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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1994



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Tan u n9ni3 Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop: Director of Education Dotty Gross: Director of Preschool March 1994 -Adar-Nisan 5754 Gerald Gordon: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Sheila Geier: Editor Doug Cotier, the 1984 Grammy Award-winning composer and performer of Jewish, popular, rock, and liturgical music, will perform at Congregation Ner Tamid on Sunday, March 20, at 7 p.m. A Cantorial Soloist, Cotier's music is an innovative and stimulating expression of the richness and beauty of modem American Jewish life. See Doug C'otler ?A Man of Many Talents" page 4 Passover Seder To Be Held ? at Sheraton Desert Inns^^ Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman will conduct the CNT Passover Seder at the Sheraton Desert Inn Country Club on Saturday, March 26th. The traditional Seder will be held in the Terrace Room, 3145 Las Vegas Blvd. South, at 6:00 p.m. The Seder is open to the entire community. The cost to members of Congregation Ner Tamid is $35.00 for adults and $15.00 for children age twelve and under. The charge to non-members is $40.00. Reservations must be made by March 18th. Checks should be made payable to Congregation Ner Tamid and mailed in advance to the Temple Office at 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121. Passover Section ? See pages 12,13 & 14 Shahbat Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday, March 4th* 7:30 p.m. Social Action Sabbath Health Forum to follow Shabbat Service Oneg sponsored by Social Action Committee Saturday, March 5th 10:00 a.m. Joshua Rosenberg Bar Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by the Rosenberg family Friday, March 11th* 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Oneg sponsored by Brotherhood Frances Klamian, Guest Soloist Saturday, March 12th 10:00 a.m. Children's Tot Shabbat Friday, March 18th* 6:00 p.m. Second Grade Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m. 2nd Grade Family Services Oneg sponsored by Families of 2nd Grade Saturday, March 19th 10:00 a.m. Benjamin Meoz Bar Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by the Meoz family Friday, March 25th* 7:30 p.m. Singles Shabbat Service Dr. Sandra Ziskrout will speak on ?Dating In The 90's? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, March 26th 6:00 p.m. Passover Seder Sheraton Desert Inn Country Club *Babysitting available in Room 5 M arch 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 702-733-6292 Conveniently located one block east of Eastern, one block south of Desert Inn. Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Director of Education Jacqueline Fleekop Director of Preschool Dotty Gross Temple Board President Jerry Gordon V.P. Administration Alan Mann V.P. Ways & Means Stephen Joseph V.P. Membership Lois Doctors V.P. Religious Activities Steven Weissman V.P. Education Denise Schnitzer V.P Social Activities Debbie Levy Treasurer Jack Nitzkin Trustees Paul Cohen $ Nadine Cracraft Roger Ewan & David Gross Jerry Polis & Stacey Yahraus Bob Unger & Ron Worth Sisterhood Helen Zliser Brotherhood Lenny Gropman Golden Chai Ronae Fink NTTY Judy Kollins Past Presidents Cal Lewis & Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer David Wasserman Steve Kollins & Michael Cheny Advisor Leo Wilner Temple Administrator Monty Willey Rabbi's Message ? Recently our membership committee and Temple Board met with two very special people?Rabbi Leonard Thai and Rabbi Renni Altman. Rabbi Thai is a long time friend and advisor to our congregation. Living in Los Angeles, Rabbi Thai serves as our regional Rabbi. Rabbi Altman lives in New York and is in charge of special outreach programs designed to bring unaffiliated Jews into Congregational life. During a special three hour seminar, both Rabbis shared a wide range of facts and programming ideas that will benefit our Congregation. This seminar, by the way, is part of many benefits that we receive by belonging to (he Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC). One of the more interesting statistics presented was that nearly 80% of all Jews in America at some point or another belong to a Temple. That encouraging statistic became more sobering when we realize that in many cities, including our own, the unaffiliated rate is over 50%. Apparently most Jews do join at some point, but for a variety of reasons they either delay joining or leave Congregational life either after their children are grown or perhaps when they retire and move to another community. "One of the more interesting statistics presented was that