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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 8, 1991






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 21 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000695. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT A G E N D A STUDENT GOVERNMENT SENATE MEETING NO. 21-24 Thursday, August 8, 1991 Frank & Estella Beam Hall (BEH 542), 5:00 p.m. *** o ** o *** I . CALL TO ORDER I I . ROLL CALL I I I . APPROVAL OF MINUTES/SENATE MEETING NO. 21-21, 21-22 and 21-23 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD DIRECTOR and COMMITTEE REPORTS V I . EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Nick Whitstone as Organizations Board Director; B. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Academic Standards Committee; C. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Admissions Committee; D. Approval of Kim Kershaw to the Code Committee; E. Approval of Tracy Barkhuff to the Curriculum Committee; F. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Grievance Committee; G. Approval of Michael Quick to the Grievance Committee; H. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Scholarship Committee; I. Approval of Tracy Barkhuff to the Scholarship Committee; J. Approval of Becky Jo Birmingham as a member of the Elections Board; K. Approval of Warren White as Entertainment and Programming Board Director. V I I . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of CSUN Student Government Legal Counsel Contract; The Executive Board has requested renewal of the contract between CSUN Student Government and Adrienne Cobb, Esq. B. Approval of the 1991-92 CSUN Student Government Budget; The Appropriations Board has requested the Senate approve the 1991-91 Budget for CSUN Student Government as recommended by the board. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 PAGE TWO AGENDA Senate Meeting No. 21-24 Thursday, August 8, 1991 V I I . UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) C. Approval of $1 0,000 for KUNV Capital Improvement to be encumbered out of the 909 account for the purchase of a mixing board; D. Approval of $600.00 membership fees to the National Student Exchange Program to be encumbered out of the 900 account; E. Approval of $30,000.00 for CSUN Student Government office complex renovations (not to exceed $30,000) to be encumbered out of the 900 account; F. Approval of $5,300.00 for KUNV operating expenses to be encumbered out of the 901 account; (see Agenda 21-23 for breakdown) G. Approval of a 30-credit fee waiver for the Elections Board Director for the 1991-91 academic year; V I I I . NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations; The Executive Board has requested approval of the nominations under Item VI of this agenda— B. Nomination/Approval of Vacant Hotel Administratig^Seat; The floor will be open for nominations for the vacancy left open by the resignation of Senator Robert Cudlip— C. Approval of $1 ,500.00 to the UNLV Alcohol/Substance Abuse Committee to be encumbered out of the 900 account; The Senate President has requested this item be approved to comply with a federal mandate calling for a u n i v e r s i t y - equipped 24-hour crisis hotline for students. The Appropriations Board has recommended approval of this item— D. Approval of $225.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991 through April 30, 1991 with a 24-credit fee waiver for the Appropriations Board Director; E. Approval of $3,800 for mailing costs by the Office of Student Information to be encumbered out of the 908 account; OSI Director Kostman has requested approval for $3800 for a newsletter to be mailed to the entire student body. On-campus p r i n t i n g services will be used: $2500 for postage; $550 for processing; and $850 for printing— IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT PAGE THREE AGENDA Senate Meeting No. 21-24 Thursday, August 8, 1991 * * * MK: jdg POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEVADA OPEN MEETING LAW: Tonopah Hall- 2nd Floor Humanities Bldg - 1st Floor Wright Hall - 1st Floor Beam Hall - 1st Floor Engineering Bldg - 1st Floor CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 21-24 THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1991 5:00 P.M. FRANK & ESTELLA BEAM HALL (BEH 542) * * * I. CALL TO ORDER: Senate President Mike Kennedy called Senate Meeting 21-24 to order in Room 542 of the Frank & Estella Beam Hall at 5:08 p.m. II. ROLL CALL: Members in Attendance Members Absent Senator Barkhuff Senator Adair - unexcused Senator Benneman Senator Fi nmark - excused Senator Bunin Senator Jenson - unexcused Senator Epperson Senator Ortega - unexcused Senator Field Senator Roth - excused Senator Fisher Senator Quick - unexcused Senator Kershaw Senator Kostman Senator Lee Senator Love Senator Maultsby Senator Ricci Senator Romero Senator Young III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES/SENATE MEETING NO. 21-21, 21-22 and 21-23: Senator Kershaw moved to approve Senate Minutes 21-21. Senator Kostman seconded the motion. Corrections were made on the minutes of Senate Meeting No. 21-21, Item III. All references of "Senate Minutes 21-21" under this item were changed to "Senate Minutes 21-20". Corrections were made to the minutes of Senate Meeting 21-21 to reflect that Senator Finmark was in attendance. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Senator Kershaw moved to approve Senate Minutes 21-22 and 21-23 as a whole. Senator Barkhuff seconded the motion. Corrections were made to the minutes of Senate Meeting 21-22 to change the time of adjournment from "6:23 p.m." to "5:23 p.m.". Call for a vote. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 2 08/08/91 Motion carried by voice vote. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Roderick Colebrook announced that he was happy to see the Senate make quorum, and thanked everyone for attending. Vice-President Kevin Briggs announced that, during the summer, a search was completed for a new Preschool Director. He also displayed the latest issue of Fantastic Fiction, a recognized organization of Student Government, that acknowledged Student Government with gratitude. Senate President Pro Tempore Bud Benneman announced that he must apologize for not being around much lately because he slipped a disk and pinched a nerve while working in his auto shop. However, he was scheduled for back surgery on the 22nd of this month, but was able to avoid the scheduled surgery. He mentioned that he tried to hold Bylaws Committee meetings, but it came to the point where half the committee members just looked at each other and the other half didn't show, so quorum was not made. He was hopeful that this problem would be taken care of soon. He also reported that one thing he has been working on during the summer is the YelTin' Rebel Board. He said we "divorced" the Yel 1 in' Rebel, and as of now, the Yel1 in' Rebel has an operating policy for the board and for the newspaper. He said both policies have been put into effect and going along. He mentioned that they have a challenge as far as the financial end of it; they're trying to raise $120,000 in revenue from advertising. Senate President Kennedy announced that student representative seats were open for the UNLV Faculty Senate Committees, and so during this meeting he will pass around a list of the committees with open seats to the senators who may be interested in serving. Senate President Kennedy also announced that this is the last summer senate meeting, barring any unforeseen crises, and that if we get through this agenda today, that it will be the last summer senate session until the start of the fall semester. He acknowledged that, yes, he was aware that school starts in two weeks, so everyone have a good vacation. V. BOARD DIRECTOR and COMMITTEE REPORTS: Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from the Appropriations Board. Appropriations Board Director David Gillespie reported that the 1991-92 budget for Student Government was completed quite a while ago, and that presently his board is working on a few constitutional amendments; that a couple of reasons for that is that they're trying to straighten out the elections problems we've been having; also to separate KUNV from Student Government along the same lines of what we did with the Yel 1. He also reported that his board is working with the Public Safety Department to get a security shuttle going. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 3 08/08/91 Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from KUNV Community Radio. KUNV General Manager Rob Rosenthal reported that KUNV has had the best summer that one could possibly imagine; that it has been splendid to work at KUNV and to be a part of the relocation festivities! He said that he could not think of anything better to do with their time than to move the radio station and work in two different places at the same time, and then to have the studios broken into twice, once this past weekend and once last night. Nothing was stolen until last night and it was old stereo equipment out of his office. He said that allegedly there is security in the building, but they apparently were not very effective. KUNV is working on getting a second security guard. He also reported that KUNV has recently started a job search for a development director. Last fall, KUNV was accepted into a federal program in order to hire folks for our station, and the first person KUNV wanted to hire is a development director, which is basically a fundraiser. He was hopeful that the search will be completed by the first of September. Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from the Business Office of Student Government. Business Manager Sue Hobbs discussed the budget dated July 19, 1991 that was handed out by the Appropriations Board Director, and said that if anyone had additional questions regarding this budget to please feel free to see her about them. Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from Nevada Student Affairs. Nevada Student Affairs Director Paul Stuhff reported that the next few projects for NSA will include a voter registration drive as soon as school starts. He informed the senate that he was now a registered voter registrar, and encouraged all citizens over the age of eighteen years who want to represent their interests to the state of Nevada to register. He stated that NSA will colloborate with the Office of Student Information in a survey of students in order to ascertain their interests. Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from the Senate Rules Committee. Senate Rules Committee Chairman Mike Bunin had no report. Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from the Office of Student Information. Office of Student Information Director Joel Kostman reported that he is working quite a bit on a student mailer which is scheduled to come up for senate approval on this afternoon's agenda. The artwork for the informational mailers is completed and is planned to be mailed to all returning undergraduate and graduate students, including all new incoming Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 4 08/08/91 students—approximately 23,000 students in all. He also reported that the artwork is finished for the OSI Page in the Yel 1 in' Rebel, and that so far he has received great response. For the sake of time, he requested that any senator interested in seeing the results to see him after the meeting. He also stated that OSI will probably be doing the labels themselves to save money, and that since he is the only person in OSI, he would be appreciative of anyone volunteering to help by treating them to pizza. Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from the Senate Bylaws Committee. Senate Bylaws Committee Chairman Bud Benneman reported that the Senate Bylaws Committee had a meeting previous to his recent injury and is just about done with Bylaw No. 12, which is going to be massive, but that other than that, the Senate Bylaws Committee has not met quorum, but now that his back is back in shape that he will get a meeting going soon. Senate President Kennedy asked for a report from the Elections Board. Elections Board Director Kim Kershaw reported that she is having problems with her elections board right now because she cannot find members to sit on the board due to the fact that she cannot take anyone who will be running in the upcoming senate elections and she is not allowed to put other directors on her board. She further stated that unless she has members that she cannot change the operating policy which she believes is very messed up. She stated her intent to ask for an emergency motion at the end of this meeting. VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS: Senate President Kennedy read aloud the Executive Board Nominations A through K as stated on the Agenda for Senate Meeting 21-24. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Approval of CSUN Student Government Legal Counsel Contract. Senator Benneman moved to approve item A under Unfinished Business. Senator Field seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. B. Approval of the 1991-92 CSUN Student Government Budget. Senator Field moved to approve item B under Unfinished Business. Senator Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 5 08/08/91 Kershaw seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. C. Approval of $10,000 for KUNV Capital Improvement to be encumbered out of the 909 account for the purchase of a mixing board. Senator Kershaw moved to approve item C under Unfinished Business. Senator Benneman seconded the motion. Senator Benneman yielded the floor to KUNV General Manager Rob Rosenthal. KUNV General Manager Rob Rosenthal explained the purpose of a mixing console. The ones KUNV currently own are over ten years old. He explained that Dr. Ackerman recently bought KUNV a new one, and another matching board is needed in order to continue a smooth operation. The old boards will be used for training purposes. He pointed to the fact that this expenditure will not be coming out of KUNV's operating account, and will instead be taken from their capital improvement account, which currently holds a balance of $25,000. There was discussion regarding capital improvement accounts. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. D. Approval of $600.00 membership fees to the National Student Exchange Program to be encumbered out of the 900 account. Senator Field moved to approve item D under Unfinished Business. Senator Kershaw seconded the motion. There was discussion with Senate President Kennedy directing the questions to Professor Mary Phelps, campus coordinator of the program. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. E. Approval of $30,000.00 for CSUN Student Government office complex renovations (not to exceed $30,000) to be encumbered out of the 900 account. Senator Kostman moved to approve item E under Unfinished Business. Senator Field seconded the motion. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 6 08/08/91 Senator Bunin spoke against the motion, stating his firm belief that Student Government, in essence, the students should not have to pay for renovation costs. Lengthy discussion ensued, with President Colebrook explaining that since the agreement to renovate was initiated during his predecessor's term, the present Student Government administrative branch was not left with a choice on whether or not to just address the issue of agreeing to fund the renovation costs of Student Government's offices. The former student government offices no longer exist in the Moyer Student Union. He stressed the fact that this issue has been diligently and thoroughly researched again and again by the present executive board, which resulted with a viable plan to offset this large expenditure if approved: Student Government will accept President Maxson's offer of a non-interest bearing five-year loan. Additional lengthy discussion ensued, with several senators expressing their concerns over this type of loan. Senator Field stated that the issue at hand is not over the type of payment, but over the simple issue of whether or not to approve the expense for renovation costs