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Executive committee meeting minutes and agenda, November 9, 1994



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JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1994 PRESENT ABSENT Amy Boruszak Sandy Ma11in Hal Ober Dr. Marv Perer Emily Novick Dr. Allan Boruszak Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Daryl Alterwitz Ira Fischbein Gene Greenberg Art Marshall Doug Unger Michael Novick Leslie Simon STAFF Ronni Epstein Tony Figueredo Ted Flaum Suzan Loeb I. WELCOME AND ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Dr. Allan Boruszak welcomed everyone to the November 9, 1994 Executive Committee meeting. He asked for a motion to accept the Minutes of the October 12, 1994 Executive Committee meeting. Dr. Marv Perer moved to accept the Minutes of the October 12, 1994 Executive Committee meeting. Mike Novick seconded the motion and it passed. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS Allan said the General Assembly begins, next week, in Denver. He wished a larger group, from Las Vegas, was going to attend. Those attending will bring back a report on the issues that are discussed. Allan said if Las Vegas is to become a major Jewish community, it is important our leadership make a commitment to attend these national meetings, especially when they are held in the West. Allan said on Sunday evening, November 20th there will be an Open House at the home of Reesa and Jerry Niznick for the purpose of promoting Homecoming Trips to Israel. Invitations were sent to everyone on our mailing list. Senator Bryan, Congressman Bilbray 1 and Mayor Jones will be the guest speakers. Allan said this event is part of the Pilot Mission Program the Federation has been involved with for the past few months with UJA. To date we have had 50 responses to our direct mail and television ads. Allan said we must work closely with our new Congressman in an effort to educate him on the needs of the Jewish community. He said he had an opportunity to meet with John Ensign prior to the election where he assured him the Federation would work with him if he won the election. Allan referred to a letter he sent regarding the November 3 0th meeting, and attendance at all Executive Committee and Board of Director meetings, where he requested everyone to make every effort to set these meeting dates aside and participate. Allan called on Mike Novick, General Campaign Chairman, to give the Campaign report. III. CAMPAIGN REPORT Mike Novick said to date the Federation has received 43 pledges totaling $75,976, representing a 23% card-for-card increase. The Campaign Cabinet is scheduled to meet tomorrow to review the status of various Divisions. He said all the Divisions, except Maimonides, have chairs and hopefully the chair for that Division will be in place this week. Mike said both Major Gifts and Brandeis Committees have rated and assigned all the donors in those division. Both committees has identified and assigned dozens of people for upgrades or new gifts. Mike announced Melanie Greenberg is Chairing Training and she is in the process of planning a series of training programs for workers based on solicitation skill levels and time schedules of workers. Mike said he would like every worker who takes cards to come to at least one training session. The first training session is being scheduled for the Federation Board of Directors on November 30th prior to the Board meeting. Mike congratulated the Business and Professional Division which co-sponsored a luncheon with the Community Relations Committee on November 2nd, at the Golden Nugget, which approximately 70 people attended. The topic was the School Bond Issue and Dr. Brian Cram was the keynote speaker. Dennis Stein, chair of the Business and Professional Division and Rabbi Akselrad and Hal Ober who are Community Relations Committee co-chairs along with their committees did a great job. Mike said the Business and Professional Division has planned its second program for January 9, 1995. Jerry Turk will be the featured speaker and will speak on the "Fremont Street Experience.11 2 Mike said there are Brandeis Division and Maimonides Division events being planned as well as a joint event involving both Divisions. Allan thanked Mike for his report, and called on Emily Novick, Women's Division Campaign Chairman, to give the Women's Division report. Emily Novick said that of the $76,000 for Campaign 1995, Women's Division has raised $53,300 which reflects a card-for-card increase of 33%. Emily said two weeks ago the Women's Division met with representatives from the Phoenix Women's Division Board and then visited the Plotkin Judaica Museum. The women toured the Kivel Campus of Care which is a multi-level facility for seniors. Gerda and Kurt Klein hosted the women for lunch at their home, in preparation for our Board members caucus, where we had 100% participation. Leslie Simon and Sandy Mallin said the Women's Division could develop a retrospective like that at the Plotkin Museum. Leslie complimented Emily on setting the tone for the caucus saying she did a phenomenal job. Allan said the Campaign Cabinet could plan a trip like the Women's Division had for their Board. Allan thanked Emily for her report. IV. INVESTMENT