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Award of Bid no 5413 - motion [not legible] C.D. [not legible] - 6/2/1954
Award of Bid no 5414 - ½ vote Pickley & O.C. [not legible] - 6/2/1954
Award of Bid no 5146 - Waste Receptacle Best [not legible] - 6/2/1954
Annexation - Ordinance 611 adopted - 6/2/1954
Agriculture - Proposed Ordinance held - 6/2/1954
Appointment - Traffic Commission - 6/2/1954
Addition to garage - Bid no. 5417 [not legible] - 6/16/1954
[not legible] Highland & [not legible] - R/W deed , B.M. [not legible] Jone - 6/16/1954
[not legible] [not legible] Lane & Madison Street - R/W deed & Viola [not legible] - 6/16/1954
Additional Lane - U.S. government, addition [not legible] - 6/16/1954
Acquisition of Land - U.P.R.R. held for report - 6/16/1954
Agriculture - Proposed Ordinance held - 6/16/1954
Award of Bid no 5415 - [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] L.A.C. Grant -6/16/1954
Acquisition of Land - North 1st Street [not legible] - 6/16/1954
Appointment - Board of Elections [not legible] - 6/21/1954
[not legible] of City [not legible] - Bids opened - 6/28/1954
Award of Bid. 5418 - 1 ½ for [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - 6/28/1954
Additional cars - Fire Department. No action - 6/28/1954
Appeal of variance denial - [not legible] [not legible] cont - 7/7/1954
Assessment [not legible] 100-23 - Bid on bonds referred - 7/7/1954
Assessment [not legible] 100-25 - Bid on bonds referred - 7/7/1954
[not legible] Lewis & Rate - variance held in abeyance - 7/7/1954
Agreement [not legible] tract - subdivided Bid [not legible] Subdive - 7/7/1954
Acceptance Final - Hyde Park # 3 - 7/7/1954
Acceptance Final - additional Central [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - 7/7/1954
[not legible] of City [not legible] - Bid no 5419 awarded - 7/7/1954
Additional [not legible] & [not legible] - Van [not legible] ave. R/W deed - 7/7/1954
[not legible] Jefferson “[not legible] “ and Madison Street - R/W deed executed by L and M.L Roberson - 7/7/1954
Agriculture - Proposed Ordinance held [not legible] report [not legible] -7/7/1954
Auction application - state loan Jewelery - 7/7/1954
Award of Bid no 5420 - Westside Street [not legible] - 7/9/1954
[not legible] L.J. and [not legible] - [not legible] deferred - 7/9/1954
Award of Bid - Fire Department Car, 1953 [not legible] - 7/9/1954
Assessment District 100-23 - award of bond Bid - 7/9/1954
Assessment District 100-23 - Ordinance no 614 bonds - 7/9/1954
Award of Bond Bid - agreement District 100-23 - 7/9/1954
Assessment District 100-25 - Ordinance no 615. Bonds - 7/9/1954
[not legible] final - Ridge new [not legible] Street 6 - 7/21/1954
[not legible] R & [not legible] - variance [not legible] deed - 7/21/1954
Auction permit - state loans & jewelry [not legible] - 7/21/1954
Acting City Engineer - [not legible] act forward - 7/21/1954
Assessment District 100-18 - acceptance & release of [not legible] - 8/4/1954
Acceptance & release of Bond - assessment District 100-18 - 8/4/1954
[not legible] [not legible] - Lane variance , [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - 8/4/1954
Architect Payment - Westside Recreation approved - 8/4/1954
Auction Permit - Dr. [not legible] denied - 8/4/1954
Award of Bid no 5421 - Stewart ave Park sprinkler - 8/4/1954
Award of Bid no 5422 - Madison Street School sprinkler - 8/4/1954
Architect - City Hall allocation [not legible] set will [not legible] - 8/18/1954
Annexation petition - Proposed in Town of [not legible] [not legible] referred to Clark County - 8/18/1954
[not legible] Block 3 - [not legible] additional P/W deed - 8/18/1954
[not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - [not legible] additional [not legible] 3+4 approved - 8/18/1954