which would provide the office complex with essential heating ventilation, air conditioning, office walls, doors, etc. Additional lengthy discussion ensued regarding verbal agreements in writing; possible future charges for rent, and office accessibility after closing hours. President Colebrook moved to amend item E under Unfinished Business to approve a $30,000.00 loan for CSUN Student Government office complex renovations (not to exceed $30,000.00) to be encumbered out of the 900 account and to be paid during a five-year period with no interest guaranteed. Senator Field seconded the motion. Senator Kostman, maker of the original motion, concurred. Senator Field, who seconded the original motion to approve item E under Unfinished Business, also concurred. Senator Kershaw objected to the original motion and to the concurrence to the amendment. Call for a 2/3 vote by a show of hands to sustain the objection. Objection denied. There was lengthy discussion. Senator Kershaw spoke against the amended motion. Lengthy discussion ensued. Senator Bunin spoke against the motion again addressing the issues of verbal agreements in writing, possible future rent charges and his firm belief that students should not have to pay for renovation costs. Senator Love moved to call for the question. Motion was seconded by voice vote. Senators Fisher and Young objected to the motion. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 7 08/08/91 Call for a 2/3 vote by a show of hands to sustain the objection. Objection sustained. There was lengthy discussion, with Senator Ricci requesting a five-minute recess. Senate President Kennedy call for a five-minute recess at 6:16 p.m. Senate President Kennedy called Senate Meeting 21-24 back to order from recess in Room 542 of the Frank & Estella Beam Hall at 6:29 p.m. Quorum was established. Senate President Kennedy yielded the floor to Senator Fisher. Senator Fisher affirmed his trust in the executive board to handle the task of negotiating into and signing an agreement that's fair to Student Government. He further stated that he may only be a junior in business, but anytime that he can spend someone else's money and not have to pay interest on it, it's essentially a good deal. He also stated that the construction is already behind schedule; that Student Government definitely needs an office; and it would be stupid to move out of the student union at this point. Senator Young moved to call for the question. Senator Epperson seconded the motion. Senate President Kennedy read aloud the amended motion of item E under Unfinished Business and and called for a roll call vote: E. Approval of a $30,000.00 non-interest bearing loan to be paid over a five-year period at $6,000.00 per year for CSUN Student Government office complex renovations (not to exceed $30,000.00) to be encumbered out of the 900 account. In Favor Opposed Barkhuff Bunin Benneman Lee Kostman Kershaw Maultsby Romero Young Love Ricci Field Fisher Epperson Motion carried 11-3-0. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 8 08/08/91 Senate President Kennedy stated that item F under Unfinished Business has been withdrawn. G. Approval of a 30-credit fee waiver for the Elections Board Director for the 1991-91 academic year. Senator Epperson moved to approve item G under Unfinished Business. Senator Field seconded the motion. Senator Barkhuff moved to make a friendly amendment to change "1991-91" to "1991-92" in item G under Unfinished Business. Senators Epperson and Field, maker and second of the original motion, respectively, concurred. There was discussion. Cal1 for vote. Motion carried by voice vote, with two opposed (Fisher, Romero) and one abstention (Kershaw). Senator Kershaw called to remove from the table items E through I under New Business of Senate Meeting 21-21. Senator Benneman seconded the motion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Senator Kershaw moved to approve items E through I taken from the table under New Business of Senate Meeting 21-21 as a whole. Senator Benneman seconded the motion. There was lengthy discussion regarding the start payment dates of June 01, 1991 for directors who have not yet been approved. Senator Ricci moved to divide the question. Senator Barkhuff seconded the motion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion to divide the question carried by voice vote. Senate President Kennedy stated the pending question of the item taken from the table under New Business of Senate Meeting 21-21: E. Approval of $250.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991 through April 30, 1992 with a 30-credit fee waiver for the Office of Student Information Director. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 9 08/08/91 Lengthy discussion ensued regarding retroactive start payment dates for active senators holding directorships, and the waiving of Senate Bylaw 17. Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote. Senate Meeting 21-21 under New Business, item F. Approval of $150.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991 through April 30, 1992 with a 30-credit fee waiver for the Nevada Student Affairs Director. Senator Kershaw moved to approve approve item F taken from the table under New Business of Senate Meeting 21-21. Senator Ricci seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote. Senate Meeting 21-21, under New Business, item G. Approval of $250.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991, through April 30, 1992 with a 30-credit fee waiver for the Entertainment and Programming Director. Senate President Kennedy yielded the floor to Warren White. Entertainment and Programming Board Director Nominee Warren White inquired about a $50.00 difference that he was unaware of. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding Senate Meeting 21-21 during which items were tabled on the grounds that a position description be submitted to the Senate with why one position should be paid differently or why one position should not be paid differently. Senator Kershaw moved to make a friendly amendment to her original motion to change "$250.00 monthly stipend" to "$300.00 monthly stipend" in item G taken from the table under New Business in Senate Meeting 21-21. Senator Benneman, who seconded the original motion to approve items E through I taken from the table under New Business of Senate Meeting 21-21, as a whole, concurred. Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote. Senate Meeting 21-21, under New Business, item H. Approval of $200.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991 through April 30, 1992 with a 30-credit fee waiver for the Organizations Board Director. There was discussion. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 10 08/08/91 Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote. Senate Meeting 21-21, under New Business, item I. Approval of $175.00 stipend for the month of September 1991; $350.00 stipend for the month of October 1991; and $175.00 stipend for the month of November 1991 for the Elections Board Director. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote. VIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. A. Approval of Nick Whitstone as Organizations Board Director; B. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Academic Standards Committee; C. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Admissions Committee; D. Approval of Kim Kershaw to the Code Committee; E. Approval of Tracy Barkhuff to the Curriculum Committee; F. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Grievance Committee; G. Approval of Michael Quick to the Grievance Committee; H. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Scholarship Committee; I. Approval of Tracy Barkhuff to the Scholarship Committee; J. Approval of Becky Jo Birmingham as a member of the Elections Board; K. Approval of Warren White as Entertainment and Programming Board Di rector, Senator Kershaw moved to approve items A through K under Executive Board Nominations as a whole. Senator Epperson seconded the motion. There was discussion regarding the nominee under item A of Executive Board Nominations. Senator Bunin moved to divide the question. Senator Barkhuff seconded the motion. Call for a vote. Motion to divide the question carried by voice vote. A. Approval of Nick Whitstone as Organizations Board Director. Senator Epperson moved to table item A under Executive Board Nominations until the Senate has met the nominee in question. Senator Maultsby seconded the motion. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 11 08/08/91 Call for a vote. Motion to table carried by voice vote, with one opposed (Kershaw). B. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Academic Standards Committee. There was no discussion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. C. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Admissions Committee. There was no discussion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. D. Approval of Kim Kershaw to the Code Committee. There was no discussion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. E. Approval of Tracy Barkhuff to the Curriculum Committee. There was no discussion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. F. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Grievance Committee. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. G. Approval of Michael Quick to the Grievance Committee. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 12 08/08/91 Motion carried by voice vote, with one opposed (Fisher) and one abstention (Epperson). H. Approval of Mike Kennedy to the Scholarship Committee. There was no discussion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. I. Approval of Tracy Barkhuff to the Scholarship Committee. There was no discussion. Cal1 for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote, with one opposed (Kershaw). J. Approval of Becky Jo Birmingham as a member of the Elections Board. There was discussion regarding conflict of interest. Senator Ricci moved to table item J under Executive Board Nominations. Senator Field seconded the motion. Senator Bunin objected to the motion to table item J under Executive Board Nominations. Senator Benneman seconded the objection. Call for a 2/3 vote by a show of hands to sustain the objection. Objection denied, 4-9-1. There was no further discussion. Call for a vote. Motion to table carried by voice vote. K. Approval of Warren White as Entertainment and Programming Board Director. Senator Ricci yielded the floor to Warren White, who then proceeded to discuss in detail the planned E&P events. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 13 08/08/91 B. Nomination/Approval of Vacant Hotel Administration Seat. Senate President Kennedy opened the floor for nominations for the vacancy left open by the resignation of Senator Robert Cudlip. Senator Epperson nominated Ms. Jamie Doe, who is presently a member and social director of the Hotel Association. There was discussion regarding the former hotel senator. Senate President Kennedy left the nominations for the vacant seat open until the August 29th senate meeting. C. Approval of $1,500.00 to the UNLV Alcohol/Substance Abuse Committee to be encumbered out of the 900 account. Senator Barkhuff moved to approve item C under New Business. Senator Field seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. D. Approval of $225.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991 through April 30, 1991 with a 24-credit fee waiver for the Appropriations Board Director. Senator Kershaw moved to approve item D under New Business. Senator Barkhuff seconded the motion. Senator Kershaw moved to make a friendly amendment to her original motion to change "April 30, 1991" to "April 30, 1992" in item D under New Business. Senator Barkhuff, who seconded the original motion, concurred. There was lengthy discussion regarding the discrepancy of the submitted position descriptions and the agenda. Senator Ricci moved to make a friendly amendment to change "$225.00 monthly stipend" to "$250.00 monthly stipend" in item D under New Business. Senator Barkhuff, who seconded the original motion, concurred. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the pay increase. Senate President Kennedy passed the gavel to Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 14 08/08/91 Senate President Kennedy spoke in favor of the amendment motion. Lengthy discussion followed. Senator Barkhuff called for the question. There were no objections. D. Approval of $250.00 monthly stipend from June 01, 1991 through April 30, 1992 with a 24-credit fee waiver for the Appropriations Board Pi rector. There was no further discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote, 10-3-1. Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman passed the gavel back to Senate President Kennedy. E. Approval of $3,800 for mailing costs by the Office of Student Information to be encumbered out of the 908 account. Senator Kershaw moved to approve item E under New Business. Senator Benneman seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Senator Benneman moved to approve an emergency motion be added to the table. Senator Kershaw seconded the motion. Call for a 2/3 vote by a show of hands to approve an emergency motion be added to the table. Motion for approval of an emergency motion carried by show of hands. Senator Benneman made an emergency motion to waive Senate Bylaw No. 17 for Senator Kostman who will be resigning. Senator Epperson seconded the motion. There was lengthy discussion regarding retroactive pay for the 0SI Director. Senator Benneman spoke in favor of Senator Kostman receiving retroactive pay for the 0SI directorship while serving as an active senator due to his positive contributions to both positions. Senator Kostman confirmed that he was promised retroactive pay by Senate President Kennedy. Senate President Kennedy passed the gavel to Senator President Pro Tempore Benneman. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 15 08/08/91 Senator Barkhuff called for the question. There were objections. Senator Barkhuff withdrew her call for the question. Senator Bunin spoke against the motion of waiving Senate Bylaw No. 17 in order to approve retroactive pay for the OSI directorship to a presently active senator who just voted on approval of the directors' stipends for 1991-92. Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman recognized Senate President Kennedy. Senate President Kennedy, "Through the Chair to Senator Kostman. Upon adjournment of this meeting, since it is the last meeting of this summer, are you to resign your seat as the Health, Physical Education & Recreation Senator?" Senator Kostman, "Yes." Senate President Kennedy, "Again through the Chair to Senator Kostman. So you will no longer be a member of the CSUN Senate upon adjournment of this meeting?" Senator Kostman, "Correct." Senate President Kennedy stated that if Senator Kostman resigns upon adjournment, that he would be in favor of the pending motion. Lengthy discussion ensued, with Senator Field inquiring that if Senator Kostman resigned, the Senate would lose quorum. Senate President explained that if he resigns upon adjournment that this meeting would then be over. Senator Bunin spoke against this reasoning and the motion. There were many questions from several senators regarding how Senator Kostman1s delayed resignation would affect quorum, and how waiving of Senate Bylaw No. 17 would uphold the contract and allow Senator Kostman to be paid from June 01, 1991. Lengthy discussion ensued. Senator Barkhuff called for the question. There were no objections. L. Approval to waive Senate Bylaw No. 17 for Senator Joel Kostman. There was no further discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote, 9-4-1. Senate Minutes 21-24 Page 16 08/08/91 Senator Epperson left the meeting and thereby reduced the minimum number of senate members that must be present for business to be conducted 1egally. Outrage was expressed by Senator/Elections Board Director Kershaw. Due to lack of quorum, Senate Meeting 21-24 in Room 242 in Frank & Estella Beam Hall on August 08, 1991 was dissolved at 7:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Respectfully prepared by: * * *