POLICIES AND GUIDELINES Allan said that at the last Board of Directors meeting he had requested members of the Board submit in writing, any suggested changes for the Investment Policies and Guidelines that were presented by the Investment Committee. The Committee met and reviewed the suggestions and re-drafted the Guidelines. Ira Fischbein, to reviewed the changes in the Guidelines. He said the changes were in bold and underlined. Dr. Marv Perer indicated (Page 2, Article D, Number 1) that not many companies are rated "AAA." Hal Ober did not like (Page 2, Article D, Number 2) anything determined as "mandatory." The Investment Committee should be allowed to make certain decisions. Htao lt hOeb efro lsluogwgiensgt eadt tthhaet e"nsdp eocfi a#l4 :c ir"ccuamns tbaen coevse rerxiidsdte.n" wibet h cphraongpeedr 3 justification." Marv and Mike both wanted "equity" to be inserted before "portfolio." Mike said (Page 2, Article D, Number 1) should read "stocks and other investments." Bonds should be at least double "AA" rated. Allan asked for a motion to approve the Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines. Dr. Marv Perer moved to approve the Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines with above changes. Hal Ober seconded the motion and the motion passed with above changes. V. PENSION PLAN Allan said in May of 1994, as part of our Federation 1995 Budget, we approved to provide 6% of the employee's salary, with one year of employment, as a contribution to our Employees' Pension Plan. The Personnel Committee met last week to review several proposals and is recommending we utilize Mutual of America, which is the Provider of Record for the majority of Jewish Federations and other non-profit organizations around this country. Mutual of America informed the Federation they needed a Resolution from the Executive Committee to accept them as our Pension Plan Provider. Dr. Marv Perer moved to accept Mutual of America as our Pension Plan Provider with 6% of the employee's salary, with one year of employment, as a contribution to our Employees' Pension Plan. Sandy Mallin seconded and the motion passed. The funds with from the previous pension plan will be frozen. VI. COMPUTER PURCHASE Allan announced the Federation has hired an editor for the Jewish Reporter. His name is Mark Fineman, and he came to us through Tom Letizia of Letizia Advertising. Allan said when the budget was presented last month for the Jewish Reporter. It did not, however, cover the purchase of a Desk Top Publishing unit for the Jewish Reporter. This unit could also be utilized for all invitations once our Staff has been trained, and in the long run, could save the Jewish Federation a considerable amount of money. As a capital expense, the cost of this computer could be taken out of the Building Fund. Allan said there is the possibility of the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada purchasing a portion of this machine since they will need this type of equipment once their new professional is on board. After pricing this equipment at various companies, we have found the cost to be approximately $5,500, including the software. Allan said the Federation is presently leasing a computer from Ron Cook which does not have Desk Top Publishing capabilities. We will need to purchase an additional computer for the office if the Desk Top Publishing unit is not approved by this Board. Connecting Point has informed us they will sell us a computer for approximately $1,000; however, it would not have the capabilities to do the publishing of the Jewish Reporter. Dr. Marv Perer motioned the $5,500 cost of a computer, including the software, to be paid from the Building Fund as a capital expense. Sandy Hallin seconded the motion. Marv asked if the computer will be bought in town. Ronni said three bids were secured. It was recommended that we get a computer company that will provide not only the best price but the best service. The motion to purchase the computer carried. VII. MISSION SUBSIDES FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Allan said each year, the United Jewish Appeal has a University Mission to Israel, and this year four students from UNLV have expressed an interest in participating in this program. The mission has no minimum gift; however, students will be solicited on the trip. United Jewish Appeal subsidizes approximately $700 per student and communities are asked to subsidize as well. Allan said we have a Mission Line of $3,000 which was established to provide subsidies to individuals in our community. We need a policy regarding out-of-state students. Our Staff investigated what other communities do and found some communities do subsidize out-of-state students, while others do not. In the absence of a Missions Committee, we need to discuss this issue since this particular Mission will take place the last week in December. Allan recommended the policy should be for out-of-state students to go to their home county for subsidy. In-state students should be subsidized, and then we should solicit their parents if they are non-givers. Ronni said large Federations do subsidize, but when there is a minimum gift, that minimum gift should equal the subsidization and come back to the Federation. Dr. Marv Perer moved the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas provide mission subsidies for those university students out of the 5 Federation jurisdiction. Discussion ensued exploring various views. Dr. Marv Perer withdrew his motion. Any gift given on the mission should be credited to community that gives the subsidy. Dr. Marv Perer moved the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas subsidize those students from the Southern Nevada area. For students from out of the area, their home Federation should be contacted for a subsidy. If there is no Federation, then this Federation will give the subsidy. Leslie Simon seconded the motion. The motion passed. Allan said he will put a Missions Committee together. Emily suggested returning students be utilized as speakers. Ronni said the students will be at the next Board meeting that went on the mission this past summer. Amy Boruszak said there should be a story on the students in the Jewish Reporter. VIII. SAFETY COMMITTEE Allan said the State of Nevada made mandatory to all employers to have an Employee Safety Program. Tony Figueredo, our Controller, attended a meeting regarding Safety Procedures for our organization and compliance with SIIS. Tony has put together a Safety Procedure Manual for our employees which has been reviewed by our Staff and found to be acceptable. Dr. Marv Perer moved to approve the Safety Manual. Mike Novick seconded the motion. The motion to approve the Safety Manual passed. Tony said the Federation is responsible for the Federation employees only, we are not responsible for any other business in the building. Allan said to comply with additional SIIS regulations, we also need a Safety Committee. Allan recommended the Committee be comprised of Tony Figueredo and Sharon Heiman representing Federation Staff, Rick Hollander as Chairman of the Building Maintenance Committee, and Michael Stuart of the company managing our building representing management. Hal Ober moved to have a Safety Committee comprised of Tony Figueredo and Sharon Heiman representing Federation Staff, Rick Hollander as Chairman of the Building Maintenance Committee, and Michael Stuart of the company managing our building representing management. Mike Novick seconded the motion and it passed. IX. GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS Allan said there are several Resolutions we will be voting on at the General Assembly. Issue one deals with our dues structure Our dues for fiscal year 1995 have been raised from $24,000 to $34,550, based upon an increase in our population to 20,000. This is part and parcel to the overall Council of Jewish Federation budget. However, we do need to get a consensus regarding this specific issue. Allan recommended dues should be based on campaign not population. Ronni said the dues have been based on population and campaign for many years. Mark Berger, Council of Jewish Federations Consultant said two-thirds of the Federations base their dues on campaign and one-third of the Federations base their dues on population. Marv suggested the Federation pay since the Federation has been low on our population numbers for years. Ronni said we would bring the subject to the General Assembly next week, in Denver. Issue two deals with Equitable Collective Responsibility Ronni explained when Jews leave Russia each Federation pays its 2"fair share" towards resettling these Russians. Our quota has never been reached in reference to the resettlement of Russian Jews. This year our quota is to settle 51 Russians. Even if we resettle only 10, we still need to pay for the resettlement of 41 Russians. The money goes into a pool to pay for those communities who settle more than their "fair share." (The money amount is being lowered to $250 per Russian, and it comes out of Exodus.) Amy asked when the Federation would be finished with the loan guarantee. Ronni said she will have the information at the next meeting. Dr. Marv Perer moved to accept the General Assembly Resolution regarding the amount of money per Russian which would be this Federation's "fair share." Emily Novick seconded the motion. The motion passed. Issue three deals with the Council of Jewish Federation Bv-Laws Changes Hal Ober moved to accept the By-Law changes for the Council of Jewish Federation as recommended. Dr. Marv Perer seconded the motion. The motion passed. Dr. Marv Perer moved to allow Dr. Allan Boruszak and Ronni Epstein to vote at the General Assembly as reps for the Las Vegas Federation. The motion was seconded and passed. Allan reminded everyone about the mandatory attendance at the November 30th Board Meeting which will begin at 5 p.m. at the Federation office. The preliminary meeting will include Campaign Training, and a new methodology on how to ask for money. A light dinner will be available at a nominal cost. The meeting adjourned. X ADJOURNMENT JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS C EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 1994 AGENDA I. Welcome and Acceptance of Minutes II. Announcements III. Campaign Report IV. Investment Policies and Guidelines V. Pension Plan VI. Computer Purchase VII. Mission Subsidies for University Students VIII. Safety Committee IX. General Assembly Resolutions X. Adjournment