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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, November 2007



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    Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin TBS Bandstand 2007 November 11, 7:00 pm Our TBS Programming Committee is planning another fun-filled event for congregants of all ages on Sunday night, November 11th. Get ready for "TBS Bandstand - 2007", an eve-ning of entertainment, refreshments, a karaoke contest, an old fashioned dance contest, music trivia games and of course, dancing. There will be a dancing demonstration by Delgado Dance Studios. Our musical host and MC for the night will be our own Ron Kirsh. The evening will be a lot of fun for everyone, even if you don't dance. Reservations can be made through the TBS office. $18 for congregants and $25 for non members. November 2007 Theodore Bikel, Alberto Mizrahi & Cantor Daniel Friedman To Appear in Coneert at Temple Beth Sholom Special Las Vegas Performance Brings Jewish Singers Together November 18, 7:00 pm Broadway legend Theodore Bikel and world renowned tenor Al-berto Mizrahi will join Temple Beth Sholom's Cantor Daniel Fried-man for a special performance of "OUR SONG" on Sunday No-vember 18,2007,7:00 pm at Temple Beth Sholom in Summerlin. Theodore Bikel, the beloved Jewish entertainer whose 60-year career includes stage, film, television, radio and musical per-formances, collaborated with Alberto Mizrahi, affectionate-ly known as "the Jewish Pavarotti,'' to create the album "Our Song, that will be featured during this rare performance. Bikel, perhaps best known for his role as Tevye in the stage ver-sion of "Fiddler on the Roof," is also a renowned folk singer who has sung thousands of concerts in 23 languages around the world. Greek-born tenor, Alberto Mizrahi, one of the world's leading in-terpreters of Jewish music, is Hazzan of the historic Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago. He has thrilled audiences worldwide in recit- 11 ami k kali Festival December 6, 6:00 pm The Fourth Annual Temple Beth Sholom Hanukkah Festival will be held on Thursday, December 6th at 6:00 pm in the Sigesmund Sanctuary. Orchestrated by Cantor Daniel Friedman, the free event will feature a symbolic mcnorah lighting, singing with the students of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center, the Solomon Schechter Day School, and the Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies. Music will be performed by the Ruaeh Ensemble. After all of the singing and performances, guests will convene in the social hall for dancing with a disc jockey. A Hanukkah Festival would not be complete without latkes. Women's League will provide delicious latkes for all to enjoy. This program is free and open to all congregants and school families. Slain glass window pictured above is from the Steinberg Chapel designed by Riki Dubo. Photo courtesy of Brian llarter. als, symphony concerts, and opera. "We are excited to host such world renowned performers," exclaimed Cantor Daniel Friedman. "This is a rare opportunity to enliven our Jewish community with such in-credible talent, and bring us to-gether in joy, song and celebration." Tickets are $100 (Cantor's Circle includes a kosher caviar reception with the performers) $60 (reserved) and $40 (general admission.) can be purchased at Temple Beth Sholorn. Call 702.804.1333 x104 for further information, or to make your reservation. President's Message Executive Director The Cycles of Life David Steinberg No sooner than we finish reading the Torah, we start over again. Judaism has a variety of rites of passage from birth through death. Each part of the life cycle is an important rite of passage and each season of life should be celebrated as such. In Judaism, we have unique holidays and prayers to celebrate life cycle events. We have just finished celebrating the days of Awe where our sins and misdeeds were expunged. Immediately we start reading the Torah again starting with the creation of the earth. No sooner than the earth is created, the lorah tells of a great flood and then the story of Noah and of him being a righteous man. Seasons, or cycles, are times of change which bring a chance for new and varied experiences. Of all the seasons, autumn is my favorite. 