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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 24, 1997






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about voting CSUN election rules.

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    uac000913. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President TERRY A. MOORE Joaquin F. Trujillo Senate President Pro-Tempore Business Nicole D. Lehman Education David Shapiro Sciences Ildiko "Lani" Lutar Liberal Arts Randy Milmeister Liberal Arts Jenny Marshall Health Sciences Marty Weinberg Business Scott Ceci Business Richard Kimb rough Urban Affairs David Fisk Education Michael "Zo" Kawazoe Vote I Administration Heather A. Hamilton Urban Affairs Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Leia M. Cartwright Student Development Jamie T. Hemington Education Jerry K. Jory Student Development Aaron M. Clemens Student Development RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Tony Zaranti Hotel Administration Melissa Colen Business Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John. P. A. Garcia Health Sciences STUDENT SENATE MEETING 28-04 Monday November 24,1997 Moyer Student Union Room 201 7:00p.m. L.1 o I. CALL TO ORDER = II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs; DIRECTOR CONTINE; 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR FINKELSTEIN; 4. Entertainment and Programming, DIRECTOR WIESSEN; 5. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR A YON; D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report F. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Jennifer Peck as a member of the Elections Board; as submitted by SENATOR HAMILTON. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $13,700.00 to hire Collegiate Elections Services to conduct the ballot casting and counting for both the Primaries and the Generals of the Executive Board Elections 1998; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen Acct); as submitted by SENATOR COLEN. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of changes to Elections Rules as submitted by SENATOR COLEN. (See Attachment #1.) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the Filing Packet for the Executive Board Elections; as submitted by SENATOR COLEN. (See Attachment #2.) VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT[in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)| IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. CSUN ELECTIONS RULES FILING A. Each candidate must complete a filing form which may be obtained from the CSUN Secretary in the Student Government offices located in the Moyer Student Union-Room 160 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. B. Each candidate will be required to sign a waiver giving the UNLV Registrar access to her/his G.P.A. to determine eligibility. C. The dates of filing are determined by the CSUN Constitution. [C]D. Filing Fee: 1. Each candidate shall, at the time of filing or at another time set by the Chair, pay a filing fee to CSUN. 2. The filing fee amount shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) for Senate Offices; thirty dollars ($30.00) for Homecoming; fifty dollars ($50.00) for Executive Offices. 3. The board shall retain, in whole or in portion, the filing fee of a candidate cited and deemed in violation of election rules. 4. The filing fee, or portion not retained, shall be refunded to a candidate within one (1) month of election certification. D. A candidate meeting for the purpose of explaining election rules shall be held on the last day of filing. Candidates and/or proxies must attend. QUALIFICATIONS FOR CANDIDACY Qualifications for candidacy are set forth in the CSUN Constitution in Article IV, Section [B]C. CAMPAIGNING A. Candidates must abide by the Election Rules operating policy of the Elections Board overseeing the elections. Failure to do so will result in penalties discussed in the Election Rules and/or as set by the Elections Board. B. Official campaigning may begin on the final day of filing for an elected position, immediately following the mandatory candidates' meeting or as determined by the Elections Board Director. Consolidated Students E E S University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 2 of 7 C. Official campaigning includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Speaking to classes and organizations as an official candidate. 2. Candidates are not allowed to post campaign materials on the UNLV campus, with the following exceptions: a. personal property as pertains to residence hall bulletin boards; b. personal property of supporters. c. kiosks and bulletin boards on campus All posting must be done in compliance with the rules set forth by that building. D. No campaigning or campaign materials will be permitted within twenty-five (25) feet of a polling booth during election days. Any campaign materials within twenty-five (25) feet will be removed by Elections Board members. E. The Elections Board shall determine the number of campaign materials to be posted on each kiosk* and bulletin board. (*Webster's ll: a cylindrical structure on which advertisements are posted) F. Candidates shall submit samples of all campaign materials prior to distribution. The materials shall be kept on file until all election disputes have been settled. G. All fines shall be assessed by majority vote of members present at Elections Board meetings. 1. Candidates/proxies have the right to speak in defense of violations at the meetings the fines are being assessed. CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES/LIMITATIONS A. Campaigns for any office shall be subject to the following rules: 1. The candidate shall be limited in his/her expenditures (including monetary donation) on all leaflets, posters, raw materials, and any other advertising to the following: a. CSUN Executive Board: $500.00 b. CSUN Senators: $200.00 c. CSUN Homecoming Candidates: $200.00 Consolidated Students EE3 University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 3 of 7 2. Receipts will be required for all those goods and services purchased or donated: a. for all goods received where receipts are unavailable (amateur, self-made, or non-commercial items), all candidates are expected to turn in an approximation of the fair market value and it shall be indicated on the candidates spending and contributions statement, the final fair market value will be determined by the Elections Board; b. any candidate's signs that are destroyed prior to the election may be replaced by candidates without reduction from their budget; provided proper evidence is shown to the Elections Board Director that the signs were destroyed. c. (a) any