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WHEREAS, it it in iP.etion i, Subparagraph (JI)<qM the agre*-- » « « dated June l* If S3 between LOS &NGMLM& it SALT LAMM, RAILROAD COMPANY, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY &n4 LAS VMCAS LASSO k *'ATER COMPANY and LAS VEGAS VALLEY »A T & » DISTRICT* that there should he conveyed to said District a parcel of lead described in Sect ion 1, Subparagraph (!) of said agreement lor the relocation &£ the thee existing pwmp~ iag station, said contract eaether providing that in case the lead should not be so used for a pumping station it shall revert to the Grantor; and H'HEM&AS, the Water D istrict has decided not to use said land for a pumping station;, sad WHSSR &A$* it is in ord er that said parcel of land be rocoovoyed to the Grantor thereof; and WH£Jl£tA$« said Grantor has requested that said p a rcel b® reconveyed to Los Angelos & Salt Lake Roll rood Company, NOW* ©E IT ©&S€E»VI£S that the President or V ice P resident and the b*ero* tary o r Assistant S ecretary, be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute a deed fox and o s behalf of Las Vega® Valley Water D istrict conveying to Lo® Angeles fe 4Salt Lake R ailroad Company, the follow ing d escribed pa rcel of land situate in the City of La* V egas, County of C lark, State of Nevada, bounded and described as follows; The North fifty (SO) feet of the South sixty ~£!v* (bf*) feet- of the East one hundred ( I f f ) fe t of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section IS, Township If booth, g««g« 61 East, M .D .B * & M, Said resolution was duty considered by the Board and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the mm® was unanimously adopted.