1 love the colors in the leaves and the sweet woody smells in the air. 1 even love the shortening shadows and waning of daylight knowing that more change is in the air. Of course you cannot really experience the totality of fall in Las Vegas, which is a good reason to go up to the mountains where fall is in full bloom! You might ask what do Jewish cycles and my love of the seasons have to do with the Synagogue. Well, our Synagogue has seasons and cycles as well. When we moved to our new location, our growth was rapid and furious, much like that of a young child. Now, as we reach adolescence, we have made conscious decisions that shape our future. Our dedication to the Solomon Schechter School and to Jewish education has made it clear that we know that our future is with our children and their love and knowledge of Judaism. Our music filled services are a testimony to our desire to inspire our congregants, not only with words, but with joyful inspirational melodies that leave our congregants with a sense of harmony with the Jewish ideals contained in our prayers. Our rabbi constantly challenges us to understand the meaning of being a Conservative Jew and how it affects not only our views but our actions in our everyday life. As adolescents, we are willing to try new things and work towards developing ways to have fun together whether it is at a game night or a dance. Jewish programming in our Synagogue will become an important part of developing our community at Temple Beth Sholorn. So, when I hear things are not the same, my answer is "Of course they're not the same." We are never the same. This fall will never be like any other fall nor will the experience of any other life cycle event or season. We're changing. We're growing. We're adding to our rich history and perspective even as I write. Enjoy it all and do not be remorseful. Just as we celebrate and live through the rites of passage in life, we should celebrate and rejoice in the rites of passage of our Synagogue. A Hanukkah Gift To Your Friends, Family and Congregation It is just the beginning of November and here I am already writing about Hanukkah. This year, the first candle of Hanukkah will be lit on Tuesday, December 4. There will be a number of special activities for Hanukkah taking place at Temple Beth Sholom, the most notable of which is our Annual Hanukkah Festival on Thursday, December 6 and will be a synagogue-wide celebration of the Festival of Lights, complete with music, dancing, latkes and sufganiyot! In addition, there will be other activities taking place in the schools, in I "Dor V 'Dor and virtually every program area of the Temple. This year, we are providing a wonderful opportunity for congregants and staff to send a little I lanukkah light to their fellow congregants and staff. Fashioned after our Mishloach Manot program for Purim, individuals will have the opportunity to send Hanukkah greetings to others in the Temple. Each congregant and staff member will receive a gift package containing a card with the names of every member who designated to send them a Hanukkah greeting as well as a dreidel and some chocolate gelt. When you receive your Hanukkah Gift information in your mailbox, I hope you will take advantage of this convenient way to brighten the lives of others in our Temple family. In doing so, you also help to support the many programs the Temple offers at Hanukkah time, and during the year! Thank von to our volunteer editors for all (heir help with this month's bulletin. Friedman Pavilion Donor Spotlight David & Lara Stone have always felt strongly connected to their Judaism. Both grew up in Conservative Synagogues and where they celebrated their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. Lara was an active member and student leader at 1 lillel at the Claremont Colleges during her years at Scripps College. After college David & Lara met while I _.ara worked as the Program Director for 1 lillel at Arizona State University. Lara later moved to West Los Angeles to be closer to David and attend The University of Southern California and Hebrew Union College for a joint r- master degree in Social Work and Jewish Communal Service. After graduation Lara continued in the Jewish Field by working as a Resource Director for I ladassah of Southern California in Beverly Hills, and David and Lara were married in December of 1996. David had worked with homeowner's associations in LosAngeles and discovered a need for collection services in Nevada, so the couple moved to Las Vegas to open up Nevada Association Services in 1999. Immediately upon arrival David and Lara began attending services at Temple Beth Sholom (located then at the Milton 1. Schwartz Hebrew Academy) and then soon joined as members. TBS quickly became a support system for David and Lara. They helped found a Chavurah Program and quickly made