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Letter from Robert Weintraub (New York, N.Y.) requesting help for pardon of Jonathan Pollard (sold info to Israel), July 26, 1988



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    CHIC KECHT MCVAOA DATA WORK ORDER AIDE'S INITIALS I C F O DATE OF LETTER 7/26/88 O P E R A T O R ' S INITIALS NAME: ROBERT WEINTRAUB TITLE (only): COMPANY (only): ADDRESS: 1 U F C % 1 " ^ - ? fWn^orf:, Nvj looau SALUTATION: (Dear) TYPE OF DOCUMENT (check one) ISSUE INVITATION ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS CASE_^ ACADEMIES PROJECT REQUEST JJ TOPIC 1 (50) P A R D O N f o r JOHNATHAN POLLARD SUBTOPIC I (50) REQUEST FOR SENATOR'S HELP TOPIC. 2 NO REPLY SENT SUBTOPIC 2 SENATOR WILL NOT GET INVOLVED TOPIC 3 SUBTOPIC 3 HCKLER ( YES / NO ' DELETE ) If YES to Tickler: SUBJECT OF LETTER (30) REFERRED TO: (25) DUE DATE COMMENTS: (256) *DOCUMENT NUMBER ( O L D / N E W ) KJSTI OIN DOCUMENT NUMBER TE TO BP MI,LD WITH P R E V I O U S C O R R E S P O N D E N C E R E G A R D I N G SAME SUBJECT 7 fct 81at ?feeet " j AU$ ~2 M q. ' 1- W024 j U ^ t July 26, 1988 t Z i j P ^ Hon. Chic Hecht Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. Dear Sen. Hecht: On November 21, I985, Jonathan Pollard was arrested on espionage charges. He pleaded guilty and on March 17, I987 was sentenced to life imprison-ment without parole. His wife Anne was sentenced to five years with no parole for possession of secret documents. The circumstances surrounding this case are so unusual, the punishment so extreme as to constitute a serious miscarriage of justice calling for immedi-ate rectification. Pollard pleaded guilty to espionage on behalf of an ally of the U.S. Yet he received a more severe sentence than any given to any-one convicted of peacetime espionage of behalf of the USSR. Pollard plea bargained with the government with the assurance that he would not get the maximum sentence. The government reneged on its pro-mise. John Walker, who sold some of our most vital secrets to the Soviets, will be eligible for parole in ten years. David Barnett, a former CIA agent, was sen-tenced to 18 years for selling the names of 30 covert U.S. agents to the KGB among other crimes. Anne Pollard is in poor health. She is not being provided with the medical care she needs. Her sentence contrasts with the treatment given to Mrs. Walker who, though more culpable, was not charged at all. This situation cries out for remedy. Bernard Henderson, Anne's father, has authorized me to enlist prominent individuals as sponsors for the "Justice for the Pollards Committee." Your name as sponsor would be a vital contribution to righting a terrible wrong. Cordiall yours, Robert Vfemtraub P.S. I'm Enclosing a list of organizations that have already passed resolu-tions calling for action on behalf of the Pollards. Organizations That Have Passed Resolutions Calling for Action On Behalf of the Pollards Zionist Organization of America Central Confrence of American Reform Rabbis Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations of America Amit Women Emunah Women Rabbinical Council of America Agudath Israel of America Central Synagogues of America United Synagogues of America Religious Zionists of America National Council of Young Israel Hebrew Union College Yeshiva University Tuoro College Orthodox Jewish Scientists In addition The American Jewish Congress, The American Jewish Committee and the Union of American Hebrew Congregations are considering similar resolutions. Taken together, these organizations represent a very broad spectrum of American Jewish opinion.