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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Frank Strong i Laa Vagan - Ootober 28, 19*6 W 2S-1-B This has reference to your latter October 18th concerning the subject of water conservation In the Las Vegas Artesian Basin. Tie have analyzed your letter, as well as yours, of the 12th, and have dleeaeeed this with the General Attorney. Let ae emphasize at the outset that X aa not ‘proposing to furnish water for agricultural purposes..11 X have consistently and agreeslvely opposed the use of water from the olty wains for agricultural purposes, and X aw opposed to It now. The proposed use of water on the searlee traet will be strictly for donsstie use. Vlth regard to your proposal that a water committee be appointed to protest the Interests of the Valley In oonservlag the underground water supply, such an organisation now exists. Xn 1940, we dlsoussed with the Btate Engineer the potential depletion of the under­ground watsr supply by promiscuous Issuance of drilling permits in the Las Vegas Valley, where wore than 400 walla now exist. His response was that In the absenoe of any protest, be had no other course than to grant the permit. However, recognizing the seriousness of the threat to the underground supply, he suggested the organisation of a Water Conservation District in the Valley, as provided by the Hsvada Statutes. This was done, and the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark and Laa Vegas Land and Water Co. be cue members. An artes­ian nolle supervisor was employed, working under the direction of the State Engineer, and bis salary was paid through donations from the above named members until the State Engineer had time to sot up n revolving fund no provided in the Statutes. The Supervisor la still employed at present and hie duties are to shut in wells whloh are not being put to beneficial use and otherwise prevent the wsste of watsr. Xf you have In ml rid the appointment of a special committee In addition to the organization out­lined above, shoes function would bo, for instance, the filing of protests against, Issuance of additional dull­ing permits in this Valley* X an afraid this would not be practicable for two roesonsi First, the personal angle among men more or lose closely associated In this oomnunlty and the reluotanoe of any ooamlttooaan to