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man000314. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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August End, 1919 Mr. P. A. Truett, 3991 Halldale Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Dear Sir: Referring to the sale of the stock of Virgin River Salt Company: I am writing to say that my commitments are such and the attitude of the other stockholders to other persons who are wishing to deal for the stock is such that, unless you assure a deal by depositing in bank on or before three o'clock P. M. next Tuesday, the 5th instant, I shall be in such situation that no proposition from you can be further entertained. The price will be $150,000.00 flat for the thousand shares of salt stock. At least $10,000.00 must be deposited in escrow available for these stockholders on or before the time last above named. The escrow must provide that on the delivery of all of this stock in such escrow within five days, and notice to you thereof, that you will within three days after letter written to you at the above address deposit the remainder of the purchase price in cash in such escrow for immediate delivery to these stockholders, then that the sum of at least $10,000.00 first deposited will be absolutely forfeited to these stockholders pro rata. The matter will carry the two subsidiary contracts spoken of before, namely: (1) The contract with reference to roads. (E) The contract reserving right to purchase salt to certain stockholders in the form agreed upon between Mr. Richards and Mr. Levi Syphus in my office a month ago or more. It may be made a condition of the closing of the deal that the stockholders shall pay a comunission of 2% fo through the escrow to you and your associate brokers. So that there may be no misunderstanding, I will Mr. F. A. Truett - 2 August 2, 1919. say that next Tuesday is the last day for you to act in this matter, and that this is the last word on the subject, because our commitments are imperative in another direction. Very truly THOS. 0. TOIAHD. TOT ;A ^&M<S$n*fedei^$/tt/'. JlfohfeZ u , s ifo z'iz- V7 rY(A/ y$. August £, £919, Hon. TiCri 3yphus, .’St* Shaman, Bev&da* Hy dear’ Sirs 2brou$h a alohap.whlch I willSxplain to you,your letter nailed to nc July did not oaao into my hands until yesterday aft of icon. 1 naturally essuraed that ||fe »ore ae^^tioixig ia ? the lino of prooooOnro contained in my last letter. and! therefore I fed myself praotioully committed to Pruett until nact Puosd&y by a more Terfel com-mitee& i... to 'be oar©* BjjBBe was in here today and tO'-naSS clear' e© him tflnst he fee absolutely to depend on, X wrote aappshdod to him a letter, 1 herewith Inclose* a copy of .which, m ^townrt called up this m o m i n g and talked with, me by telephone. He was "very anxious to^feve.e. commitment, but I explained to hia the situation end he said that they would swait the eso plrotloa of that time* In fact, Llr, Peck is out of the city and will not return until Monday* I will wire you Tuesday night next and adfise f l i p ? the matter turns out* Yours truly, a t ! m I U rut