nearly 80% of all Jews in America at some point or another belong to a Temple." While this knowledge makes sense intuitively (just think of people that you know yourselves), the reality is that many Congregations have failed to provide programming to attract young Jews earlier or retain Jews in their later years. Even in our Congregation we noticed that we need to do belter. Thus, you will see that our membership committee is busy trying to integrate many of the ideas that were shared during that seminar. I would like to bring to your attention several changes that have been made immediately to address these issues. As many of you know, during our December board meeting, our Temple board enthusiastically passed reduced dues structures for singles, young couples under 30 and for seniors 65 years of age and older. While our Temple has never turned anyone away for financial reasons, this accommodating dues schedule is meant to send a powerful message to our community: WE WANT YOU TO BELONG TO OUR TEMPLE! We are responding in terms of our programming as well. A new board position has been created for Social Vice President. This position's role will be to plan several fun and exciting social events throughout (he year that will appeal to all of our Temple members. In addition, I am very excited to announce that I hosted the first organizational meeting of our new Singles Group. The group is very open and fluid at this point. We had people ranging in ages from 21-60, with and without children, divorced and widowed. The focus of the group will be to provide special social gatherings to bring together singles of all ages so that they cani meet, network and socialize. If you aref interested in learning more, give me a call at the Temple, or come to our next event on March 13th at 11:00 in the Temple library. Friday, March 25th will be our ?Singles Sabbath" designed to welcome singles from the entire community to our Temple. Finally, you will see in the coming year an emphasis on ?Family Education?. More and more you will see programs offered by our Religious School that are designed to include parents in the educational process of their children. In January we had a wonderful Tu B?shvat program and on March 13th the school will be hosting the ?Passover Experience" starting at 9:30 a.m. One final thought: Our best membership recruiters are our own Temple members. If you know of someone interested in joining a Temple, please bring them by to meet with me or our Temple Administrator. Better yet, bring them to one of our programs or Friday night Services and let them get to know us a little. Congregation Ner Tamid?s motto has always been ?A Special Place To Belong. ? It is hoped that in the months ahead, more and more people will learn that this statement is more than just a snappy phrase; it is indeed the feeling that we engender within our Temple family. B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad 2 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid M arch 1994 Growth of o Synagogue "The synagogue has also become a social gathering place for Jews to associate with other Jews." Congregation Ner Tamid is first and foremost a religious institution with its primary purpose being to provide a place of worship and religious education for Jews of all ages. However, in our modern society, Congregation Ner Tamid must be more than simply a synagogue. Today, we live in a secular society. Most of us spend more time interacting with non-Jews than Jews. As such, the traditional role of the synagogue through necessity has changed. The synagogue is now called upon to sponsor and support organizations and activities which go beyond brotherhood and sisterhood; in the case of Congregation Ner Tamid, it includes several youth groups, preschool, Outreach and Golden Chai. Given the large increase in the number of Jewish single adults, we are now exploring programming to meet their needs and to make Congregation Ner Tamid more relevant to their lives. The traditional concept of religious education has expanded to include Jewish education. In this regard, the synagogue has been called upon to assume an expanding role. For instance, our Cantorial Intern, Bella Feldman, is producing a Jewish Music series this Spring. We hope many of you will attend and support this worthwhile endeavor. The synagogue has also become a social gathering place for Jews to associate with other Jews. Activities range from exercise classes for our seniors to the Game Night which is scheduled for thel2th of this month. To Rabbi's Bima Request It is a special privilege to be called to the Bima to participate in the Sabbath Service. At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors to be proud of, such as lighting the Shabbat candles, opening and closing the doors of the Sacred Ark, dressing and undressing the Torah, and to have the Aliya and bless the Torah. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, contact Ronae at 733-6292 at the Temple Office and she will be delighted to give you a date for an Honor. If you are unfamiliar with the Hebrew prayers, assistance is available. Contact Ronae and she will be pleased to help teach you all the appropriate blessings. Participate in Shabbat Services. A Special Place To Belong meet the demands for this type of programming, your Board of Trustees has recently established the position of Vice President for social activities. Debbie Levy has assumed this position and will work with other officers and committees to enhance the role of Congregation Ner Tamid in social and recreational activities. If you have any thoughts or suggestions with regard to the above, please contact us. While this month's bulletin mentions scores of activities, there is always room for improvement and change. 3 M arch 1994 Doug Cotier? a man of many talents Congregation Ner Tamid Doug Cotier, the Grammy Award-winning composer and accomplished singer, songwriter and musician, will perform Sunday, March 20th at 7:00 p.m. From young children to adults, Cotier?s music appeals to a wide cross-section of Jewish music lovers. Blessed with a warm and expressive voice, his sensitive and penetrating interpretations of liturgy as well as his insightful and occasionally humorous songs about Jewish events and heroes have placed him at the forefront of contemporary Jewish music. Doug tours the country enchanting audiences with his elegant, uplifting and thought-provoking perform?ances. He has shared his innovative music with Jewish communities everywhere. Cotier?s musical career includes composing the symphony, The Golem (which was performed by the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra), and performing country, pop and rock music with such well-known artists as John Denver, Jerry Jeff Walker and Mason Williams. He has also recorded five original Jewish music albums. Cotier?s 1984 Grammy was awarded for writing Manhunt, a powerful song featured in the hit album and movie, Flashdance. His breakthrough album, ?Listen,?contains the hit song ?Standing on the Shoulders.? This expressive song is used extensively as a theme for conventions, films and religious services. Cotier?s other albums have been recorded at his Woodland Hills, California studio called A Major Studio. It is a computerized, professional recording facility which has attracted and recorded hundreds of artists from around the world. With his father, a Cantor, providing training from the age of nine, Cotier?s professional career began at 14, singing in Southern California synagogues and Jewish Community Centers. When Doug?s father suddenly passed away, he assumed his father?s position as Cantor at a large reform congregation in the Bay area. Doug is currently the Cantorial Soloist at Kol Tikvah, a Reform Congregation in Woodland Hills, California. A native Californian and resident of Woodland Hills, Cotier, 43, earned a Bachelor?s degree in Philosophy from St. John?s College in Sante Fe, New Mexico. He and his wife, Gail, have two sons, Kyle, age eight, and Noah, who is five. Following Doug Cotier in CNT's ?A Buffet of Jewish Music? series will be Stephen Caplan's concert?Songs Without Words??Sunday April 24, at 7 p.m. Caplan will feature music by Jewish composers. He is featured on two critically acclaimed compact disk records. A third CD is currently being produced. The final concert in CNT's Jewish music series is ?Broadway and Pop Favorites,? which will be held Monday, May 9, at 7 p.m. Presented by the Congregation Ner Tamid choir, along with Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman and pianist Lillian Kollar, this program will include some of your favorite songs. All three performances will be held at Congregation NerTamid. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Temple. For those who will attend all three^ concerts, the cost is $25. for adults, $10^P for children. Individual tickets may also be purchased. The cost of the Doug Cotier concert is $15. for adults, $5. for children. Tickets for Songs Without Words With Stephen Caplan or Broadway and Pop Favorites are each $10. for adults, $5. for children. Mail your check or money order to: A Buffet of Jewish Music Concert Series, CIO Congregation NerTamid. For more information, contact Bella Feldman at Congregation NerTamid?733-6292. Jewish Music Season Kicks Off Cantor's Concert Hits A High Note! Congregation Ner Tamid is alive with the sound of music! The Temple's celebration of Jewish Music Season