friends from the synagogue. When they returned from adopting their son, Andy, from the Ukraine they were welcomed back warmly at services, and then Rabbi Goodman named Andy and performed his conversion in the temple's new mikvah. Some years later Rabbi also performed a Brit Milah and Naming for twins Jared and Allison. All Stone children attended The Sandra & Stanley Mallin School of Early Childhood Education while Lara chaired and sat-on numerous committees, and David acted as a liaison between the Religious School and the Temple Board of Directors. Until recently, David sat on the TBS Board of Directors. David and Lara support a number of Jewish Organizations, including the Jewish Federations of both Las Vegas and Los Angeles, A1PAC, Jewish National Fund, Chabad of Los Angeles and Hebrew Union College. Currently David and Lara support the Solomon Schechter Day School. Andy is in 2nd Grade and Allison and Jared are in Kindergarten. Lara chaired the school's 1st Annual Wine Tasting and Chinese Auction last February and will continue again this year. "The school has been a wonderful place for our family, and we will continue to support it for many years. It promotes the Jewish traditions and value system we prioritize in our family." The family made a contribution to the Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion Capital Campaign. For more information on how you can make a cash or in-kind contribution to Temple Beth Sholom's Friedman Multi - (Generational Pavilion project, please contact Laura Sussman in the Temple office. 3 B'nai Mitzvah Hory Carmer was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 6. Rory is enrolled in the eighth grade at Victoria Fertitta Middle School. Last year she was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society and she also placed 3rd in the Nevada National History Event. Rory's experiences at Camp Ramah, in Ojai, California have greatly influenced her Jewish identity. This summer, her family traveled to Israel and proudly watched her become a Bat Mitzvah on the top of Masada. Rory also plays on the Tennis Team at Canyon Cate Country Club and her other interests include swimming, boogie boarding, reading, and dancing. Rory has a great sense of humor and she loves to make people laugh. Rory worked diligently on her Haftorah and Torah portion, and could not wait to become a Bat Mitzvah amongst her friends and family at Temple Beth Sholom. Danni Shanel was called to the Torah during Havdalah service on October 6. A native of Canada, Danni moved to Las Vegas in late 1998 and joined the I lebrew Academy. She is currently in seventh grade at Becker Middle School. An honor student with an artistic and creative mind, Danni enjoys music, reading and writing. Her creative writing skills are now being honed in the Journalism class, where she gets to write articles for her school's paper. Danni enjoys outdoor activities and loves water and snow skiing, tennis, hiking and taking her beloved dog Izzy for walks. Over the past few years Danni had traveled every summer to Camp Winnebagoe, Canada, a Jewish camp on beautiful Lake Muskoka, where she gets to do Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday evenings under the stars, meet new and old friends as well as embark on a month long outdoor activity frenzy. Danni took to fencing in 2002 and has been training regularly at the Fencing Academy of Nevada. She participated in various regional tournaments and was among a team of young fencers who presented the medals to the winners of the Women's World Fencing Championship held in Las Vegas in 2006 and 2007. For her Bat Mitzvah project, Danni has chosen to share her love of hats. She has pledged to raise donations for 2000 hats for children with cancer. Following her first few presentations Danni has received pledges for 1700 hats and has now raised her goal to 3000. She intends to send the hats to US and Canadian organizations as well as to the Israeli Cancer Society. Her parents Randi and Tamir, sisters Jordan and Freddie, along with her grandparents and family in Israel, Canada and the US are very proud of Danni as she becomes a Bat Mitzvah. Sarah Ana Israel was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 20. Sarah has been attending the Meadows School for three years and is presently in the 8th grade. She attended the Hebrew Academy for 7 years from Pre-K through 5th grade and really enjoyed the time at the Hebrew Academy learning to write, read and speak Hebrew. Sarah's favorite hobbies are drawing, painting, TV and movies, music and surfing the internet. Sarah's