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    La# Vega# « February 9, 1943 W £3-1-IS Mr. R. M. Suttom I submit herewith ©lose out of wo-459 covering installation of water mains and service lints In Tiffandale Homes (Biltmore Annex Ho. 2) and II Snoant© Apts. (Biltmore Annex I®, 3). Installation of theee lines was handled under our Bale 9-C, under which the sub-dividers install the mains and we re­fund the ©net thereof* after a certain number of house® have been completed* is outlined in Agreement (#H*L.D. 879-a). The number of dwelling unite to be completed was 100, and the maximum refundable cost of mains was #14,550.00. There la enclosed herewith Cl) a cost statement, (2) receipted bills for materials purchased, (3) bills of Contractor, w. J. Rhoads for labor (4) receipt from Rhoads for payment In full, (8) Letter dated January 21et 1943 from Tlffandale Homes, Inc., turning over to LVL&wCo title to all v water mains, laterals and service lines thus constructed, together with perpetual easement for same, and (6) request for payment of the $14,300 refund. You may disregard their request for refund, for the time being, as our check develops the required number of houses have not yet been completed. When this is done, I will send you a For® 183 to cover the refund.