started off with a real bang at our Shabbat Service, which explored the history of Jewish Liturgical Music. I received nothing but positive feedback on the program! Thank you again to Lillian Kollar for writing such an interesting lecture. We have so much more to look forward to... As you know, the ?Buffet of Jewish Music? series will begin this month on Sunday, March 20 at 7:00 p.m. with our feature performer Doug Cotier. I have been teaching some of Doug?s music to the Religious School students and the Junior Choir. Grades K-3 will be invited to perform with Doug as well as the Junior Choir. All those students who participate in the program are our invited guests and can come FREE OF CHARGE! (Parents must still purchase tickets.) This show is sure to be fun and entertaining for all, so please buy your tickets now! See you at the concert! A Special Place To Belong B?shalom, Bella Feldman <1 March 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid #Mal Action Committee Make sure you mark your calendars for our Health Forum on March 4, entitled National Health Care Policy and You?a Health Forum for the 90's. ?If you are interested in what is developing in the field of national health policy, don't miss our health forum for the 90's,? states Rabbi Akselrad. Included on the panel of local health-care professionals who are going to address?from their own unique perspective? current trends and anticipated developments?will be Allan Stipe, Executive Director of Sunrise Hospital; Dr. Gary Kantor, Hypertension and Renal Institute of Nevada; Ms. Pam Delanis, RN, B.S.,a medical ethicist; Dr. Maty A. Glovinsky, a clinical psychologist and private practitioner who is also Chairman of the Allied Health Council at Sunrise Hospital and the Nevada spokesperson for the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems; Ms. Grace Drewer, RNCS, (?mm MSN, Director of Nursing at Montevista Hospital; and Rev. Jerry Blankenship (Moderator), Senior Chaplain at Sunrise Hospital. The forum, open to the public, will be held at Congregation Ner Tamid at 8:15 p.m. In that 1994 is the year that Congress will be acting on a health plan for the nation, it is important that we all be aware of programs that impact us in such a personal way. ? During March, please bring in canned goods (or your chametz) to donate to needy families in the community. The food will be greatly appreciated. ? The Social Action Committee will be hosting a Model Seder for the church adult education class. ? Thank you to all of those who participated in our Purim Blood Drive. A special ?thank you? to Joe Fink for chairing this joint Brotherhood and Social Action project. ? Both the Ner Tamid and Sisterhood Boards have donated money for Reform congregations in Los Angeles seriously affected by the January earthquake. This is a special Mitzvahfor us. Happy Birthday to all of you! Eileen Kollins Social Mon Health Care Form March 4, 1994 National Health Care Policy?And You A Health Forum For The 90?s Make sure you mark your calendars for our SOCIAL ACTION SHABBAT HEALTH CARE FORUM* on Friday, March 4, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Panelists: Rev. Jerry Blankenship (Moderator) Ms. Pam Delanis, RN, B.S., Medical Ethicist Ms. Grace Dreyer, RNCS, MSN, Montevista Hospital Dr. Marv Glovinsky, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gary Kantor, Hypertension & Renal Institute Mr. Allan Stipe, Executive Director, Sunrise Hospital * Oneg Shabbal Co-Sponsored by Social Action Committee & Sisterhood A Special Place To Belong 5 present The Passover Experience A Program for Kids and Their Parents to Share Sunday, March 13th 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Taste, touch, smell and see Passover as never before. You will learn the Seder Symbols in a manner you probably have never experienced in the past. Join Us. Join us as a family. * The Committee for Inter-faith Families Co-sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid and Jewish Family Services NISAN March! Where has time gone? Time flies when you are having a good time; and yet, we have so much to accomplish before the end of the educational year. February was full of joy, laughter and shared experiences. The Tu B?Shevat Seder allowed us to take time to reflect the values of trees in our every day life. The students and parents seemed most impressed with the four cups of grape juice, each of which differed in color from lightest to darkest. The four cups represent the four seasons of the year. Purim was fun and because of the purpose of supporting our school the hard work became a labor of love. Many thanks again to our supporters. March means Passover Seders and the distribution of candy orders. March means Spring, new