parents, Sandra Jane Jeter and Ronald Jay Israel as well as her brother Nathan Lee Farnsworth are very proud of her and all she has accomplished. Sarah is very excited about her Bat Mitzvah and being recognized as a part of the Jewish community. Harrison Silver Rodis becomes a Bar Mitzvah on November 17. In addition to a long-awaited simcha, this date is especially symbolic as it is the occasion of his 13th birthday. Additionally, Harrison's ceremony coincides with the month of his maternal grandfather's birth, a blessed memory, Harry Silver. When he comes to the bimah, Harrison will be the first male of his generation to fulfill the important tradition of chanting Torah. He will first wear the prayer shawl that belonged to his grandfather Henry Rodis, and which was used by his father at his own bar mitzvah. The new prayer shawl that will be draped around Harrison's shoulders is from his recent journey to New York, where he paid his respects to those lost in the September 11 terrorist attacks. It was during this visit, that Harrison also experienced the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, which greeted his family members when they emigrated from Europe. Harrison is a stellar student and an accomplished karate leadership candidate. He holds his second degree black belt and invests many hours in assisting others with the development of their demonstration skills (among them, his six-year-old sister Hailey who is the youngest child in the state to reach first black belt status). For the past six months, Harrison has collected more than 300 books for Spread the Word Nevada Kids to Kids. This non-profit is the beneficiary of his mitzvah project, and has distributed nearly one The Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center million books to at-risk youngsters in its six-year history. I larrison is hopeful the Temple Beth Sholom community will participate in this drive, as each book helps to cultivate a child's ability to succeed academically and in their adult lives. A Star Wars fan, 1 larrison has written his own installment of the popular science fantasy series. He recently submitted a manuscript for publication review. He has diverse taste in music ranging from My Chemical Romance and contemporary jazz to Toby Keith. I Iarrison's parents, Larry and Gillian, and his sisters Hannah and Hailey, are extremely proud of liis many achievements. Joining I larrison at his bar mitzvah will be long-time family friends including Cantor Kat Hastings from Temple Kol Ami in Bloomfield, Michigan. Mazel tov I larrison on your blessing! Education Jennifer Zukowski Early Childhood Director Wild Wild West Barbeque The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center hosted their second annual Fall Fundraiser, Sunday morning, October 28th. This Wild Wild West Barbeque was packed full with families and excitement. An enormous thank you to our committee: Olya Bancliik, Committee Chair, Lai la Spiegel, Melanie Weinrot, Ceorgina Bach, Vicktoria Warlaumont, Debbie Roxarzade, (ana Schonfeld, and Carli Snyder. Thank you so much for all the fabulous creative ideas, time, and tireless effort you contributed to make this event such an incredibly fun day for till involved. In addition to the fabulous food throughout the morning, the children enjoyed the balloon artist and face painter, the petting zoo and bounce house, as well as playing games at the prize booths and doing arts and crafts. Two exciting photo opportunities were available: children could take pictures while riding their favorite pony or while "locked" in jail! Several fantastic items were up for bid at the silent auction. A raffle was held for beautiful therned gift baskets put together from items donated by our preschool families ? thank you for your donations. Thank you to our fabulous room parents for organizing the baskets: Erin Bendavid, Laura Ben- Shirnon, Stephanie Bletnitsky, Allison Bollen, Cheryl Carber, Judi I lirsch, Cina Schonfeld, Holly Silvestri, Laila Spiegel, Christina Stipp, and Melanie Weinrot. We would also like to gratefully acknowledge the families who so graciously donated funds to help to make this day possible. Mitzvah Committee The Preschool Mitzvah Committee has been hard at work planning ways to help needy families through the Jewish Family Services Agency (JFSA) and other charitable organizations. During the month of October, the Committee collected gently-used and new winter coats for the children residing at Child Haven. Each month the Committee will be collecting a different item to help stock the J KSA Pantry. October