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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 331


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    George [not legible] Tire Shop - gaming application granted 4th addition - 10/7/1949
    Gaming application slot - Granted [not legible] [not legible] Service 4th addition - 10/10/1949
    Gaming application slot - Granted [not legible] [not legible] Service slots 4th addition - 10/10/1949
    Gaming application - Denied the Westerner - 10/21/1949
    Gaming applications Renewals - Granted 4th addition - 10/21/1949
    Gaming applications additional - Slot at [not legible] cottage granted 4th addition - 10/21/1949
    Gaming application change of operator - Slot [not legible] Cafe approved 4th addition - 10/21/1949
    Gaming & Liquors application - Denied the Westerner - 10/21/1949
    Gaming applications new - Granted 4th addition, 1949 - 11/7/1949
    Gaming applications Renewals - Granted 4th addition,1949 - 11/7/1949
    Gaming applications additional - Granted 4th addition 1949 - 11/7/1949
    Gasoline Proposed Ordinance - Referred to Committee - 11/9/1949
    Gasoline [not legible] Ordinance # 393 - adopted on 1st Reading - 11/22/1949
    Gaming applications additional - Granted 4th addition monte carlo & Las Vegas Club - 11/22/1949
    Gaming application additional - Granted Monte Carlo 4th addition 1949 - 12/7/1949
    Gaming applications change of name & operator - Granted [not legible] Drive in 4th addition - 23/7/1949
     [not legible] license Suspended - [not legible] Club [not legible] - 12/20/1949
    Gaming & Liquor applications - Board requests they be [not legible] of new [not legible], change of owner [not legible] - 12/20/1949
    Gaming applications Renewals - Granted - 12/29/1949
    Gaming application additional - Granted Monte Carlo & Santa Anita [not legible] Club - 12/29/1949
    Gaming application Change of ownership - Granted, [not legible] Bar, [not legible] [not legible], [not legible] [not legible] Inn & Mike 5th street [not legible] granted - 12/29/1949
    Gaming application Club [not legible] - Denied - 12/29/1949
    Gaming application - Granted the westerner - 12/29/1949
    Gaming application new - Granted associated service station & [not legible] station - 12/29/1949
    Gaming application new - Denied Fremont Tavern(Cinnabar) & W [not legible] spot - 12/29/1949
    Gaming & Liquor - Change of ownership, membership [not legible] associations office directors of corporation [not legible] submitted to board - 12/29/1949
    Gaming applications - Denied [not legible] Extension - 12/29/1949
    Gaming applications (Renewals) - Granted 1st addition 1950 - 1/6/1950
    Gaming application - Denied Club [not legible] 1st addition 1950 - 1/6/1950
    [not legible] [not legible] - Investigation [not legible] by letters from Board - 1/6/1950
    Gaming Proposed Ordinance - Referred ot Committee - 1/6/1950
    Gaming application ( Renewals) - Granted 1st addition - 1/20/1950
    Gaming application (additional) - Granted 1st addition Boulder & Club Las Vegas Club - 1/20/1950
    Gaming ordinance # 401 - adopted - 1/24/1950
    Gaming license Transfer for Club [not legible] - Zone variance must be obtained - 2/7/1950
    Gaming license transfer - Club [not legible] must obtain zone variance - 27/1950
    Gaming license transfer - Granted Club [not legible] - 2/7/1950
    Gaming application Renewals - Granted 1st addition 2nd street [not legible] and smith drive in - 2/7/1950
    [not legible] Dr. Joseph n. - appointed jail [not legible] - 2/14/1950
    Gaming application ( Renewal) - Granted slots cafe - 2/21/1950
    Gaming application ( additional ) - Granted Boulder Club, Brown Derby & Eldorado Club - 2/21/1950