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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

530. BUSI AND DIAL CHGS AND OMIT "HOWDY PODNBR" CUSTER?╟╓S LAST STAND EXT. POOL AREA Entratter, pursued by Genuine and Abby, COMES OUT OP hotel and walks to position near pool, CAMERA ACCOMPANYING. Area is active with swim-and-sun-suited guests, several lovely girls among them diving, swimming, sun-bathing or relaxing beneath umbrellas. During movement: GENUINE --and if there was, I wouldn't discuss it anyhow! That sign?╟╓s cornin' down if I hafta hire mules | t*do it! An' you?╟╓ll pay fer 'em! CAMERA HOLDS near pool. Entratter turns to advise: ENTRATTER There's something I have to tell you ?╟÷ GENUINE You ain't tellin' me nuthin'J You -- A beach-ball BOUNCES INTO SHOT and into Genuine's hands, pursued by girl in bathing suit. She plucks ball from Genuine's hands and EXITS SHOT. / _ - GENUINE (anger returning) Now, you git that sign offa ray property! > ?╟?,V ENTRATTER It's not your property. Genuine. ABBY Of course it is! They're outtin?╟╓ it Up right in front of his stand! ENTRATTER ?√ß What I'm trying to tell you is that you dbn't own the property. Genuine looks at him blankly, then at Abby, then, taking her arm abruptly: . u ; , - (CONTINUED) 22. REVISED R/ll/|f8