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    ?╟≤ Bill Willard * (Continued from Page 4) Molly Silver weekending-.with Irv and Louise Stone. The Stones up day and night finishing background settings for new Sahara opus opening Tues. And, their Paris boul backdrop's ^& drapes at the Thunderbird for^^gCom- pagnons de la Chansjf]&|y^ real George Nathan, includ|n|f||ean but swell. . .Paul Sp^l|jp?car get over fact of tuyn^fe&^rowds for the two-day cooJ^8||^^; at the Huntridge The?╜PK% Power of the SUN's advertising/poten tial is proven b'gosh. .. ;. .Ralph Champion, chief special correspondent for London's Sunday Pictorial doing a column on the town with HQ the Last Frontier. * HAPPY DAYS: Dig the Lew & Leslie Grade (Henry Dunn) package for Sahara's Mar. 24 opening. It's called "Bigtyme" and features vaude names of yore?╟÷Four Angels, Baro & Rogers, Gus Van, Slim Timblin, Fanny & Kitty Watson. . .Belle Baker, formerly set for that opus, had to cancel l . . .And for a whopping si about contracted for tj^ySands next month, get this^jpKiis Aj strong & CompaigrarBl Twins & MarianJ^^ffBetty & Jane Kean, anJff)ominique. . .As Lew Grade lejjrtown for the east, he cabled Vaf Parnell of London Palladium: "Las Vegas fantastic. Must arrange your stay for at least one week. This ydujffnust see to believe". . Joy Langstaff, the gal limned in Pageant, who can dance, paint, compose and just about anything and everything, is cute addition to Thunderbird line. Desert Sea photogs snap the pretty. jMsh today in attitudes for nation's press.. .Sorop- timist's Mardkykras next Friday night has J&lMse Roberts for Queen?╟÷and $e$gM|ark secret, the King's inraal&af?·'}H.S. .' . .Nice young lassies, .Reno Huskiettes guested at Wildcat Lair last night . . .A hail to Hildegarde and her way with J& ^m^^e^'- "In Paree it'#,,&ove3| Jffiarney Raw- lings presented Vwith a floral horsesftofi;ja^e!^ai:( juight Thurs. at the^^^d#^??*>y Sgt. Skip Ellis aid--j^f^p^is AFB. . . $arne^^Sj0i]^^|ai^. after the presen^j^fl^^l^ied up laughs as he rq| -i!>&i$HJte? "Remember ?╟÷ there's '?√ß|Ljglip?·?╜or you in Air Force biu^^^iet ?╟÷ Barney's place is outof the wild blue yon der and very terra firma as a Thunderbirdman .... But Dick Jones, the barber, flew from the Thunderbird to the Sands where his tonsorial parlor is doing a snapping biz. . . QUEEN FOR A NIGHT: High school lovely to be selected for po lice show queen will be chosen at Wildcat Lair among six semi- finalists soon. . .Advise from Ethel Waters, who makes her Vegas debut at Wilbur Clarkjs Desert Inn Tuesday, to singed is very good. Ethel believesjtnat when you are taught too much music it robs you of something. "You have to feel it, bring it in from the soul," she says. "Whenever I was in Chicago during the winter opera season, I would go to the Auditorium to hear Mme. Rosa Raisa, the great dramatic soprano, in her many roles. Always her singing was from the soul. She was a very great artist and I learned more from listening to her than any teacher could ever fleffor me. A song has to have a story?╟÷something that can give me a feeling.". . .Miss Waters should know. She's been around the music circuits since; she was 16. "From Carnival to Carnegie" ?╟÷ to use her own! . . Metropolitan Opera is extended for twotj :s this year over ABC-KENO. iginally skedded for 18 weeks ending in March, the series now will expand to include Sat., April 4 and following week, April 11, Today's Metopera is Mozart's || "Cosi Fan Tutte". . .Opera Association board meets at home of Les Seiffer Monday night. . .And, another opera star about to make her tour, perhaps in niteries, is I) beauteous Marguerite Piazza. She's managed by Bullets Dur- gom. . .Gloria Pall, Sa-Harem Showgal with right nice measurements, a cover eyeful on Man to Man mag. For further illumination on the Gloria figure, inside pages reveal plenty... * A WINNER: Some Wierd things happen in the recording biz. Frank Loesser ran into difficulties when trying to popularize "Anywhere I Wander," one of the toptunes from "Hans Christian Anderson." The yi\p rvmrfl. Kufferman Fighfs To ClearHanw CARSON CITY, Feb. 3 (UP*C? i The Nevada tax commission met I for the second day today to con- nsider a host of gambling license sl matters. ?? ?? The commission was expected Ia?? 1 * act finally on the plea of Maclt * ' Kufferman, former New Jersey li- | quor operator who made nig*'fifth appearance before the group eMon- ?╜ day to ask members to "clear .pp^l name." g; i^w The commission refused^fverajfe months ago to grant Ku&erma gambling license for thjJBan tel in Las Vegas, novypera|p cipally by Jake Fj^dmap^a'for* mer Houston, Tejfis, sggfibler. . Kufferman cjpplaglld "she had been branded ^^?╜nop hoodlum" and as a "kingpin" as a result of the license refusal. "I'm pinned down as the worst hoodlum in the United States." he said. "I have to get vindication if it takes the rest of my life." He said thejgg,flds had hejjn doing l "exceptionally well" and that he hoped to be able to buy a ten per cent interest in the Las Vegas strip establishment but added "they've got a taste of this thing (and don't want to give it up." The only license granted Monday was a probationary gambling per- ,mit to Alfred J. Quodbachg?Θ╝4-year- year-old former Chicago bookie and theater restaurant operate^who has been runnjfe a Hollywood, cock- .tail lounge for the past-, ^several years. Quodbach was given a permit for the Little Club in Las Vegas. Action was expected tojiray upon applications by Malcolm Clarke Sr. and Sidney Wyman* for six per cent interests in the Sands. Clarke formerly operated a sports betting house in Chicago and Wyman was a partner JnjC. J. Rich and company of St. Louis which ran a nationwide bookies business^ r^^^ Both denies they were&|flrer associated with hoodlums or gangsters although Wyman said he was J indicted in New Jersey in 1930 g. along wiJFttfe; Western Union Tele- M graph Cog^pfeje gfacilities wereiF- used ior tfce bookmaking business^ Bill WillardV -*4#fEialk of our Town?╟÷ SCOUT FOIppLCTION: Rex I Bell sparks1 twog" campaigns as ] chairman of funct raising ?╟÷ Cru-j sade For Freedom and* new Bp^ Scout headquarters ... James Down, Witjglgfcve and Francis Brown drumm^gg up interest for Scout HQ among business inter- ests, and Mrs. lit W. Lleweggfli guiding residential division woji5J| ers . . . Setting out with $100,000; as minimum for a building, in which all Scouting activitjrcan be housed,;, are chairman Jim Down's lieutenants ?√ß?╟÷ Tom Tanejr, Archie Loveland, Cy Crandall^Dick Sta- delmam Ted Weins, George; Rambo, Ralph Wilson, Charlet -Xetcham, James Cusiik, Harrir son Sharpe, Bob Benoit, George Phillipf^nd Peter Hartley . . . The Llewellyn lieuts in the residential outposts Include Mrs. Fred Lang, Mrs, Louis Potter, Mrs. Owen Woodruff, Mrs. R. E. Rushing, and Mrs. George Randall. . . With Dick Ronzone re- ceiving a coveted okay from national Brand Name Retailer-of- the-Year award competition, he notes that Ronzone's will battle with 29 department stores for top honors. Awards will be presented at 10th annual Brand Names Day dinner at the Waldorf in New York on April 15. . . . Belated palms to Bonanza Air Lines' C. Robert Henry, promoted to exec vice-prez, and John Longwill, new Las Vegas district sales manager. . . . ?╟≤ LIFE IN VEGAS: Next Friday is date for long-awaited spread on the town in Life mag. Publication will give almost three pages to our Bagdad on the Meadows, according to Jack Pepper of Desert Sea Newsbureau. ... Ethel Waters, who debuts her nitery act at Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn next Tues., is up for an Academy Awards nomination as result of her great supporting role in "Member of the Wedding." . . . Sidney Skolksky's column items that Vegas gamblers are giving 5-1 odds that Shirley Booth will receive an Oscar for her performance in "Come Back Little Sheba" . . . Mesquite club gathers for weekly meeting this aft . . . Las Vegas high school Desert Breeze articles that two grads and former superintendent of schools are members of state legislature ?╟÷ Mahlon Brown, former all-state football player; George Von Tobel, and Maude Frazier, ... Kay Starr postpones her guest panelist appearance on the El Cortez Hotel Youth Concert Hour Sunday until next week, Feb. 15. Her youngster comes up from Hollywood for the weekend, and she needs must listen to a sort of family youth concert. . . . Nevada Association of the Blind holds a meeting tomorrow, 1:30 p. m. in the I Vegas Heights parlors of Clar- I ence Mofford. . . . * i THE QUESTION IS: Recent N. \ Y. Post editorial contained a neat i handling of the Sen. McCarthy fi- I nancial shennanigans. Titled 1 "Why, Daddy?" he^Jg the clever | story in its entirp^fe^ 1 "Daddy, the PffiBS^%ys Joe \ McCarthy is gettmg,$?·&0,000 to conduct investigatidn^r;faid the 1 precocious chUd."^ppT "Thai? s, true, Junrajp?^' "It says foat'$^^<^as much! as much as they sclent 3ast year before McCarthy became head of the committee." "It is." 1 "But, daddy, didn't the Senate! fust have an investigation of Mc! parthy?" <k It certainlysdjd, ass^?╟÷ And did5p|$^ find 'out ~4?║f?║?· of things-abQut the way he 'w.m mo^f^rom^^ple who wanted favorst^^ "Right." Mm m\ "Isn't t44l^^?Pos6d to ^e j wroijjf.^Ts"^^^^' "|fe sttj^^Kfeto. be." ftW^L--^^ra^idithey do about Mm lifter me investigation?!^' Exactly notjpig, Junior, |gj*y child knows thm^' "Then whymo they want" to hold more m|festigatio^-ei||mey won't do anj^lmg about tSlst ones they had?'^^ "Well, this--was- something special, I guesS^0. ?╟≤ V' j '"You me||nMcCarthFs some; thing speciSre* "Okay, pat it yc^^ay." "But I also readfr McCarthy wouldn't even answer questions when the Senators were investigating him. Is thai true?" "It sure is." "Then why do^ey expect anybody else to answer his questions?" "Well, they just do, Junior." "Daddy, it says here that the men who investigated McCarthy have been fired by the Senators. What did they do wrong?" 'They caught McCarthy with the goods." ^;'^y "Is that bad?" "In this case, obviously, yes." I "You mean they were paid to j investigate McCarthy but they j weren't supposed to find out anything?" "That's about it." "Daddy, why is everybody! afraid of McCarthy?" k-M "I don't know ?╟÷ maybe they think he's Superman." "Gosh, daddy, growups can bej silly. Everybody knows McCarthy's just a Senator." 1 hope you're right, Junior." \ AWARD COMMITTEE: Sugar j Ray Robinsons Sportsmanship Trophy to be awarded annually to a Las Vegas youth will have a trio of well-known sportsmen to decide the winner ?╟÷ Wayne Kirch, Matt Howard, and Bob Clemens. Committee^ will meet first of next week to plan first steps in choosing the young man best qualified to receive the 1953 nod. ... According to latest reports, the new antibiotic to combat TB will be launched soon. It's! called "Viomycin" . . . Chicago; Sun-Times infos that the U. %\ gave $4.3 billion for philanthropic: purposes last year. . . . Louis So- bol's N. Y. Journal-American pillar warns that Miami, Reno and Las Vegas will be desertfJ soon bv^divo^cees, followii bama's* bid- for divorcejgpPaaise^ Takes M, hours in thagPate. And ShCT^GrahamJiKporting her Daily Variety JKimn, wi J that Ezio Pinza l_m veceiveMBO,- 000 for his 3-weJpSandstajpiere. j . . . Corona-cJ&na cijgprstock went up af ter^mditionpR son to j James C. Ycww ho^ehold the, other day. . M ^gpntan is scout- i ing classicalfmusic for her new | voluptuous yar-East dance to be j preemed next month at the Silver Slipper. .. . Tuesday, February^ 1953 Lag Vegas Review-Journal 5 \Jn IneM^Jc =7 M4M* . wfrti Wwifft (prison- Las Vegas?: FfrTaiffiS^, A&^P^l^ff^ THE WILD speculation by the editor of a local noospiper that trompted a screaming headline telling all about the plans to de- rastate a city during the upcoming Nevada A-booms. . .The yarn .jxplained in detail about the atomic energy commission going to ithe expense of building and blowing up a fair sized burg for experimental purposes. . .Such doings will NOT take place at Frenchman's or Yucca Flats. . .Only a half-dozen, or so, buildings (if any), j .will be atomized. . .Of course, the writer of the garbled skewp may have been comparing the AEC's city with a big burg like Podunk. . ?