was Peanut Butter and Jelly month. If you would like to donate any items, a labeled box is available outside the Preschool office. rrhank you for your help. New 18 Month Old Class We are very excited to announce the registration of our new class for 18 month olds (billed the 'Ducks'. This developmental program fosters the social, emotional, cognitive and physical n<*:ds of young m children. It includes music, story time, arts and crafts, free play, sensory experiences, Judaic traditions, and much more. The program could include Hebrew, Spanish, Creative Movement, Minyan with Cantor Daniel, and a very special Shabbat every Friday where families are invited to join us. Fresh snacks and hot kosher lunches are served daily. This class will have a ratio of 1 teacher for every 4 children, with a maximum of 12 children and 3 teachers. You can choose full or part time programming. Class begins: Monday, January 7, 2008. Registration Begins for Currently Enrolled Families-October 29 and 30th, for Temple Members on October 31 and November 1st, and opens to the Community on November 2nd Registration begins at 8:30 AM and will be taken on a first come first served basis. You will need to pay a non-refundable registration fee of $125.00, and sign an enrollment agreement contract. Space is limited, so come early! If you have any questions, please contact the preschool administration office at (702) 804-1333 ext 112. On November 24th, Stuart Andrew Green will have the honor to be called to the Bimah to read his Torah portion Vayishlach. Stuart is the first son of Drs. Suzanne and Sam Green, and the grandson of Faye and Dr. Leon Steinberg and Rona and Dr. Lawrence Green of Phoenix, Arizona. Stuart is the big brother of Pamela and Kenny Stuart is a 7th grade student at the I Iebrew Academy. Stuart is a former Nevada State Chess Champion, and his current hobbies include tennis, guitar, running, and skiing. His Mitzvah Project involves helping to stock the Jewish Family Service Agency food pantry which provides groceries for needy families and individuals. Education Jon Mitzmacher Director of Education Religious School & Midrasha The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies kicked off the new school year in our renovated Education wing of the building. Every Sunday morning, we have our school-wide Tefillah (prayer) session, led by returning teacher Ezra Meppen with the help of some of the students. Teachers and students alike enjoy singing and praying Solomon Seheehter Day School of Las Vegas Seheehter Holds Back to School Night On September 18th, Seheehter held its annual "Back to School" night. Parents had an opportunity in a relaxed environment to learn more about their children's teachers, classroom routines, curriculum and special projects. It was also an opportunity for parents to volunteer for committees and to register their credit cards on (and you don't have to be a Seheehter Parent to register). Thanks to the Parent Organization and the Seheehter Committee for their help in organizing the evening. Solomon Seheehter Awarded Subscriber School Status by PNAIS The Solomon Seheehter Day School of Las Vegas was visited by Meade Thayer, the Executive Director of the Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools (PNAIS), on September 25th and soon thereafter the school was notified that it had been awarded "Subscriber School" status through the organization. Subscriber Schools represent schools that are on their way towards full accreditation through PNAIS, which Seheehter anticipates achieving over the next couple of years. It symbolizes the commitment of the school to actualize best practices associated with the finest independent schools and the belief of PN\IS that the school is capable of fulfilling that commitment. Seheehter is looking forward to the accreditation journey and what new ideas it will bring to the school. Seheehter Shabbaton @ TBS Join Solomon Seheehter as its students lead Friday and Saturday services at Temple Beth Sholom on Friday- Saturday, November 2-3 as part of its first annual Seheehter Shabbaton. Students in Grades 1-4 will spend a complete Shabbat at TBS, eating meals, leading services, and sleeping in the shul! Don't miss this opportunity to see just how much our Seheehter students have learned by coming to services this Shabbat. as a Religious School community. I'd like to welcome our new teachers to the staff, including Sari Dennis, who is one of our new Kitah Bet (second grade) teachers, and Suzy Kupetz, a new Kitah .Aleph (first grade) teacher. Fortunately for Solomon Seheehter