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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Under date ef March I f , 1929, ioard of Direetore of tbit company approved sales agreement dated November 89, 1928* covering sale to Crone Co, of 19 acres in Union Pacific Industrial front do. 4 ( southerly Cates Tract), last Los Angeles, said agreeaent providing for Crane Co. to construct on or before February 1, 1*31, a building or buildings upon eaid preai «ee for nanufaeturlng purposes and for warehousing of plumbing suppliee and kindred materials. Owing to basinets depreeelon. Crane Co. requested and was grantsd, under letter authority dated January 22, 1931, extension of tine until Febru­ary 1, 1932. Tine H a lt wae again extended by letter dated January 13, 1932, until February 1, 1933. «ith continued un­favorable business conditions, the Cxaae Co. fine now urgently requested a further extension of tine U n it until February 1, 193S. Executive Conaittee of tos Angeles 3 Pelt lake %ilroad Conpany assented on October 25, 1932, to the las Togas land and fater Conpany granting such oxtonalon of tine. thereupon, on notion duly eeoondod, it «a§ unanimously he solved, That the notion of the President in eon seating (le tte r authority dated Sovember 22, 1932) to such additional extension of time for commencement of construction of said buildings to February 1, 1933, be, sod the sane is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. yellowing Authority far Expenditure fvequests, approved by the President, were submitted for ratification and approval by the Hoard * A.F.E. ko. 10, (fork Order »©. 298) dated Movember 12, 1933, aesented to by LAAEUUt Co. Executive Committee October 26, 1932, construction of 18*x*#1 two-story addi­tion to picking house at second and fine Streets, Elveraide, California, replacing id ' x80 * shed addition and 9* xlfe* cull bln; Install additions to, replace, rearrange and relocate certain existing machinery and equipment in present packing house; total expenditure $8,049, of which 18,310 chargeable Capital Account. A.F.E. ho. 11, (fork Order so. 209) dated December 18, 1932, assented to by UdSi.BE Co. Executive Committee December i , 1932; install Cook box steriliser machine and 38* roil conveyor, with incidental motor, pump, drip pane,and electrical and plumbing work in packing haute at Third 4 fine Streets, Riverside, California; total expenditure 11,800, chargeable Capital Account.