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This Clipping From WHERE MAGAZINE NEW YORK, N. Y. This Clipping From GOTHAM GUIDE NEW YORK, N. Y. DELIGHTING Persian Room audiences at the Hotel Plaza is songstress-actress Celeste Holm, in a new show After Dark The gala Starlight Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria opened last week, adding its splendor to the wealth of Manhattan after-dark pleasures with Xavier Cugat, Abbe Lane, Tito and Lilia Guizar, and Caracolilli and Maria Rosa as the entertainment attractions. Cugat plays host over the festivities, leading his Latin-American band, the best in the business, in rhythms from south of the border for dancing, listening, and as background for the dancing and singing performers. Excellent flamenco dancing is the offering of Caracolillo and Maria Rosa, #ho commanded encore after encore on opening night with their expert dancing and flashing eyes. Tito Guizar,! known as one of the world?╟╓s leading! guitarists, appears at the dinner show (9:30 p.m.) in Imelodious and rhythmic numbers, among them ?╟úYou Belong to Mg Heart?╟Ñ :(which he singp: in both Spanish and English), and ?╟úFascination.?╟Ñ Guizaiij lovely blonde daughter, Lilia, (sings with her father in an enormously successful act. The youngster?╟╓s rendition of ?╟úMake Love to Me,?╟Ñ and, with her father, ?╟úCielito Linda?╟Ñ are worthy of the most seasoned performer. The supper show, at 12:15 a.m., features Abbe* Lane singing with her husband Cugat?╟╓s famous^ band. With the Starlight Roof?╟╓s gay summer atmosphere of palm trees, green-and- pink decor and pink lighting, it?╟╓s a holiday evening all the way. The wonderful waiters and staff from the Empire Room are on hand to maintain the Waldorf?╟╓s always high standards. Night-club fans with varied tastes will find the big; new ?╟úInternational Holiday for Love,?╟Ñ at the Latin Quarter, to their liking. The inimitable Johnnie Ray is headliner, doing old favorites like ?╟úCry,?╟Ñ ?╟úLittle White Cloud,?╟Ñ ?╟úWalkin?╟╓ My Baby Back Home,?╟Ñ and ?╟úWalkin?╟╓ in the Rain,?╟Ñ as well as a wide variety of other songs to please his numerous fans. Sharing the spotlight with Johnnie are the Bernard Brothers, European favorites with their hilarious impersonations and pantomimes, backed by the Donn Arden revue of beautiful girls and talented acts of all types. (fMadrid By Night?╟Ñ may be seen at ?╟úNIGHTCAP ?╟Ñ ?nusical revue at The Showplace, stars Kenneth Nelson and j three other talented young people the colorful Chateau Madrid, where Rafael Ruiz and his Spanish ballet of flamenco dancers are appearing. Ruiz has starred with the Ballet Russe in Paris and in night spots through- I out the world. The show is backed by Ralph Font and his orchestra, who also play for dancing as do Panchito and his rhumba, mambo musicians. Stars along Broadway these nights, in addition to Johnnie Ray, are Betty * Hutton, starring at Lou Walter?╟╓s new Cafe de Paris, and singer Julius La-Rosa, whose show at the Old Romanian is attracting young and old alike for this extremely popular engagement. On the East Side, in the Hotel Plaza?╟╓s swank Persian Room, actress-singer Celeste Holm is carrying on a successful engagement with a show based on I the theme, ?╟úWhat does a man want 1 in a woman??╟Ñ Everyone knows the an- j svra^ is ?╟úeverything,?╟Ñ so Celeste?╟╓s show^eflects this with a good share of love songs, zippy, spicy numbers, and I a wistful one or two for balance. She is backed by George Kent, her pianist and muscial director, and by the Ted Straeter orchestra. Straeter?╟╓s group also alternates for dancing with Mark Mcnte and his Continentals.____________I By Gean BIG TOWN SMALL TALK: Caught 1 Mrs. Gladys Robinson, on Jack Paar?╟╓sl TV?╟╓er las t Friday nite and thought she I vy?½ positively charming. Her vivacity I was contagious and what knowledge of I art she has! Wow! . . . . We wish spme-J one would tell lovely". WOR broad-J caster Pegeen Fitzgerald to stop saying I ?╟ uh, huh, uh, huh,?╟Ñ all the time. Mayfj be it?╟╓s a nervous habit she isn?╟╓t even j aware of? .... Sauve Arturo, contin-1 ental maitre d?╟╓ at The Spindletop, has I the most fabulous background! Was I with the International Hotel Chain for i more than a decade and catered to I greats at isuch colorful hotels as the I former Shephard in Cairo, Collier ini the Black Sea, King David in Israel! I . . ... Still at The Spindletop, where I biz is sooo treemendous the walls liter-1 ally buldge, co-owner MarvRappaport,] also a well-known sportsman, is plan-1 ning to ?╟úshow?╟Ñ his horse at the Horse I Show at Madison Square Garden come I November ..... How that Marv loves I horses! Aisi for 'genial Joe Marsh, whose I idea the Spindletop originally was, I those gifts he , gifts the lovely ladies I with are making him the most sought-1 after man in town. Joe is the West Side?╟╓s Billingsley......One of the ] new singing stars just settled a paternity suit brought by a Philadelphia girl out of court! .... Winning quinellaj at the Latin Quarter: Bernard Brothers] and Sallie Blair in Donn Arden?╟╓s great-1 est?╟÷production ?╟≤ . .?╟≤?╟≤'^e::?╟╓ Bexixanrd?╟ú| Brothers, comedy features of thel extravaganza, will do two numbers and I a six minute comedy sketch with Bob I Hope on the comedian?╟╓s first telecast I of the season next October. The I Bernards, incidentally, had their own I program over the BBC, in the choice j ^time slot of 9 p.m. on Saturday nights I It may - come as- .a '...surprise, but^ac^res^Lizabeth Scott j i|pan sing. In her initial effort on Vik Records she madman? Ijptima^ gimmick-free album titled, ?╟úLizabeth?╟Ñ... .Tommy^ pian^kfand his mother aren't on the best of terms?╟÷money^ ll^oiible.. . .Patrice MunsePs expecting the long-legged bird;! !tn November... .Donn Arden?╟╓s sixteenth anniversary extra-! jlraganza at the Latin Quarter is a masterpiece of staging, gj The lavish two-hour revue has N?╟╓Yawkers talking... .Street; Scene: Greer Garson, the '?╟úAuntie Marne?╟Ñ star, was saluted' ^smartly by a group of naval cadets as she was enteringjy*^ Ittampshk^ House .... Georgie Price was warned^bfTiis | medics to ciirMTall activities ?╟÷ he?╟╓s recuperating^ from a t I recent heart attack.... .Lana Turner was scheduled to play I I the role of a murderess in ?╟úUp at the Villa,?╟Ñ but if s been I ?√ß cancelled, natch... .One reason why Sophie Tucker stays off | [TV, ?╟úAny medium where you can?╟╓t utter the word H?╟÷L isj . - . - - ^ ' . | ?╟≤ . . ~r-- -------______ gp; JOHNNIE RAY, right, and the hilarious Bernard Brothers, left, have top billing at the Latin Quarter's new show, ?╟úInternational Holiday for Love"