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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 22, 2001






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 31 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac001041. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Veaas Student Government Office of the Senate President STEPH DAVY STUDENT SENATE MEETING 31-06 Monday, January 22,2001 MSU 201, 6:00PM Monica Moradkhan Senate President Pro-Tempore Education S antra Day am ' Urban Affairs Sarah Bowers Business Chris Powell Education Eric Woodson Hotel Administration Marissa Gejfen Urban Affairs RJ Petty n [ Engineering Lisa Fleming 'iberal Arts •me Homarrpour ' vol Arts If avid Fastske Hotel Administration Katie MacDonald Hotel Administration Suzy Roberts Liberal Arts Kelly Martinez Student Development Ken Aoki Student Development Duslin Williams Health Sciences Jessica Zarndt Health Sciences Shawna Hughes Fine Arts Cara Chasin Sciences Aaron Dunning Education James Altman Education Tony Salsaa Business Alyson Ling Business C*ris DiLorento EL V. AL. B. C. D CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ITT- ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 31-01,31-02,31-03,31-05 BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Senate Committee Reports Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports Business Manager Report Directors' Reports Brooke Bo hike - Director of Nevada Student Affairs Jennifer Hale - Director of CSUN Services Sean McClenahan - Director of Entertainment and Programming Jason Smylie - Director of Office of Student Information Holly Wainscott - Director of Elections VL OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion /approval of increasing CSUN Services/blue books budget $2700 and decreasing CSUN services/discretionary budget by $2700. B. Action Item: Discussion/approval of increasing purchase authorization with Southwest printers (approved by Senate 30-23) by $2700 for purchase of 20,000 additional blue books. Funds to be encumbered from CSUN 2702( CSUN services/blue books) account C. Action Item: Discussion/approval of RebelPalooza budget (See attached) as submitted by Senator Bowers D. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 54 (See attached) as submitted by Senate Pro-Tempore Moradkhan. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA d^D^ MflDVIAMn P«DHI«U \lrr-.n M. - E. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 26 (see attached) F. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 47 (see attached) Vin. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3» IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XL ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.RSL 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President , . |g S 30 PH *0i lUILD SUICLHK-. S^ffDE^ GOVERNMENT CFCi. S .JKIVERSiTtOmVAOA STUDENT SENATE MEETING 31-06 Monday, January 22, 2001 MSU 201,6:00PM Monica Moraikhan Senate President Pro-Tempore Education Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Sarah Bowers Business Chris Powell Education S Eric Woodson Hotel Administration Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs RJ Petty n j Engineering Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Jamie Homarryour j/ Arts b Fauske Hotel Administration Katie IHacDonald Hotel Administration Suzy Roberts Liberal Arts Kelly Martinez Student Development Ken Aoki Student Development Duslin Williams Health Sciences Jessica Zarndt Health Sciences Shawna Hughes Fine Arts Cam Chasin Sciences Aaron Dunning ' Education James Altman Education Tony Salsaa Business Alyson Ling Business I Ch NiLorenio CALL TO ORDER LL ROLL CALL IIL ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 31-01,31-02,31-03,31-05 V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Report D. Directors' Reports Brooke Bohlke - Director of Nevada Student Affairs Jennifer Hale - Director of CSUN Services Sean McClenahan - Director of Entertainment and Programming Jason Smylie - Director of Office of Student Information Holly Wainscott - Director of Elections VL OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion /approval of increasing CSUN Services/blue books budget $2700 and decreasing CSUN services/discretionary budget by $2700. B. Action Item: Discussion/approval of increasing purchase authorization with Southwest printers (approved by Senate 30-23) by $2700 for purchase of 20,000 additional blue books. Funds to be encumbered from CSUN 2702( CSUN services/blue books) account C. Action Item: Discussion/approval of RebelPalooza budget (See attached) as submitted by Senator Bowers. D. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 54 (See attached) as submitted by Senate Pro-Tempore Moradkhan. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 E. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 26 (see attached) F. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 47 (see attached) Vffl. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.RS. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XL ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.RS. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Student Body President Paul J. Moradkhan CSUN Executive Board Meeting Agenda January 22, 2000 4:00 P.M. MSU 302B I. Call to Order II. Roll Call A. Student Body President Paul Moradkhan B. Student Body Vice President Brady T. Knapp C. Student Senate President Stephanie Davy D. Student Senate President Pro-Tempore Monica Moradkhan E. Student Body Vice President Pro-Tempore Sheridan Green III. Approval of Minutes IV. Announcements V. Public Comment VI. Business Manager Report VII. Unfinished Business VII. New Business A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding of blue books for the academic year with Southwest Printers. Estimated cost in the amount of $2,700.00 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (General-CSUN Services) account FY01. IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment This agenda is posted in accordance to the Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S.241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Thomas Beam Engineering Complex, Flora Dungan Humanities, and Classroom Building Complex CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE BYLAW 26 CSUN LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP (Effective March 31,1988; Revised October 7, 1992) I. At the time of formulating each CSUN fiscal budget, one and a half percent (VA %) of the total CSUN budget received from student fees shall be transferred to the UNLV Student Financial Services Department under the name of the CSUN Leadership Scholarships. II. The monies therein shall be awarded to students displaying leadership abilities and potential, as determined by a committee of: A. Three (3) CSUN Officials nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate; B. Three (3) members who are either faculty or professional staff; C. The Vice President of Student Services or his/her designee: 1. The committee shall be formed during each Spring semester. The committee's first meeting shall be in march of each year, with the CSUN President serving as the committee chair. The committee's final decisions must be reached by May 1 of each year. 2. The committee, through the assistance of the UNLV Student Financial Services Department, shall request, receive, and review all applications for scholarships; 3. The committee shall establish denominations of awards, the number of scholarships to be awarded and determine scholarship winners; 4. Scholarships will be distributed in two (2) parts, one half ('A) in the Fall and one half O/2) in the Spring; 5. All scholarship recipients must complete twelve (12) credits per semester while on scholarship, with a 2.5 G.P.A.; 6. The UNLV Student Financial Services Department will distribute all CSUN Scholarships in accordance with University of Nevada System and UNLV guidelines. III. The Leadership Scholarship shall be awarded on the following basis: A. One percent (1 %) of the fiscal budget shall be awarded to continuing UNLV students: 1. These awards shall be granted strictly on the following basis (most important to least important): a. Leadership position and abilities displayed while at UNLV; b. Cumulative UNLV G.P.A.; c. Financial need. 2. CSUN Officials currently receiving a stipend and/or fee waiver are eligible to compete for these scholarships, provided that they do not apply for a stipend position for the following year; 3. If after receiving a scholarship a recipient receives a fee waiver and/or stipend from CSUN prior to the beginning of an academic semester, he/she forfeits the remainder of the scholarship; 4. Any forfeited monies shall be returned to Student Financial Services for distribution in the following academic year. B. One half of one percent (.5 %) of the fiscal budget shall be awarded to entering Freshmen or transfer students from a Nevada Community College: 1. These scholarships shall be awarded strictly on the following basis (most important to least important): a. Leadership abilities and positions while in High School or at a Nevada Community College; b. The strong potential for continued leadership while at UNLV; c. Cumulative High School or Nevada Community College G.P.A.; d. Financial need. IV. To override or repeal this bylaw, the following votes are required: A. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CSUN Executive Board; B. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CSUN Senate. SENATE BYLAW 52 CSUN SCHOLARSHIP (Effective October 13,1998) I. At the time of formulating each CSUN fiscal budget, $65,000.00 from the total CSUN budget received from student fees shall be transferred to each college in the following manner: A. 50% ($32,500) to be divided evenly amongst the three colleges that received the lowest percentage of the previous fall's undergraduate monetary allotments; B. 15% ($9,750) to be divided evenly amongst the four colleges that received the highest percentage of the previous fall's undergraduate monetary allotments; C. 35% ($22,750) to be divided evenly amongst the remaining three colleges; II. The funds therein shall be awarded by the scholarship committee already in existence within each college. A. The committee shall determine scholarship winners; B. Each committee shall divide its allocated funds evenly among its respective undergraduate majors/programs; C. Each scholarship will be distributed in one part for the fall semester; D. Any unawarded funds will be distributed evenly among approved award recipients; E. The UNLV Student Financial Services Department will distribute all CSUN scholarships in accordance with the University of Nevada System and UNLV guidelines. III. The CSUN Scholarship will be awarded on the following basis: A. All scholarships shall be awarded to undergraduate UNLV students. B. These awards shall be granted strictly on the following basis (most important to least important): t. Applicants must be of at least sophomore status. 2. 2.75 semester G.P.A. and 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. 