and unfortunately for us, we had to give up our original Pre-Kteacher, Shira Danieli, who is now teaching Kindergarten in Solomon Seheehter, but we are happy to welcome Michal Benaloul as our new Pre-K teacher. Elizabeth Corlin is our new Kitah Zayin teacher on Mondays and Wednesdays. We have an awesome line-up of teachers this year! We had a fabulous time at our third annual Sukkot Pizza in the Hut celebration on September 30, shaking the lulav and etrog, and noshing on some great pizza in our beautifully decorated sukkah! Our Vav class (6th grade) is preparing for their Shabbat evening service on November 30th. We can't wait to see how well they daven for us on the bimah! Coming soon - watch out for brochures this month for boxed greeting cards displaying artwork by our very own students - we have some very talented artists in our Religious School! Yonina Schnee Assistant Religious School Director Midrasha We are thrilled to be able to provide engaging and enriching teen programming! This year, we are taking our Midrasha High School program beyond the synagogue's walls out into the community where our teens will experience relevant activities around the community. Jews for Judasim at Hillel, Shabbat at the Fox's, the JNF phonathon and Tu B'shevat festival, and much, much more! interactive, experiential, and just for teens and their friends from 8th through 12th grades. Sometimes we'll partner with USY, other times with BBYO or other Jewish organizations around the valley. Together with your input, support, and energy, we are confident that we can create a program that encourages Jewish connection and serves to build our community of lifelong learners. A Youth Calendar including all USY, Midrasha and Rosh Chodesh Girls programming is currently in development and will be mailed to the entire congregation in early November. Adull Education We regret the delays and confusion with our Adult Education brochure, but by now everyone should have one and have the correct dates and times. The Rabbi's "Introduction to Judaism" class began on September 6th and all other Adult Education classes began on October 11th. Beginning Hebrew Reading I has been joined with new offerings like the Cantor's Beginning Prayer and 1'rope classes as well as a Book Club for Religious School Parents led by RS Principal, Yonina Schnee. Registration for new classes is, therefore, officially open! For more information or to register, please call Ivy in the education office at 804- 1333, extension 114. USY Hopping Their Way to a l l a p p y Holiday Sr. USY spent their Sunday night, September 16th, at the Snipper home, getting their game on! "Game Night" was a smashing success! As the teens began to arrive, friends noshed and joked about school and other upcoming activities. Before getting into their competitive spirits, they took a friendlier and tastier approach by setting up a game based around M&M's. The game not only allowed the teens to joke around and get to know each other, it allowed them to snack on everyone's f a v o r i t e m o r s e l s , c h o c o l a t e . The night was officially kicked off with a convoluted game of Twister. Everyone joined in and put their best foot forward. Well, they at least tried to, anyway. After the tangled teens were sorted out, they split into groups depending on who wanted to play what. Many chose to play Jenga, a strategic game where partners must remove wooden blocks from a teetering tower. The rest of the USYers had a blast with Cranium, where they tested their knowledge of trivia and challenged their friends. Hannah Rodis was more than happy with how well the night went along. She commented, "Game night was totally fun, especially when me and Bebe completely creamed Josh and Camden at Jenga." The Game Night was not only a great way for old and new USYers to get to know each other but it was a bonding experience that brought them all closer. Sr. USY planned more than just Game Night for the month of September. Celebrating Sukkot, they scheduled a holiday favorite, a Sukkah Hop! The friends met at TBS, and from there they journeyed to the first Sukkah, at the Rodis home. They were welcomed there with the scent of tortillas, wraps, and all sorts of delectable appetizers to share with each other. They discussed the story of Sukkot, and the meaning of building the shelters used hundreds of years ago. Once finished, they traveled yet again to Rabbi Goodman's Sukkah, where they enjoyed a scrumptious dinner of Mexican cuisine, the entree. As they dove deeper into the subject of Sukkot, each USYer was able to share his