growth of nature, birds singing and music coming from CNT. (Notes Jackie: ?I have studied with and met Doug Cotier. Do not miss him. Do not let your children miss this oppor?tunity. He is great!") During this month we will prepare for an all-school program, ?A Trip To Israel.? We will study, learn music, and do art, which will include models of the architecture seen in Israel. The most educational gift you can give to your child is to share in their learning process. I hope you attend the CNT Seder at the Sheraton Desert Inn and attend a special Family Educa?tion Program which will be offered at CNT. A BIG ?Thank you? to Diane Brady for tickets to the Shrine Circus! Congratulations to Michael LaMont, who teaches our Judiac Studies. He was honored as National Middle School Teacher of the Year. And to everyone, have a meaningful Pesach and a wonderful Spring Break. Jacqueline Fleekop Director of Education A Special Place To Belong Our Philosophy CNT Preschool offers a creative environment where each child is encouraged to develop his/ her own self image in an active learning setting. Our goal is to offer quality education in an atmosphere of security and love. We believe that children should be motivated through play, the most important ingredient. Social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and religious activities are implemented through planned events and spontaneous expression. For further information call: 733-6292 Dotty Gross Director CNT Preschool The enrollment package includes: Application for Admission, Immunization Record, Health Form, and Parental Authorization form for field trips. These forms, which may be obtained from the Preschool or Temple Office, must be completed and returned. * All children should be healthy when attending CNT preschool. CURRICULUM: Judaic Program?Promoting Jewish heritage and culture through stories, music, creative crafts, weekly Shabbat celebration, and holiday celebrations; Enrichments: Art, music, science, nature, and creative movement. Field trips, picnics; Learning skills?including reading and math readiness; Socialization?Positive adjustments, self-reliance; Special family events?Passover model Seder, Purim Carnival, trips... ) , presch0?! Tot Shabbat ?I March 12th at 10:00 a.m. is Tot Shabbat time! Tot Shabbat is a special Shabbat morning religious program geared especially for tiny tots, 3-6 years of age and their siblings. Rabbi Akselrad and Bella Feldman will conduct a wonderfully exciting Saturday experience for your children. The theme for our next Tot Shabbat is Passover. Mark your calendars now. Simply fill out this fomi and return it to Congregation NerTamid for a fun-filled morning. Name Address: Phone: Yes, we?d like to learn more about your Tot Shabbat Programs: Tiny Tots Names L. We plan to attend March 12th Yes ? No ? A Special Place To Belong JM arch 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid During the past few weeks, Sisterhood has had some exciting and successful events. First was Rabbi Akselrad?s discussion of ?Modern Morality.? In fact, it was so well received that he will give a second program for the many people who expressed regret at not being able to attend the January meeting. So, back by popular demand, Rabbi will again speak to us at our March 24th meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Temple library. Members and guests are invited. The Campership Family Fashion Show on February 6 was not only great fun, but also profitable for the fund which helps send our young people to Jewish summer camps. The young models were delightful. We thank all of the parents and kids who participated, including the Rabbi and Monty Willey, our Temple Administrator. Our guest speaker at the February luncheon meeting was our own Sandy Ziskrout. She gave a very enjoyable and infomiative workshop entitled ?Is Play Hard Work for You?" We always enjoy her presentations and appreciate her efforts for Sisterhood. Again we invite all of our Temple ladies to join us in our activities, philanthropies and friendships. fake a P<((t>ehee- J94H Guffoyt &*te>A99d Sisterhood makes a difference in your life. When you join CNT Sisterhood, you become part of a national and international network of 100,000 women that create and carry out programs for the contemporary Jewish woman and her family. Sisterhood makes a difference in your faith. When you join Sisterhood you help support rabbinical students, temple youth groups, college activities, pre-school classes, parenting education and other projects to strengthen your synagogue, your community, the Jewish heritage and Jewish people. Sisterhood makes a difference at CNT and in our community. It sponsors or supports activities for preschool children, parent education, religious school, temple youth group, the library, the Judaica Shop and all the other caring services that make Congregation Ner Tamid part of your family. It represents the values that we as Reform Jews express through our actions in association with other communal organizations to make our community a better place to live. It focuses on the special needs and interests of women. It is a partner within the congregation?to share responsibilities and to make its contribution to serve larger needs of the congregational family. Love and Shalom, Helen Zliser, President Sheraton Desert Inn Country Club Terrace Room March 26th at 6:00 p.m. Adult Members ? $35.