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The Commission considered the application of Wilmer G. Steele for a Tavern license at the Cotton Club, 500 Jackson, the same being a change in ownership by reason of the deletion of J. A. Ewing and Lila R. Lee. Commissioner Sharp moved the application of Wilmer G. Steel for a Tavern license at the Cotton Club, 300 Jackson be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fountain and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Consideration was given to the application of Joe Kerekes for the Beer License at the Little Giant Market, 107 St. Louis Street, the same being a change in ownership by the deletion of the partners Margaret Kerekes and Howard Heckethorn. Commissioner Sharp moved this application be held in abeyance until the Police Department has reported on the same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. At this time the Commission considered the request of C. G. Hoover and Joe Schramm to add the name of Frank Costanzo to the Tavern license for Duffy's Tavern, 1813 South 3th Street. Commissioner Whipple moved that pursuant to the recommendation of the Police Department this application for addition of Frank Costanzo to the tavern license for Duffy's Tavern, 1815 South 5th Street be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. The Commission considered the change of ownership for the Retail Package and Beer License issued to Pinky's, 1232 South 3 th Street, formerly issued to Hugh and Winifred Pinkstaff and the new application being in the name of Grace M. Letchworth. The Police Department recommended approval. Thereafter Commissioner Fountain moved the application of Grace M. Letchworth for the Retail Package and Beer Licenses for Pinky's 1232 South 3th Street, be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Consideration was given to the application of Thomas Bibbs for the Beer License for the New Valley View Market, 1312 North D Street, formerly issued to William Myll doing business as Baby Beef Market #2. Commissioner Bunker moved the application of Thomas Bibbs for a Beer License for the New Valley View Market, 1316 North D Street be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. The Commissioner considered the following applications for renewal of gaming licenses for the 3rd quarter of 1956: GAMING APPLICATIONS 3rd Quarter 1936 A. RENEWALS AUSTIN DRUG K. S. Austin 821 South 3th 3 slots BOB BASKIN'S RESTAURANT Bob Baskin & Garland Miner 116 North 3th 3 slots BELL VARIETY - HDWE J. R. Bell 1311 Fremont 3 slots BLACKETT'S DRIVE-IN O. W. Glenn 2100 South 3th 3 slots BONANZA DRUG Cardinal & Sullivan 402 W. Bonanza 4 slots BOTTLE HOUSE Floyd Cope 827 South 5th 6 slots BRIGHT SPOT DRIVE-IN Barnie Sullivant 300 Stewart 3 slots CALIFORNIA CLUB George Arquilla, Harry 101 -5 Fremont 101 slots Tabak, Oakley Townsend, 2 Craps et al 3 "21" 1 Roulette 1 Chuck-a-Luck 1 Keno 1 Faro CARSON CAFE Ann T. Bunnell & Raymond 521 Carson 2 slots CHAT & CHEW CAFE O.W.GLENN Cox 1039 So. Main 2 slots CHARLIE'S LIQUOR STORE & Fred & Elias Atol 1511 So. Main 3 slots BEER BAR CHARLESTON LIQUOR STORE E. J. Gilbreath 9 W. Charleston 9 slots CHATTERBOX El Cortez Hotel Inc. Main at Fremont 3 slots CITY DRUG Cardinal & Sullivan 231 Fremont 5 slots CONEY ISLAND Vegas Enterprises Co. 412 So. 2nd 4 slots COREY'S FINE FOODS Cardinal & Sullivan 402 Fremont 1 slot COREY'S FINE FOODS John D. & James C. Corey 402 Fremont 4 slots CORK 'N BOTTLE Frank Pimental 508 Fremont 4 slots CORNET STORE Tom Jaggers & Joe Cornet 4th & Fremont 12 slots CRESTWOOD DRUG Glenn Sales 2224 E Charleston 3 slots DAN DEE BAR Molly Fitzpatrick 203 North 1st 2 slots DAVIS BROS RICHFIELD TRUCK TERMINAL R. W. Davis, Mgr 629 South Main 2 slots DOLLAR MARKET Morris Diamond & 433 North Main 4 slots Bernard Koblin DOS'S MOBIL SERVICE Cardinal & Sullivan 1301 E. Charleston 1 slot DERBY TURF CLUB Dave Stearns & Louis Nier 113 South 1st 1 Race Horse Book LIQUOR APPLICATIONS CHANGES Cotton Club Little Giant Mkt Duffy's Tavern Pinky's LIQUOR APPLICATION Change New Valley View Mkt GAMING APPLICATIONS Renewals