3. Completion of twelve credits for the fall semester. C. CSUN Officials currently receiving a stipend and/or fee waiver are eleigible to compete for these scholarships, provided that they do not apply for a stipend position the following year. D. If after receiving a scholarship a recipient receives a fee waiver and/or stipend from CSUN prior to the beginning of an academic semester, he/she forfeits the remainder of the scholarship. E. Students who are dual majors are able to apply in both colleges and departments for the scholarship, but if awarded more than one award, can only accept one award. F. Any forfeited awards shall be returned to the Student Financial Services for distribution in the following academic semester or session. STUDENT SENATE MEETING 31-06 Monday, January 22, 2001 MSU 201, 6:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY called the Senate Meeting 31-01 to order at 6:07 p.m. n. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Monica Moradkhan Samara Dayani (excused) Sarah Bowers Chris Powell Marissa Geffen Lisa Fleming Jamie Homampour David Fauske Kelly Martinez Ken Aoki Dustin Williams Jessica Zarndt Shawn Hughes Cara Chasing Aaron Dunning Tony Salsa Alyson Ling Chris DiLorenzo * Eric Woodson Katie MacDonald Suzy Roberts James Altman * denotes tardiness HI. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GREEN stated that he is working with the Senate Faculty Excellence Board. He needs senators to talk to their constituents. He needs a nomination from each senator on his or her best professor. Please get them to him by next week. ( VICE PRESIDENT BRADY KNAPP. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GREEN stated that Brady is taking his capstone class at this time, and will be unable to attend the meetings. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PAUL MORADKHAN proudly stated the CSUN offices are almost finished! Please check with the executive board to see the updates on the chambers. There will be internal changes occurring with CSUN. First, there are going to be weekly staff meetings on Mondays at 4:30 pm. Any CSUN employee that is a salary employee will be required to attend. Communication is the key to success. He is forming a CSUN leadership scholarship soon. Please contact Paul if you are interested in serving on this committee. Please remember that we are serving our students, and we need to keep that in mind. SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY wished everyone a good first week of classes. The women center is having a dinner on March 22nd. Davy will be unable to be on the committee, but there should be a senator to on the committee. The dinner will discuss sexual violence, and it will include a play. DAVY asked the senators if there would be a problem in the advisory council sharing the Senate chambers. No senators had any problems with this situation. DAVY announced that there is a new policy starting. All senators must introduce themselves to the receptionist to let him or her know who they are. Also, when in the chambers, please indicate that you are in on the black board. SENATOR DAYANI will have the rules for the 31st session at the next meeting (31-07). It is late, but better than never. DAVY asked all the senators to please post your office hours as soon as possible. Senators are going to have to start putting their two hours a week in. If you notice somebody is not fulfilling their hours, please contact her. A big part of the Senators campaign, was to start a newsletter for his or her college, but this has not be fulfilled. Everyone wanted one, but nobody is submitting anything. From now on, every two weeks each college needs a submission for the newsletter. We need to keep our students informed. Lastly, thank you for the Senators that helped move over Christmas break. It was very much appreciated. You helped out a lot, and thank you. DAVY asked the senators to look over the by-law policies in their handbook. There will be updates and as soon as they are revised, each senator will receive a new copy. There will be a copy in the library as well. DAVY informed the Senate that SENATOR PELTYN has resigned due to his music career. DAVY read Peltyn's letter. It read as follows: To the members of the Senate: Due to personal circumstances, I will be unable to complete my term as senator for the college of engineering. Along with other reasons, I have been afforded the opportunity to pursue a music career and it is a chance I can not give up. I have very much enjoyed the past seven months serving as a senator as it has given we the chance to represent my college and take part in the behind the scenes on goings of student government. On a personal level, I have enjoyed building friendships with many of the Senators who I otherwise would not have known. When I first became a senator, there were many opinions about me. My appointment as senator was not without controversy. I am hoping that my time as senator has allowed for people to get to know me better and realize that perception is not always reality. With that I say goodbye to the senate chambers, but my face will often be seen around the office. Good luck to all of you for the duration of your terms and wish me luck in my potential music career. Take Care, R.J. Peltyn P.S. If you would like to hear some of music, go to Once on the web site, click on listen, and then on "pop". Once there, you can download my music and vote for me to get on the TV show. Please vote for me. SENATOR WOODSON arrived late at 6:16 pm. DAVY asked the senators to tell their constituents that there is a seat in the engineering college open. OSI DIRECTOR SYMLIE will make flyers up shortly. There will be an AIDS walk in April. We will have a student government team. If interested, see DAVY. DAVY reminded senators that they represent their college, not CSUN. If there is a problem, contact her or Paul and they will take care of it. Do not do it yourselves. Guest Speaker, Rita Cohen, assistant director at Career Services spoke. She needs senators to be hosts on Career Day, February 28th. They are short on hosts right now, and since CSUN is a sponsor of this fair, she believes this is a good idea for senators to become involved in. There will be reception afterwards and a chance to network with employers. There will be free food provided. She also needs up the day before for a few hours setting up. The job of a host is to answer questions about the college. It's a great way for students to get internships and full time jobs. Cohen passed out applications and urged senators to fill them out. There were no questions for Cohen. Davy announced that the RHA is having a fundraising event. This is a great way to become involved, and it counts towards your mandatory senate hours. APPROVAL OF MINUTES SENATOR POWELL moved to approve minutes, 31-01, 31-02, 31-03, and 31-05, seconded by SENATOR HOMAMPOUR. Move into a vote on the item as a whole Motion passes ( 20-0-1) SENATOR DILORENZO abstains IV. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR BOWERS stated that the Ways and Means will be Meeting shortly. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports SENATOR HOMAMPOUR announced that IFC met a few times over break, and discussed various items. There will be a IFC meeting on Friday. IFC came up with a new code and approved the creation of two positions. He will bring the code in for the senate to see. No questions for HOMAMPOUR. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN stated that the provost committee met. She will refer names to the University President, Dr. Carol Harter. No questions for MORADKHAN C. Business Manager Report Business Manager Jim Moore reported expenditures of: Boise Cascade Boise Cascade Facilities Mix Telecommunications Office Max $156.80 $168.22 $479.95 $124.55 $302.50 $1,232.02 (total) Please contact Jim if you have not receive your credit waiver for the spring semester. D. Directors' Reports Brooke Bohlke - Director of Nevada Student Affairs stated she is working on the health survey. She will be done in the next few days. The old survey needed to be changed. She thanked SENATOR MACDONALD for helping her passing out surveys. She wants these surveys to be randomly distributed! You can't distribute the surveys to the classes. She will e mail everyone about distributing. She needs at least 1000 completed surveys. A political science professor is having a forum on February 13th for alumni and students. There will be a senate item at the next meeting. There is going to be additional workshops with this money. There were no questions for Director Bohlke Jennifer Hale - Director of CSUN Services, reported that the spring recognition packets are done. They are at the info desk on the first floor. Please inform the students they need to be turned in upstairs, and time stamped! Leave it in her inbox. There were no questions for Director Hale Sean McClenahan- Director of Entertainment and Programming reported he has started to work on RebelPoolza. It will be on April 27th ( a Friday) around 4 pm to midnight. He has some ideas on who the headliner will be, but he doesn't want to announce it publicly yet. Come and see him if you have any questions or concerns. Also, he will be meeting with the board on Wednesday January 24th at 6 pm. Please come if you are on the board or interested. There were no questions for DIRECTOR MCCLENAHAN Jason Symlie- Director of Office of Student Information was not present at the meeting. GREEN gave his report. He read that SYMLIE needs senate bios as soon as possible. Also, he is working on uploading the web site and wants ideas on a CSUN private message board site. There were no questions Holly Wainscott- Director of Elections. Holly was happy to see everyone. She has been working on the election packet for the upcoming executive board elections. Her computer is not hooked up, but she will have them as soon as possible. There were no questions for Holly. V. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion /approval of increasing CSUN Services/blue books budget $2700 and decreasing CSUN services/discretionary budget by $2700. SENATOR HOMAMPOUR moved to combine and approve items A and B seconded by SENATOR BOWERS. Move into a vote. Motion passes (21-0-0) B. Action Item: Discussion/approval of increasing purchase authorization with Southwest printers (approved by Senate 30-23) by $2700 for purchase of 20,000 additional blue books. Funds to be encumbered from CSUN 2702( CSUN services/blue books) account. Move into a vote. Motion passes (21-0-0) C. Action Item: Discussion/approval of RebelPalooza budget. (See attached) as submitted by Senator Bowers. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BOWERS. SENATOR HOMAMPOUR asked DIRECTOR MCCLENAHAN how much last year's cost. DIRECTOR MCCLENAHAN responded around $77,000. SENATOR POWELL asked DIRECTOR MCCLENAHAN who the headliner was. DIRECTOR MCCLENAHAN did not want to say publicly who it was. No further questions Move into a vote Motion passes (21-0-0) D. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 54. (See attached) as submitted by Senate Pro-Tempore Moradkhan. SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY stated that these bylaws are outdated, and wants to start a CSUN Scholarship Committee. Items E and F do not have any changes, but they will be sent to bylaws this week to make changes. SENATOR HOMAMPOUR moved to combine and approve items D, E, and F seconded by SENATOR BOWERS. Move into a vote on the item Motion passes (21-0-0) SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY asked who the bylaws chair is. SENATOR BOWERS stated it is SENATOR PELTYN. Davy stated that there will be an item on next weeks agenda approving a new chair. E. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 26 (see attached) F. Action Item: Discussion/approval of Bylaw 47 (see attached) VIL PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2XcX3)} Opinion editor of the Rebel Yell, David Himmel, stated that is comment will be featured in next weeks edition of the Rebel Yell. VIII. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS Vice President Pro Tempore Green reminded the senators about the professor nominations. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MORADKHAN said he is sorry that the chambers have been unorganized, but there is no one to blame. You should be thanking campus community development for allowing us to move. They are paying for most of it. Say thank you the next time you see a worker. MORADKHAN reminded everyone that he is the chair of CSUN and to talk to him if you have any questions. Do not speak on behalf of CSUN. CSUN needs a good attitude. If you do not have a good attitude, re-evaluate why you are a senator. With the receptionists, they will keep the senate office hours. You need to make sure you have at least two hours a week. Supplies are being ordered by Debra Fetting, and need to be turned in to her by Tuesday 9 am. The conference room is not a social or gathering room. No food or drinks will be allowed. We need to keep it clean. The keys to the golf cart can not be taken home. If they are taken home, that person will lose all ability to use the cart. Also, we are re doing the information desk. Talk to Paul if you have any ideas or suggestions. There will be changes in the budget coming up, but they are not going to affect the CSUN discretionary account. There was a Board of Regents meeting on Thursday and Friday, and they discussed KUNV and the upcoming Faculty Club. Check out the new library. It is open. No questions for MORADKHAN SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY apologized for being hard at the beginning of the meeting, but she sees the potential in this senate. Her hours are listed on her door. Monday through Thursday 4 to 9 pm. Call her cell if you need her. No questions for DAVY IX. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR BOWERS stated that the constitutional revisions committee will be meeting to make changes. Ways and Means will be meeting in the near future. She had a concern about her Economics class and went to talk to the dean about it. She was worried that more classes are going to be taught solely on a cd rom. She and Ling will be taking a survey on cd rom verses text books, and giving the results to the dean. The results will influence how future classes are taught. Please talk to your dean and constituents. Change can happen SENATOR LING wished everyone back and a good spring semester SENATOR DILORENZO wants to be a part of BOWERS survey. SENATOR SALSAA welcomed everyone back SENATOR POWELL would like to be on Bowers survey and will get an email address soon. SENATOR DUNNING urged everyone to check out RJ"s web site. His music is very good, and the more people that vote for him, the better chance of RJ getting on tv. SENATOR ALTMAN is in the Rebel Bowl on Thursday and wrote a chapter for his novel over break. Please see him if you are interested in reading the first chapter. SENATOR AOKI had no comment. SENATOR MARTINEZ had no comment. SENATOR HUGHES - welcomed everyone back. She stated that her email address is incorrect on the list, and it is sha wnaunlv@hotmai I. com SENATOR ZARNDT had no comment. SENATOR WILLIAMS stated that he likes Davy's rebel shoes. SENATOR CHASIN stated that she has complied a survey to hand out to her peers so when she talks to her dean she has something to back herself up. SENATOR GEFFEN spoke to her dean over the phone recently. She wants a criminal justice organization to be recognized by CSUN soon. SENATOR FLEMING - had no comment SENATOR HOMAMPOUR - stated that RJ's song is really good. He bought some shoes like Davy's over break. Him and Susan Thompson, director of International Affairs, will be meeting soon. He asked what is happening with the game and pool room? SENATOR HOMAMPOUR yielded the floor to PRESIDENT MORADKHAN. PRESIDENT MORADKHAN stated that because of the Rebel bookstore expansion, the game room had to be temporarily closed down. It will be opening up soon. Our old CSUN offices will be turned into the new Rebel Id card office. The old Rebel Id card office will be the new game room. SENATOR ROBERTS - welcomed everyone back. She will have resign from her senate seat. She does not have time with work and school. Thank you for everything (the senate). She has enjoyed working for the past month with everyone. SENATOR FAUSKE - stated that he will be meeting with the education policy committee soon. There are no set guidelines at the moment. He asked the senators to donate some free time to this. He has noticed that there is a lot of talking going on around the office, and would appreciate it to stop. We are not all friends, but we should respect one another. It makes CSUN look bad if we don't. SENATOR WOODSON apologized for being late. He is interested in being host for career day. He urges other senators to do the same. SENATOR MACDONALD pass. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN - She made copies of parliamentary procedure for everyone. Please fill out her survey that she has written, (passed survey out). She will miss SENATOR ROBERTS, and will have her office hours posted shortly. X. ADJOURNMENT SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY moved to adjourn, seconded by SENATOR MACDONALD Move into a vote (Motion passes 21-0-0) SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY adjourned the meeting at 6:46 pm Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. Submitted by: Prepared by: StephanieDavy y SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY XL ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex.