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REGISTRATION ANNOUNCEMENT W M . R- % SF.P 1 0 1953 As a property owner in the Las Vegas Valley Water District you are entitled to vote in the September 30 bond issue election to bring much needed Lake Mead water to Las Vegas. However, since this is a special election you MUST re-register before September 23 in order to qualify as a voter. This is true regardless of whether you voted in the last election. All property owners in the Las Vegas Valley Water District may vote providing they re-register, and if the names of both husband and wife are on the title to the property, both parties may vote. However, both husband and wife must re-register individually. If you are a resident you re-register in the division where you reside, or if a non-resident property owner you register in the division where you own the most property. Both resident property owners and non-resident property owners may also register with the registrars-at-large at the Las Vegas Valley Water District office, 900 South Fifth, or at the County Courthouse. The enclosed Bond Issue Election Announcement lists the places of registration and explains how the money from the proposed bonds will be used to bring Lake Mead water to Las Vegas. If you have any questions please call the Las Vegas Valley Water District Office, ^920. RE-REGISTER BEFORE SEPTEMBER 23 ..AND VOTE SEPTEMBER 301 & e . d . SEP 1 0 1953 SEP 101953 L. C. C.