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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, November 2006



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    Beth Sholom Bulletin The Temple Monthly Bulletin November 2006- Heshvan-Kislev 5767 JTS and the Future of American Judaism Sunday, November 12 4:00 PM You are invited to a very special presentation by Arnold M. Eisen, the Chancellor-Elect of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Dr. Eisen will speak about the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Future of American Judaism. Dedication of Torat Hayim, The Torah Of Life Sunday, November 5, 2005 11:00 AM Join us for a once in a lifetime event as we welcome a new Torah to Temple Beth Sholom. Please see the Rabbi's article on page 2 for more information. Hebrew Reading Crash Course Sunday, November 12, 10:00 AM Temple Beth Sholom is happy to be participating in the nationwide Read Hebrew America program by offering a crash course in reading H e b r e w on Sunday, November 12th. A Beginning at 10:00 AM, this three-hour course will give y y you all the tools you need to J S * ^ begin reading Hebrew. Call zfUS^ :y:r- 804-1333, ext 114 for more information. Arnold M. Eisen is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies and Koshland Professor of Jewish Culture and Religion at Stanford University, where he has served on the faculty since 1986. He is also one of the world's foremost experts on American Judaism. For the past twenty years he has worked closely with synagogue and federation leadership around the country to analyze and address the issues of Jewish identity, the revitalization of Jewish tradition, and the redefinition of the American Jewish community. A product of the Conservative Movement, he is a frequent scholar-in-residence at synagogues across America, sharing his vision for re-imagining the American Jewish community. He has regularly served as a faculty member of the Wexner Heritage Program, the Wexner Fellowship, and the Nahum Goldmann Fellowship of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. He has served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency and has long been well known as a passionate advocate of strengthening the connection between American Jews and Israel. We are honored that Chancellor-Elect Eisen has chosen Temple Beth Sholom as one of his first speaking engagements in his new position. Rabbi Felipe Goodman Why a New To rah? Torat Hayim... Building community... One person at a time! Rabbi Felipe Goodman Temple Beth Sholom has been an integral part of The Las Vegas Jewish Community for over sixty years. Throughout that time our Temple has been not only a Synagogue but a center of Jewish Life. Temple Beth Sholom has been and will continue to be a space where the ideals of God, Torah and Israel are ever-present and ever living. One of the leading conservative congregations of the Conservative Movement on the West Coast, our Temple re-invents itself constantly, inspired by the long journey of its past, it charts the route for the next generations to follow into the future. Torat Hayim, The Torah Of Life is a perfect homonym for our congregation, a place in which every single part is connected to the other. Temple Beth Sholom is a place where every member feels part of our common past and is an instrumental element of our future. Our educational programs are designed to imbue not only the knowledge of our tradition, but to instill a powerful sense of wonder and of belonging. Our Early Childhood Center, with its unique approach of blending Judaic and Hebrew instruction with academics, is the cornerstone of our educational experience. Our Religious School, which was recognized with The Framework ofExcellency of T h e United November 2006- Heshvan-Kislev 5767 Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, is one of our greatest accomplishments. Our Solomon Schechter Day School is fast becoming one of the best schools within our city both because of the quality of its secular study program and the incredible nature of our Hebrew and Judaic department. Torat Hayim, The Torah Of Life represents our desire to continue to grow, develop and inspire. Our programs are among the most unique in our community. Edor V'dor, a program designed for homebound seniors which brings together over three hundred people is a perfect example of a bridge between the generations. Hundreds of volunteers participate in the planning and implementation of Edor V'dor. Hundreds of our children interact with our seniors in this unique framework that provides a wonderful opportunity to see the Mitzvot come to life. Torat Hayim, The Torah Of Life inspires us to think about our relationship with God and with our People. Through its religious services Temple Beth Sholom reaches and touches hundreds of people every week. Whether one enjoys the spirituality of the music of Shabbat on Friday night or the powerful voice of tradition on a Saturday morning, whether one attends occasionally or regularly in the only non-orthodox daily Minyan in Nevada, it is important to recognize that Temple Beth Sholom embodies the example of a true living and breathing congregation. One person at a time, there is a place for everyone under our dome! One person at a time, we strive to understand what makes us unique as Jews and what will empower us to remain Jewish for the next two thousand years. One person at a time, we seek to smile together at the joy that life brings and one person at a time, we understand that we must comfort each other when life requires us to do so. Become a part of Torat Hayim! Write your own story in the Torah of Life! Through your involvement we will assure not only that our future generations continue to read from the Torah but we will also make sure that each and every single one of us is represented by one of the letters in that Torah. Letters that spell the dreams of our people, letters that speak of the hope of our parents, letters that tell the story of who we are and who we still must yet become. Join us for an incredibly powerful and moving experience. On November 5, 2006 at 11:00 AM, we will be dedicating Torat Hayim, "The Torah of Life" two years in the making, the first Torah to be written specifically with the participation of our children and membership in over 30 years. This Torah is more than just a Torah in our ark, it has your handwriting in it. Be a part of it! President^ E x e c u t j v e Director Beth Sholom Bulletin High Holy Days Reflections and Thank You This year's High Holy Days were a spiritual and organizational high. Many of the minor challenges from prior years were addressed by our H H D Committee, which hopefully provided a better experience for our congregants. While there were many significant moments during this season, we would like to reflect on two. Rabbi Goodman made a non-traditional appeal for our new capital campaign to build the Abbie and David Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion as part of his Kol Nidre sermon. He referred to the book, Synagogues Without Jews and made a plea to every one of us to look inside ourselves and see what we could do to participate in this campaign, to support a facility which will house programs for Jews of all ages, ensuring the future of our Jewish community. While we will be calling many, if not all, of you personally to participate in this campaign, we encourage you to preempt this call by calling Laura's office to let me know you are interested in finding out more about how you can help. We are approximately half way to our goal and with the support of the majority of our congregants, we will reach our goal in the coming months. The Neilah service on the evening of October 2 brought to a close our 5767 High Holy Days services. Together with over 1,000 of our congregants, we prayed, watched the sun set on our beautiful dome and then saw hundreds of children carry florescent light sticks onto the bima for our Havdallah service. Words cannot describe what a moving experience this was, one that concluded a very spiritual and uplifting High Holy Days. A very special thank you is extended to all of the clergy, staff, High Holy Days Committee members and volunteers who helped with this year's High Holy Days experience. Thank you also to Women's League who provided the congregation with very welcome wine, juice, cake and challah to break our fast on Yom Kippur and to Men's Club for enhancing our Sukkah with new schach. With the start of the year 5767, we look forward to seeing more and more of you at Temple Beth Sholom on a regular basis; enjoying Shabbat services, learning in an Adult Education program, participating on a committee or experiencing one of the other many activities we host. May this year bring you great health, happiness and peace! Kol Nidre Thank You! Thank you to all of the Temple Beth Sholom congregants who responded to this year's New Kol Nidre campaign. While we fell short of our goal of 75% of our congregants participating, we did increase significandy from 26% to 51%, double our prior participation! Below are the names of those who participated after the printing of the Kol Nidre Book. Marc & Denise Abramow Stan & Audrey Abramow Seth A & Melanie Agatstein Michael & Inna Alterman Jeremy & Georgina Bach Ludwig & Ella Bauer Frank & Trudy Benincasa David Bereskin Brian & Kimberly Berman Lawrence & Carol Bernstein Harvey & Helene Blankfeld Carlos Blumberg Leslie & Nina Boshes Neil & Lisa Braunstein Dennis Robbins & Kathe Brenner Stanley Farber &. Lilian Bruski Reuben & Elissa Burda Andrew Bursten Brian & Ana Burton Stan & Rochelle Carroll Andrew & Wendy Cashin Gerald & Dolores Cherson June Colodny Jack & Cynthia Davis Edward & Estelle Devore Ira Ellis Ira & Stephanie Epstein Abraham Falk Robert & Helen Feldman Wendy Feldman Marc 8c Stephanie Finkel Eduardo Flores David & Andrea Forman Vadim & Natasha Fridman Albert & Rosalyn Friedman Gary & Edith Friedman Victor & Svetlana Fuchs Daniel Heller & Gayle Futernick Noel & Ivy Gage Dale & Yvette Galsky Abraham & Rory Geller Steven & Louise Gleicher Marshall & Nancy Golden Ruth Goldfarb Leon & Evelyn Goldstein Oscar & Carolyn Goodman Steven & Linda Green Jack & Sarah Grossman William Guth Marie Harvey Ofek & Lory Hayon Continued on page 11 This means you can still register, join us, and help show that at Temple Beth Sholom, Jewish education doesn't stop at B'nai Mitzvah. Contact the Religious Jon Mitzmacher Solomon Schechter Day School The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas really enjoyed preparing for and celebrating this season's joyous holidays. Each department of the school was involved in creative activities during the festive times. Temple Beth Sholom's Rabbi Felipe Goodman, visited the school to blow shofar. Noted community leader and educator, Dee Ober, visited school and helped the Second and Third Grade Classes decorate the sukkah. The General Studies Teachers were in the holiday spirit as well using apples for everything from counting to measuring to weighing. This is the sort of curricular integration that makesSolomon Schechter so unique and special. October brought two other exciting events to the SSDS-LV. On Monday, October 16th, well-known Jewish singer-songwriter Cindy Paley and storyteller Eva Greizel visited Schechter for a special assembly. Later in the month the school celebrated the reading of Parashal Noah (the Torah reading which describes the story of Noah's Ark) with a visit from a The school is housed at Temple Beth Sholom in Summerlin. For those families living in Southeast Las Vegas and Henderson, bus service is provided from Midbar Kodesh Temple in Green Valley. A second stop at 820 E. Warm Springs & 215 in the A p p l e b e e ' s S h o p p i n g Center has been added. For a tour of the school and for information, please call 804-1333 x1 14. The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies What a crazy month we just had with all the school closures! However, despite the fact that we barely had any Sundays this month, October did bring us our second annual "Pizza in the Hut" on Wednesday, October 11th. The turnout was great as we celebrated Sukkot by gathering together as a school in our beautiful sukkah for a festive luncheon. It was an event not to be missed! Also, the school was proud to unveil its brand new Junior Congregation Program! The clergy and professional staff is so pleased to be able to offer this Education Beth Sholom Bulletin local petting zoo. It marked a wonderful opportunity to bring the stories of our heritage to life and is always one of the highlights of the year. new program designed to take what is learned in Religious School during the week and make it come alive in an authentic Shabbat experience. Although the program is geared toward students in Grades 3?7, all Religious School students, their parents and guests are welcome to join us for these special services led by Temple Beth Sholom's Rabbinic Intern and current University of Judaism rabbinic student, Benjamin Katz, and Cantor David Schnee, recently ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Here are the dates: October 21, November 18, January 20, February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19. Please call the Religious School Office at 804- 1333, ext. 114, with any questions. Midrasha Midrasha is back and better than ever! With a revamped program and wonderful turnout, the Midrasha program kicked off on Thursday, October 12th. The Fall Trimester of Midrasha will run through November and December and in addition to core classes led by Cindy Fox, Yonina Schnee and Jon Mitzmacher, the electives being offered include a film class, a Jewish symbols & rituals class, and Midrash. Even though classes have begun, we are happy to welcome newcomers at any point along the way. Yonina Schnee The Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early f Ihildhood Center School Office for more information. High Holidays Thanks to all the parents, t e e n s , teachers, and students for a wonderful H i g h H o l i d a y C h i l d r e n ' s P r o g r a m ! We tried to raise the bar this year in terms of our programming and hope we have succeeded. By offering Music, Games, Drama, Art and Tefillah (prayer) - all age-appropriate and holiday-themed ? we hoped to provide the children with their High Holiday experiences while the parents had theirs. We are always interested in feedback and while it is still fresh in your minds, we encourage you share your feedback with us. Adult Education Please call Lillian Radomsky at extension 114 if you would like an adult education brochure mailed to you, if you would like to join the Adult Education Commission, or if you have any questions about Adult Education at TBS. Early Childhood Education Jennifer Zukowski luesday, September 26, the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center welcomed its families for a hands-on night of learning during its annual Back to School Night. The evening began in the beautiful I sanctuary at Temple Beth Sholom, where Rabbi Goodman and Early Childhood Director, Jennifer Zukowski, greeted parents and introduced the amazing staff of TBS's Preschool. After a heartfelt and touching welcome, the parents were invited back to the classrooms where they became "children" once again. What better way to experience the fabulous curriculum that TBS has to offer, than to actually live it! The teachers led the parents through a "typical day", allowing them to see and experience all of the wonderful activities their child engages in while in the classroom. Parents excitedly went from center to c e n t e r Education November 2006- Heshvan-Kislev 5767 immersing themselves in the many activities available by building block structures, tracing letters, playing with the calendar at circle time, and more, all while hearing about the many skills their child acquires while involved in each activity. As a special memory from each child, the classes presented their parents with a unique portfolio created especially for them. Early in the month of N o v e m b e r , a select group of our Preschool staff will have the o p p o r t u n i t y to travel to Atlanta to participate in an outstanding Early Childhood Conference sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Thousands of courses are offered concerning every imaginable aspect of early childhood education. We know our teachers will return from this conference brimming with new ideas and enthusiasm to share with our teachers and children. If you have any questions regarding enrollment in our program, please contact the Early Education Department of Temple Beth Sholom at (702) 804- 1333, ext. 112. Temple Beth Sholom Preschool accepts children ages 18 months through pre-Kindergarten. Temple News Beth Sholom Bulletin Men's Club News Marlowe Mogill Let our thoughts and prayers continue for our people in Israel. May they know no more tzoris. Many, many thanks and kudos to the Clergy and to the entire Staff and Volunteers of TBS for making services for 5767 one of the best yet. Much positive energy! Super fantastic job. When you were in the Succah - did you look up and see that "fancy roof" (a/k/a schach). Thank You, members of the Mens Club. On the 1st Fridays of the month, note (no pun intended), how sharp the Ruach Ensemble and the Clergy look. Thanks, members of the Men's Club. As in the past, the Men's Club is sponsoring a Softball team being led by its legendary General Manager, All Star and Hall of Famer, Jeff Michelman. To the younger guys, if you want to participate in this historical confederation, please contact Jeff through the temple at 804-1333. Talent is not a prerequisite, but it helps. Contributions of liquid refreshment to these gladiators is never refused. I am now assembling a list of those folks who can act as volunteer hosts in their homes or other venues for Thanksgiving Dinner for our Jewish Military stationed at Nellis AFB. If you can help out, (and I know you can), please email me as to how many you can host. There might be some kids, so keep this in mind when replying. My email is: This is a big mitzvah guys. We will need at least 10 sites. Let me know ASAP - by email. A Note To Previous Members: To those of 6 you who have been members of the Men's Club at TBS, and for whatever reason, decided to "terminate" your association, I'm asking that you, at least, come to the Nov. 15th meeting at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be served. Things have changed. If you have a gripe, (notice the diplomacy here), air it out. WThy not? We'll listen. Won't you give us a chance? Remember, it's a New Year. You can help make good things happen. By overwhelming popular requests, I'm planning a repeat of a "hearty meal" for 11/15. No - it's not turkey. It's a real meichel! Just a reminder: Committee reports are limited to a total of 4 minutes. Fressing has no time limits. See you on Nov. 15th at 6:30. (Please, a donation of $5.00 to help defray food costs would be appreciated.) Women's League Kim Memar With a myriad of Jewish holidays behind us; we find ourselves getting ready for the American holiday of Thanksgiving. This is a kind of hard time for me as my mom passed away just before Thanksgiving in 1986. Each year since, the holiday has had new meaning for me. The first year I remember my sister's in-laws taking us all into their home and trying to share the holiday spirit with a bunch of very distraught people. We weren't sure if we would ever want to "celebrate" the holiday again. The next year was the first time I made Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone looked to me to prepare the dinner. Without me there would be no Thanksgiving! I was the oldest and therefore it became my responsibility. My dad was no help in the kitchen either. It was quite a challenge trying to make everything ready at the same time. When we all sat down together though, it all seemed to work out. We had somehow started a new family tradition. Losing my mom at such an early age and then losing my dad also has taught me the value of life, family, and traditions. The circle of life goes on; family members come and go yet our traditions remain strong. Our traditions define who we are and teach our children who they are and where they came from. It is really so very important for them and provides our children a "connection" to their grandparents and other relatives; even though they may no longer be with us or live in distant places. I hope this Thanksgiving you will take the time to reflect on what you are truly grateful for in your life. I know for me it is my family, my friends, and my faith. Without any one of these I would have a feeling that a part of me was missing and I would not be the person I am today. I am also grateful to all the members (too many to list) who have worked so very hard and have been so supportive of our Women's League by attending meetings, helping plan functions, working or buying in the Judaica Shop, contributing to the newsletter, etc. It means so much to me as President to see so many people actively involved. In conclusion I am looking forward with great excitement and enthusiasm to my first Women's League Convention next month in Philadelphia. Marci Seltzer and Blanche Meisel who is our Eishet Hayil award recipient will also be attending. I cannot wait to share our experiences next month with you. Our Sex Ed night is scheduled for November 16th at 6:30 at Sharon Adashek's home. This event fills up fast so get your check in to liana. It was wonderful to see everyone at our general meeting on 10/10/06. Rabbi Goodman was inspiring and educational as always and the food and company were B'nai Mitzvah fantastic. Looking forward to seeing you soon and if you want to help with the Hannukah Bazaar on Sunday 12/3 or know of any vendors-call me at 429-0888. I would appreciate the help!! TBS Blood Drive Sunday, November 19 Give the Gift of Life by participating in a United Blood Services Blood Drive. The UBS Blood Mobile will be at Temple Beth Sholom on Sunday, November 19 from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. While appointments are not necessary, you can avoid a wait by making an appointment to donate by calling Julie at 804-1333, ext. 103. Donate early and take advantage of already being at temple participating in Sunday morning minyan or dropping your children off at Religious School. Otherwise, we encourage you to make a special effort to come to TBS to perform this life-saving mitzvah. Membership Committee Ellen Ploesch The membership committee would like to thank Cantor Freidman for the wonderful service he did for the new member shabbat. We had a wonderful turnout and thanks to all the new members joining Temple Beth Sholom Family. I would also like to thank our committee for the wonderful job they did at the oneg. Remember, TBS is your home away from Home. Mazal Tov Jacob Langsner Jacob won the first place prize "Van Gogh Award" at this year's La Strada dell Arte/ Summerlin Art Festival in the 12 and under category Allison Nicole Bronstein will be called to the Torah on N o v e m b e r 4th, 2006 as the first Bat Mitzvah in the Bronstein family. Her p a r e n t s , Karen and Andrew; and siblings Erica (10) and Jared (8) are proud to share with her this momentous occasion. Allison is currendy a seventh grader at Alexander Dawson middle school, taking part in extracurricular activities including scholastic basketball & softball, AYSO soccer, piano & guitar and has become a talented artist with a brush and canvas. Allison has organized a toy drive for the Summerlin Hospital Pediatrics Ward as part of her Bat Mitzvah project. She looks forward to every summer where she spends time at Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps learning, experiencing and enjoyingjudaism under the stars in Malibu, California. Allison is honored to have the opportunity to share this special day with Rabbi Goodman, Cantor Friedman and the Beth Sholom congregation. Maura Epstein, daughter of Stephanie and Ira Epstein, will be called to the Torah on November 11, 2006. Maura is a seventh grade student at Sig Rogich Middle School where she is a member of the National Junior Honor Society and the Yearbook staff. Maura enjoys dance, skiing, rollercoasters, and soccer. She plays club soccer for Las Vegas Premier. Her team won The State Cup last year and went on to compete in the Regional tournament in Boise, Idaho. Her family is very proud of her and wish her a giant Mazel Tov! Emma Kraft will be called to the Torah on November 18. Emma is a 7th grader and Honors student at Becker Middle School and a veteran of Camp Alonim. She enjoys music, tennis, camping and acting and is a member of the Junior Thespian Society. For her mitzvah project, Emma is collecting toys to be distributed to children in Israel. Emma and her family invite the entire congregation to join them for this Simcha. It is with great pride and joy that we invite you to join us as our beloved daughter EMMA FAITH is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday the 18th of November Two thousand and six at nine o'clock in the morning Temple Beth Sholom Kiddush luncheon following services Matthew Kraft Wendy Kraft & Laura Sussman No Gifts Please SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ^ m 10 Heshvan 1 11 Heshvan ^ m 14 Heshvan 5 ^ ^ 15 Heshvan 6 w m j j 16 Heshvan ^ ^ 17 Heshvan 18 Heshvan New Torah Dedication 11:00 am Bereavement Group 10 am Women's Leaque Meetinq 10:00 am County Commission Meetinq 1:00 pm ^ 21 Heshvan Hebew Readinq Crash Course 10:00 am ^ ^ 22 Heshvan ^ k ml 23 Heshvan 14 Bereavement Group 10 am ^ m p 24 Heshvan 15 Men's Club Meeting 6:30 pm ^ m j m ^ 25 Heshvan 16 JTS & the Future of American Judaism 4:00 pm ^ ^ 28 Heshvan 19 ^ ^ ^ ^ 29 Heshvan 20 ^ ^ 30 Heshvan ^^ iJ2 1 K'S'eV ^^ 2 Kislcv United Blood Services Drive 9:00 am Bereavement Group 10 am Thanksqivinq Feast 11:00 am Thanksgiving Day Office Closed 5 Kislev 26 * ^ ^ 6 Kislev ^ ^ 1 Kislev 28 Bereavement Group 10 am ^^ 8 Klslev Kislev Special Events Dedication of Torah Hayim The Torah of Life Sunday, November 5,200611:00 am Join us for a once in a life time event as we welcome a new Torah to Temple Beth Sholom County Commission Meeting on TBS Expansion has been Rescheduled for November 8, 2006 1:00 pm Please contact the office on Nov 7th to assure that this agenda item has not been postponed. For transportation, call the office at 804-1333 ext 100. JTS and the Future of American Judaism Sunday, November 12, 2006 4:00 pm Come hear Chancellor-Elect of the Jewish Theological Seminary talk about the future of American Judaism. TBS Blood Drive Sunday, November 19,2006 9:00 am-1:00 pm For appointments, please call Julie at 804-1333 ext 103 ^ * Safety Issue For the safety of our congregants and the beauty of our marble floors, wheeled shoes may not be used in the synagogue. 9 Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Meyer Bodoff Thank you: For the beautiful High Holy Days Services Elaine, Howard i f f Holly Jacobs For a meaningful High Holy Day Services Rochelle i f f Arnold Schneider For the Radio Service Doris i f f Morris Munic For the Bris Jennifer i f f David Ober For the beautiful Unveiling Service for Karen Schore Andrea i f f Richard Gordon Neal i f f Beth Schore Dr. Sheldon Schore In Honor of: Elyse Rachael Davis becoming a Bat Mitzvah Anita Lewy Liz & Rabbi Goodman's Anniversary Esther Erankenstein An Aliyah: June Colodny Lois i f f Bruce Joseph Bertha i f f Jorge Rabner In Memory of: Ida Groman Evelyn i f f Leon Goldstein Jack Grossman Sue Grossman i f f Eamily Lenore Michelman Lemor, Jejf&Jared Michelman Yiskor: Sylvia Feigelson Sylvia S. Kobre CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Lucas Atticus Wynn Friedman's Birth Jonas Byron Wynn Friedman's Birth Ruthe Spector Thank you: For the beautiful High Holy Days Services Elaine, Howard i f f Holly Jacobs For a lyrical High Holy Day Services Rochelle i f f Arnold Schneider For Selichot service Sally i f f Dick Eskenazi In Memory of: Ida Groman Heidi, David, Sander i f f J aye Straus SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Philip Rosenberg In Honor of: Linda Sullivan Esther Frankenstein 10 In Memory of: Ida Groman Marci & Rob Murdock David Gulub Esther Erankenstein Rose Levine Esther Erankenstein JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Elyse Rachael Davis becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lillian i f f Mike Radomsky Toby Kirsch Esther Erankenstein Emma Kraft becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lillian i f f Mike Radomsky Andrea Molin becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lillian i f f Mike Radomsky Marci Seltzer's beautiful Haftorah reading Esther Frankenstein Speedy Recovery: Louis Levin Anita Lewy AUDREY MERKIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Marilynn Mack Thank you: Sandy & Stan Mallin Fran Levien i f f Harriet Grunberg In Memory of: Audrey Merkin Bernice B. Hirsh SIDNEY CHAPLIN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Arlene & Jerry Blut's Grandson Warren's Birth Shirley Chaplin D'Vorre & Hal Ober's Grandson's Birth Shirley Chaplin GENERAL FUND Jason Mash In Honor of: Jennifer & David Ober's Son's Birth Laura Sussman i f f Wendy Kraft D'Vorre & Hal Ober's Grandson's Birth Laura Sussman i f f Wendy Kraft Yvette & Ellis Landau's Grandson's Birth Laura Sussman i f f Wendy Kraft An Aliyah Carol Greenberg In Memory of: Sylvia Rosenberg Bartley Amy, Barry, Sam i f f Max Kubas Ida Groman Carolyn iff Morris Gertz Rochelle i f f Arnold Schneider Bemardine i f f Sid 'Aaben Jack Leiber Roz i f f Shel Sbarra Muriel Rose Sue i f f Scott Langsner Libith Schottenstein Mona i f f Charles Silverman Yiskor: Sam Gewercer YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Abraham Blatt Shirley Chaplin Frances Bloomberg Edith i f f Allan Bloomberg Sara Brock Lucia Feit Dave Brown Helen Rosenberg Max Cherson Dee i f f Jerry Cherson Aron Chozahinoff Barbara i f f I gal Chozahinoff Gertrude Drapkin Ciullo The Kleins Dr. Beatrice Lipsky Eisen Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Dora Esformes Flora i f f Stuart Mason Abraham Feit Israel Feit Nathan Frank DavidS. Peiken Philip Frush Samuel Dvorak Sanford Gershman Sheila i f f Jay Gershman Morris Glick Fred Glick Frances Goldberg Mimi Katz Charles Greenfeld Greenfeld i f f Tregerman Families Joseph Gross William Gross Nanna Herskovic Cathy i f f Pierre Levy Sylvia Hill Estelle Lee i f f Edward Devore Michael B. Kaplan Sid Kaplan Anita Leitner Murray Leitner Bill Lipsky Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Raye Mall Bobbi i f f Hesh Altman Helen Marcus Evelyn Shafer i f f Family Phyllis Meltzer Claudia DeKoven Louis Phillips Lily Phillips Regina Raphael Rose Raphael Lillian Roberts FJlen i f f Michael Singer Esther Rebecca Schnayerson Rosenblum Rabbi Abraham Lvov Rosenblum Murray R. Rosenblum John Sala Nancy Horowitz Dr. Walter L. Schwartz Priscilla Schwartz Samson Schussler Charles Schussler Lawrence A. Scully Ellen Scully Moe Senz Anonymous Julius Shafer Evelyn Shafer id Eamily Sandra Shaikin Elliot Shaikin Charles Shapiro Drs. Louisa id Michael Sanders Max Shayne Sheila id Burt Galper Morris Showel Charlotte id Sam Showel Bernard Silkes Hyman Silkes Jimmy Silvers Sandra Lockwood Hyman Stoler Geraldine Eischer Sam Toscher Gerry Toscher id Eamily Esther Ukeiley Sheri Newberry Betty Waxman Rene Marino id Eamily Annie Babener Weiner Lilyan K. Celata Florence Weinberg Lois id Michael Weinberg Joseph Weinberg Helen Weinberg Jack Weiss Barbara id lgal Chozahinoff Frank Aved Wilensky Norma J. Wilensky Terri Wilensky-Genzer id Bob Genzer Earl Gerald Yarnetsky Lilyan K. Celata Nina Zissman Ana Goldberg A1 Zucker Norma Zucker Geraldine Schwartzer EDOR V'DOR Ruth Broads Ellen A Jaffe Laurence Speiser In Honor of: Adele Baratz' 80,h Birthday Ruth id Philip Berk Amy & Ira Leibowitz Esther Erankenstein Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg's Anniversary Esther Erankenstein Thank you: Ruth Goldfarb Howard Jacobs In Memory of: Leo Federman Ella & Andy Perla Ida Groman Ruth Goldfarb WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN