called the meeting back to order at 4:15 p.m. Roll Call Phil Horn Cathy Clay Tammy Shipp-. excused absent MaryBeth Nitzschke Ginger Clayton Charles Bloom-excused absent Dave Levins Pam Jacka Nancy Felsing Paul Berger-excused absent III. Approval of Minutes #32 Senator Horn moved to delete the approval of changing the Senate Meeting to Wednesday until August 1. The motion was seconded. The motion to delete passed with 7 in favor. Senator Clayton moved to correct the minutes to delete the approval of a fee-waiver to a grant-in-aid in SB 002. The motion was seconded. The motion failed with 1 in favor, 5 opposed, and 1 abstention. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. President's Announcements President Oshinski will be asking for a 32-hr. work waiver from the Senate at the next meeting, he will be keeping new office hours: Monday 2-5 Thursday 8-12 Tuesday 3-5 Friday 8- 12 Wednesday-3-5 Senate Meeting #33 Page 2 7-14-82 There will be a CSUN vs Student Union Softball game on July 2 5th, anyone interested in play please see Rick. There will be a Regent's meeting Friday in Reno. B. Senate President's Announcements Nominations for Education Senate Seats should appear under New Business item G. Robin Hunt a nominee for the Arts & Letters Senate seat will be unable to attend the Senate meeting today. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Rick Oshinski, Greg Goussak, and Charles Bloom-Intercollegiate Athletic Council. There was a motion to approve these three members to the council. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 7 in favor, and 0 opposed. VI. Committee Reports A. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman Hamilton announced that there will be a meeting Friday at 2 p.m. in Room 202. Two senators are needed to serve on the board. B. Elections Board There was a meeting held on July 7, 1982. The following members were absent: Randy Crum-excused, Terri Tollefson-excused, Jim Wunrow-unexcused, Stephen E. Bowie-unexcused, and April Morse-unexcued. The meeting was adjourned due to lack of quorum. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as submitted. C. Organizations Board No Report D. Publications board No Report E. Radio Board No Report F. Bylaws Committee No Report G. Student Services Committee Chairman Krantz called a meeting to order on June 7, 1982. The following members were absent: MaryBeth Nitzschke- excused, G. Clayton-excused, P. Jacka-excused, D. Hood-excused, Robert Randall, Unexcused, S. Lieberman-unexcused N. Felsing-unexcused, and J. Whitsett-unexcused. The meeting was adjourned due to lack of quorum. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. Meeting #3 Chairman Krantz called a meeting to order on . The following members were absent: Delane Fitzpatrick-excused, M. Nitzsc.hke-unexcused, G. Clayton-unexcused, P. Jacka-unexcused, D. Hood-unexcused,S. Lieberman-unexcused, Nancy Felsing-excused. There was a motion to approve. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. Senate Meeting #33 Page 3 7-14-82 H. Ad Hoc Committee I. Elections Board Invetigation Committee 2. Constitutional Revision Committee No Report I. Beverage Manager No Report J. Intramurals Director No Report K. Daycare Center No Report L. Other M. Appropriations Board Chairman Goussak read the minutes of the meeting called to order on July 8, 1982. Abent: Phil Horn-excused The board approved te following: A recommenation to the publications board concerning commission for ads sold: 20% for local ads , and 10% for national ads. Transfer $290 from 906-9002 to: 903-9001,"increase 903-3000 by $290 afid decrease 906-3 000 by $290. A transfer of $1000 from 906-9002 to ^ - 907-900], Increase 907-3000 by $1000, and decrease 906-3000 by $1000. Senator Felsing moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as submitted. VII. Unfinished Business A. Reinstatement of 1981 Office Hours Directive (from table) Senator Clayton moved to remove this item from the table. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 6 in favor, o opposed, and 1 abstention. Senator Clayton moved to postpone the directive for 2 weeks and for a log to be kept concerning the Executive Board office hours. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Levins called for the question which passed with 5 in favor and 1 opposed. The motion for the postponment and log failed with 1 in favor, 5 opposed, and 1 abstention. VIII. New Business A. Appointment of B&E Senators 1. Robert Barnum 2. Steve Bowie Senator Horn moved to reopen nominations on 1 vacant B&E Senate seat. The motion was seconded. The motion failed with 2 in favor, 4 opposed, and 1 abstention. Each candidate spoke briefly to the Senate. The Senate approved Robert Barnum and Steve Bowie as the B&E Senator, 7 in favor, and 0 opposed CONGRATULATIONS STEVE AND ROBERT!!! B. Approval of A&L Senators 1. Robin Hunt 2. Terri Tollefson It was found that both candidates are members- of the, CSUN Judicial Council'. Senator Levins moved to approve Robin Hunt and Terri Tollefson as members of the CSUN 'Senate upon the resignation from the CSUN Judicial Council. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 0 opposed. Senate Meeting #33 Page 4 7-14-82 C. Approval of $1000 for student handbook This item was previously approved in the Appropriations Board minutes. D. Contract Proposal for Dan Siegal & Nightwind 9-16-82 There was a motion to table the contract until Senate Meeting #34. The motion was seconded. The table passed with 6 in favor and 3 opposed. E. Final transfers for FY 81-82 Budget 1. $2000 from 906-9002 to 905-9001 2. $2000 from 906-9002 to 905-9001 3. $2000 from 906-9002 to 901-9001 Senator Clay moved to approve the financial transfers. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 9 in favor. F. Contract Proposal w/Michael Schivo, CSUN and IAC A contract with Michael Schivo to find a performer to play a concert at the silver<b©:W>X sponsored by CSUN and the atheltic department was proposed. There was a motion to table the agreement for 1 week and to from an Ad Hoc Committee with Dave Levins, Larry Hamilton, Greg Goussak, and Steve Bowie as members of the committee, and present the contract to UNLV legal counsel tppreport-back to the Senate at Senate Meeting #34. "The motion passed with 5 in favor, and 4 opposed. IX. Open Discussion MaryBeth Nitzschke announced that a list is being kept in CSUN for those interested in joining the Guardian Angels. Greg Goussak talked about the concert with the Athletic Department. President Oshinski talked about the office hour directive. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. (Respectfully Submitted by, Jef Wild CSUN Senate President Respectfully Prepared by, Robin Starlin