* Non-Members ? $40.' Children under 12 ? $15.* * The portion of your contribution which is attributable to the cost of the Seder meal is $25?Adults, $12?Children BROTHERHOOD UPDATE The guest speaker at our meeting on February 6 was John Sindler, the announcer for the Las Vegas Stars and Thunder. He was very entertaining and infomiative. Thank you Burt Rosenberg for arranging John's appearance. Brotherhood will be sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat on March 11th. Volunteers are needed to man our fireworks booth which will be located at Flamingo and Pecos. At our meeting set for March 6 (Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.), our guest speaker will be Rabbi Sanford Akselrad. The subject will be The Middle East?An Update. Family members are welcomed to join us. Golden Chai Calendar '""?WS5S889??'*' March 3 Edwards Wakeyama, Ph.D. March 17 Dave Courvoisier - Channel 3 April 7 General Meeting cancelled (due to Yom Hashoah) April 10 Game Day Sunday?12:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. H April 21 Surprise!! 8 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid M arch 1994 A great way to say Mazel Tov, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary?or any special message. A tribute is a contribution. Call in your tribute today! Phyllis Mark (263-0118) or Betty Schloss (876-2678) How To Achieve Positive Discipline At Home And At School Attend a Parent-Study Group If you have hassles with children over such problems as: Fighting Chores Homework Bedtime Sharing Responsibility Mealtime You will learn to understand why children misbehave. Learn specific techniques to help solve these problems. Learn how to help children develop ? Self-discipline ? Responsibility ? Problem-solving skills ? Self-esteem Wednesday evenings April 20th 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. School Library Debbie McKinnon, M.S. CALL DEBBIE MCKINNON AT 733-6292 TO SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE OR FOR ANOTHER GROUP A Special Place To Belong 9 M arch 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid 6 Great Reasons to Join Golden ( hai 1. ?The food. And they have entertainment every month.? Anne Westerman 2. ?Making friends. We made friends and we kept them!? Ed Hochstadt 3. ?1 like their bagels and cream cheese!? Harry Podrup 4. ?Friendly atmosphere!? Albert Karbal 5. ?The people. The people are very friendly.? Maty Schimmel 6. ?I like the atmosphere here... the people. I like music, singing, where we participate, too.? Ida Karbal Golden Ghai Message ?The Great Sabbath? ?Shabbat Hagadol? ?The Great Sabbath?is so named because we use this Sabbath to prepare for Passover. For example, on this Sabbath afternoon we are instructed to re?view the Haggadah in preparation for the service, the Seder. In the morning service there is also a special prophetic read?ing which heralds the advent of the Passsover holidays. It signals that Pesach is only a few days away, and Pesach always comes at the right time of year. It is the symbol of spring, reminding us that winter is just about over. At the Seder the use of green parsley is the symbol of the freshness of the coming spring. We read from ?The Song of Songs? (2-11-12) ?For to the winter is past... The flowers appear on the earth, and the time of singing is come!? May this Pesach find you and yours with joyful songs of spring; with hope for peace and happiness blooming in your family's hearts. May your table be laden with happiness and health. Happy Passover. NEW CNT PROGRAM & SHABBAT SERVICE 4 FOR SINGLES Anew Jewish Singles Program, open to the entire community, has been created by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad to provide a variety of social, cultural and religious programs designed to welcome singles into congregation life. The program is set up in an informal fashion so that singles will feel comfortable meeting and socializing with each other. This new Jewish singles group is open to both members and non?members alike. The group?s next meeting will be Sunday, March 13 at 11:00 a.m. at the Temple. Enjoy bagels, cream cheese, coffee, juice and just good old-fashioned fun. In addition, CNT will hold its first ?Singles Shabbat? service at 7:30 p.m., Friday, March 25. Dr. Sandra Ziskrout, marriage and family specialist in private practice in Las Vegas will be the featured speaker. The topic will be ?Dating in the 90?s.? Singles will be invited to a separate Oneg Shabbat in the Temple Library following services. If you wish to become more involved, join us at the organizational meeting at 10:00 a.m. and help to plan subsequent events. For more information call 733-6292. What Is A Havurah? AHavurah is a group of couples, families and individuals who will commit to meeting on a regular basis. It can be for a variety of reasons such as: ? To enjoy a Shabbat dinner ? To see a show ? To go on a nature walk If you see a Havurah group of people who are really enjoying themselves, you're absolutely right. For one thing, it's a terrific way to get to know people and to get acquainted with other Congregants. Ronae Fink President, Golden Chai For more information about starting your own Havurah group?call the Temple Office 733-6292. 10 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid Goods 'n Services M arch 1994 Auction The ff1 Fundraiser of the Year! The Goods and Services Auction will be April 9th at 7:00 p.m., and do we have an opportunity for you! Send us your business cards and $25.00 now to reserve your ad in our Auction Program. This is a good, opportunity for professionals, such as doctors, attorneys and CPA?s to contribute. We are also seeking donations of goods and services. Don?t forget to ask your manicurist, dog groomer, jeweler, or favorite restaurant for a gift certificate. Some other suggestions: Airline tickets, vacation cabins, sporting goods, tickets to sporting events, TV's, stereos, computers, software... No gift is too small. No gift is too large. If you can donate a product or a service on which people can bid? or know someone who can?please call Joni Akselrad at 456-8180 or Debbie Levy at 870-9065, or the Temple Office at 733-6292. Invite your friends to attend with you and ... HAVE FUN BIDDING! Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman speak with Leopold Page (Pfefferberg) who is the survivor most responsible for bringing the story of Oskar Schindler in the movie Schindler's List to life. In 1980 Australian novelist Thomas Keneally heard Page's tale about Schindler: During the Holocaust at the German concentration camp near Plaszow, thousands of Jews lost their lives at the hands of the Nazis. More than a thousand others would have been counted among the dead if not for a German-Catholic industrialist and Nazi-Party Member named Oskar Schindler. After listening to Page, the author Keneally then researched the truth about the Holocaust. He subsequently wrote Schindler's List which has been recently released into our movie theaters. A Special Place To Belong M arch 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid Fly with Rabbi Akselrad to Washington, D.C. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad is leading a unique trip to Washington, D.C., highlighted by a special visit to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The trip will take place May 12 to May 15 and is open to the entire community. In addition to visiting the Holocaust museum, the group will enjoy a special Shabbat dinner Friday night and a noted guest speaker. Saturday morning will include a special guided tour of The White House by Mrs. Bilbray and a tour of the Washington D.C. area. A gourmet lunch is also included. The Holocaust Museum is more than a museum; it serves not only to teach, but it also makes one contemplate, think and to reflect upon one of the worst events in history. The group will stay at the deluxe Holiday Inn Crown Plaza Metro (5- star rated). Admission to the Holocaust Museum is included in the price. The cost of the trip is $879 per person, based on a double occupancy. Single and triple occupancy is available upon request. Space is limited, so secure your reservations before March 15th. Call Ken or Linda Schnitzer at Your Travel Place (798-7988) to sign up. 3 Important Tilings To Remember 1. The deadline for CNT's next bulletin is April 5. All articles and press releases should be submitted on 3.5" IBM or Mac disks, along with a printed copy. 2. We need several dedicated volunteers with superior spelling skills to help ?proof? CNT's bulletin for typing errors. Please call Sheila Geier at our Temple Office? 733-6292. 3. Our CNT Bulletin needs a name.' We would like a minimum of 300 entries. Mail your name ideas to: Name-the-CNT-Bulletin Contest c/o CNT 2761 Emer