or her - t houghts on what the vie J&fc*. i* holiday really meant to them. Ready to head to the last Sukkah, that of the Mitzmachers', they all united and as a group walked the last leg of the journey. They were overjoyed with the desserts waiting for them, and jumped right into delicious cakes and assorted treats. Candles were lit for Emma Kraft's birthday which coincidently, also fell on September 30th! She is now fourteen. The Sukkah Hop was nothing short of an energetic experience that every teen had to enjoy and we would like to thank our convivial hosts who made it all possible. Education Temple News Women's League News By Kim Memar We hope that by now you have been able to attend one of our exciting events. We had our first meeting in the Sukkah where we all were able to pick our Secret Sister for the year. It was a great experience for all who were able to attend. If you would like to participate in Secret Sister and were not able to attend, please contact Suriva at: 646- 5451 or Kim at: 429-0888. Please pencil us in your calendar NOW7 and join us in November for one or more of our exciting events and meetings. Our Hanukkah Bazaar is on November 4th and we welcome your support in making this event a success! Come by and enjoy the various shopping and socializing opportunities as well as the wonderful food and great raffles provided by our various vendors. The Audrey Merkin Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser will be held on Tuesday November 6th at Piero's. Please join us in honoring the memory of our beloved friend Audrey by raising funds to send a Jewish teen on the March of the Living. Let us help keep the promise that my daughter Sarah and her group made to the survivors that accompanied them on their unbelievable journey to Poland and Israel which was to never let their stories die and to "Never Forget". Our Book Club will meet Tuesday, November 13th from 7-9pm and Wednesday the 14th from 10am-12pm at Suriva Fischer's home. The book we will be reviewing is Loving Frank by 8 Nancy Horan. RSVP to Suriva: 656- 5451 or Kim: 429-0888 Our Scrapbook Club will meet Tuesday, November 27th from 10am-lpm at TBS and Thursday the 29(h from 7-10pm at Nancy Glass Stone's home. RSVP to Kim: 429-0888 or Nancy Glass Stone: 243-8334. Join Women's League and Men's Club on Thursday evening November 15th for an opportunity to learn more about the traditions of Shabbat services and appropriate Synagogue etiquette. This is the time to find out answers to all those questions you didn't know who or how to ask before. We hope you were able to attend our paid-up membership luncheon and had the pleasure of meeting new friends and reacquainting with old friends as well. We were very happy and excited to honor I Jllian Kronberg as our Woman of the Year for her generation of dedicated service. Lillian was so surprised and humbled to receive this award. It was definitely one of the highlights of our wonderful afternoon. I would like to thank Ellen Ploesch, Beverlee Chervitz, June Colodny, Sheryl Honig, Lois Joseph, Debbie Lederer, Debbie Miner, Lillian Radomsky, Cheryl Ross, Lisa Ruxer, and Marci Seltzer for planning and helping with the event and for having "Weekenders" there for our fashion show. I would like to thank Chef Michael Johnston and "his girls" Beverlee Chervitz, Debbie Miner, and Marci Seltzer for making this luncheon so appealing and delicious! Kudos also go to our own Women's League models Sheryl Honig, Carole Kainen, Debbie Miner, Ellen Ploesch, Lillian Radomsky, Marci Seltzer, Lara Stone, and Lynn Wexler who by their grace and beauty made this a truly memorable day. I am grateful to each and every one of you for making our Women's League what it is today. I feel privileged and honored to be supported in my Presidency by such an amazing group of women. Thank you for your input, support, and your loving hearts!! If you have not sent in your dues yet, please do so ASAP so that you may continue to be a part of this wonderful and active group. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events, clubs, and general meetings! Save the date: New Year's Eve Party-dinner and dancing, bring in the new year with your Temple family!! Shabbat Dinner Friday, November 9, 5:45 pm Please join Temple members for a little matzo ball soup and plenty of ruach as we celebrate a delicious Shabbat dinner, followed by music and singing. This will get you ready for Shabbat I IaNeshama and the Ruach Ensemble which begins at 7:30pm. Dinner prices are $18 for adults and $10 for children. Non-members may participate at a cost of