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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 m Las Vegas, Nevada, April 17, 1907. Mr, C. 0, 'Whittemore, Los Angeles, California. My Dear Mr. Whittemore, - I just received a letter today from Mr. Bettis referring to prices on lots, and while it is not my "butt in’' in reference to the fixing of these, I sincerely hope that you will see that the old prices are adhered to, as you undoubtedly know that it will be impossible for us to sell lots at a greater price than those I was speaking to you about while you were here the other day, and Las Vegas is certainly a dead issue unless we can induce the few who are here to stick to invest in property at the prices which were made a year ago. The list Hr. Bettis sent me is an 25 foot lots, and I think I will be able to price, but if it is made greater than that, I hope you will consider this as a not that I am trying to ’’Butt in” to the bus Land and Water Company in any way. exceedingly fair one for interest buyers at that I htive ray doubts about it confidential opinion and iness of the Las Vegas Yours very truly,