╟÷~?╟÷- "^\ out from the burg love- tie Malone 'the town. . . ?╟≤rrairie Caroll ) phoning back- Briskin has been _3m Dixon. . .Metro ed Sugar <$ta&. Robin-. MOVIE TYCOON Howard Hughes taking ti $7,000,000 iawsuit filed against him here, t& .ly Jean Peters. . .Scott Brady trying to talkf Linto saying "I do" while the pair made thi /iFlicker he-man Rock Hudson escorting^ / (to local nitespots. . .Ted Briskin (Chi ca: jstage to several Strip cuties. It's the in town since he married (and divo producer-director Clarence Brown >_?║_fU son's entertainment ring t'other niti ._?╜?╟?,____ ^__ THE REVIVAL of the old Hollywood gag: Seems like this season everybody's going to Palm Springs to get tanned and to Las Vegas to get faded". . .That's no joke son. . . I * * * THE FABULOUS mink that Gambler Moe Dalitz wrapped The slob story pleas of Mac lSfuWrnMni4o-lne "Aw come on fellers, gimmie a chance". . .Local moom pic hero Chubby Johnson back home in a new disguise ?╟÷ without a beard. . The startling Los Angeles dope raids which have many wondering if it'll happen here. . .The town's big $$$$$$ men and their new worthy project ?╟÷ the YMCA program. . . * * * OUR OWN Jack Benny. The publicist about town with the 20 Grand a year business whose ancient jalopy reminds one of the radio comic's Maxwell. . .The puzzling question. "Who is gonna wind up with Pahrump Valley?. . .The explosion that will rock the city hall when Robert Van Santen applies for 25 per cent in the Fortune Club. It is sed that as of last December he had a note from the joint for a bunch of slots worth 11 Grand. Maybe this is one of the "hidden interests" in the local greenfelt circle that a commissioner has been talking about lately. Hmmmmmm?. . .The Matt Howard birthday party (Sunday), during which the popular jman about tosra^received 14 pair of cuff links. . . ^' \jsaj. "?√ß' * ?╟≤ * THJP^6la^a WOW story in yesterday's L.A. Mirror. The yarn recaljy^hjpReydajf reign of my ma's favorite "It" gal, winding up lurreaiFplight in a Los Angeles sanitarium. .The booking] rlongjpiired talent into our niteries with Ezio Pinza at the, !MarjMTl2. . .Sarong Queen Dottie Lamour's act-saving Ha- frbo and hula number (sans sarong) at Hotel Last Fron- orrfull things some people will say to you over the _x 'specially if you're a colyumist). . .The indication of an fearljFspring ?╟÷ m'lady trotting around in shorts. . .The report by! apasportation agencies that January traffic to our town outstrip-! Jed any previous local record. . .And another record (the kind we hate to admit). Clark county led Nevada in highway accident fatalities ?╟÷ 46. . 4 * ' * * * ?╟≤?╟≤^''$xTaB WHO THE .SAHARA will book to replace the Three Stooges who \ will be unable to make their February 10 opening. One of the] laugh trio was injured in a Hollywood accident last* week. . .The I Marilyn Monroe buildup of warbler Mamie Van Do'ren who used to chirp for band man Ted Fio Rito under the handle of Van Mer- rit. . .The guy who walked into the State Loan shop and gave the pawn shop keeper, Robert Roblentz, a beaut of a shinej?*^ .The outcome of the soon to be aired law*u$|bin f^|^ra|. court in^wnich cowboy Floyd Lamb sez 105 of his cattle"weWsligTbtly barbequed I by an atomic bla,st. . .The top name in show business^who will appear during the Variety Club Induction dinner March 9. Whoever it will be, is bigger than Marilyn Monroe, according to Barker Jake Kozloff. . . __\