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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 line authorized unier Work Order 9798 for Industrial Unit Ho. 1. Ho water meters were installed for the firms mentioned in Item Ho* 1* Mfg* Go* to cover eost of installing connection. The meter, how­ever, was to be furnished by the Manufacturing Co* This deposit was mailed Mr. Truelsen with my letter June 2d, you. This covered lahor and material for connection and labor for in­stalling meter. Befund should be made to this Company at has Vegas. from Railroad Company lines, this being the Texas Co., Audit Ho* 8047. This connection, however, is not within limits of recently constructed supply lines and assume no change will be made* Change in 8" connection to 16" main will be made within the next few days. Deposit of $15.00 was received from Standard Sanitary Check of water agreements indicates but one Connection cy - Mr. B. L. Adamson -1