organized activity that promotes a candidate or ticket, or (b) any organized activity that hinders another candidate or ticket, provided it does not violate [Article IV, Section E;] Article V and Article [VIII] IX of the CSUN Elections Rules. B. Contributions shall be defined as any gift, money, professional service, or donation that a candidate may receive, or have received, on his behalf for the purpose of campaigning. The value of such contributions must reflect the fair market value and must be indicated on the candidates spending and contribution statement. C. Any on-campus events that may be for the benefit of a candidate must be in compliance c with all university regulations. D. Contributions to candidates and their campaigns will be governed by applicable Nevada Statutes. Further limits may be set by Elections Board. F. Each candidate will be required to submit to the Elections Board two (2) complete statements,as provided in the filling packet, of all campaigning expenditures and contributions. These statements must be supported by receipts for all amounts; the statement shall include expenditures/contributions incurred by 7:00 p.m. on the second day of elections for the Senate, on the second day of elections for Homecoming, on the second day of the Primary Elections and on the second day of the General Elections these statements are due by 7:00 p.m. on those days. On the second day of the Primary Elections the statement shall include all of the campaign expenditures/contributions incurred from the start of the campaigning period to the close of the Primary Elections period. A candidate shall then submit all of the campaign expenditures/contributions from the close of the Primary Elections period to the close of the General Elections period and it shall be due by 7:00 p.m. of the second day of the General Elections. These statements must be submitted on the proper form to the Elections Board Director or an Elections Board member. 1. If at any time during the tenure of elected officers it shall be proven that the officer submitted a false or misleading statement, it shall be deemed an impeachable offense. Consolidated Students EES University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 4 of 7 2. If it is determined that a candidate submitted a false or misleading statement, that person shall be brought before the Elections Board for disciplinary action. 3. A candidate who submits his campaign spending and contribution statement after the deadline will be subject to forfeiture of the remainder of the filing fee. If a candidate has already incurred fines totaling the amount of the filing fee , failure to turn in the spending and contribution statement will result in disqualification. CONDUCT OF CANDIDATES A. Candidates must attend all manditory Elections Board meetings scheduled by the CSUN Elections Board Director during the period of campaigning. 1. If a candidate is unable to attend a meeting, a proxy shall be designated by the candidate to attend the meeting. 2. A proxy form from the candidate authorizing the proxy shall be turned in during Roll Call at the designated meeting. B. All protests, challenges, and complaints must be submitted in written form to [the CSUN Secretary, Senate Secretary, or] an Elections Board member or the Director within three (3) days after the alleged infraction. C. All candidates are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which would best represent CSUN and UNLV during his/her campaign. All candidates are further expected to abide by UNLV Student Conduct Code. 1. Questionable conduct by a candidate or his/her supporter(s) will be brought before the Elections Board for further action. D. The Elections Board shall consider all complaints and take any appropriate action. E. Candidates will be held accountable for their own actions and those of their recognized supporters. F. Any candidate or his/her recognized supporters proved to have removed, defaced, or tampered with another candidate's campaign materials will have his/her filling fee partially or totally forfeited. The Elections Board will also reserve the right to take further action if deemed necessary. This action may be, but is not limited to, disqualification of candidate. Consolidated Students EE3 University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 5 of 7 VI. VOTING PROCEDURE A. An elector desiring to vote shall present his/her UNLV Student I.D. or another picture identification at the polling area. The election worker shall verify the card with master list and hand the student a ballot. The elector will then proceed to mark the ballot. After voting, the elector shall place his/her ballot in the ballot box. Any elector voting more than once will lose his/her privilege to vote in this election and his/her ballots shall be rendered null and void. B. If the elector is not on the master list, or is not a CSUN gold card holder he/she must obtain verification of current UNLV credit hours and his/her college major from the Registrar's Office. C. No absentee or proxy ballots will be permitted. D. No write-in candidates will be permitted in the official ballot count. E. In the General Elections for Executive Officers, electors shall have a choice of voting for a candidate or for "none of [these candidates] the above." 1. If the "none of [these candidates] the above" ballot entry receives the winning total of votes, then the candidate with the next highest number of votes shall be declared the winner in accordance with these rules. VII. COUNTING OF BALLOTS A. Each candidate is permitted to designate in writting one (1) person to function as an observer during the counting of the ballots in his/her election. [A]B. Any individual creating a disturbance, as determined by the Elections Board Director during the counting of ballots shall be required to leave. [B]C. Ballot boxes are to be opened in the presence of a minimum of two (2) Elections Board members. [C. Each candidate is permitted to designate one (1) person to function as an observer during the counting of the ballots in his/her election.] D. At the close of Wednesday's voting, all ballots will be safely and securely stored until counting commences on Thursday. E. No ballot which is folded, mutilated or incorrectly marked will be counted. Consolidated Students EE3 University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 6 of 7 VIII. CERTIFICATION A. The Elections Board shall certify by a majority vote that the elections for each race has been conducted in accordance with the Elections Rules, the operating policy of the Elections Board, and any other rules or policies governing elections including the CSUN Constitution. [B. Certification of Elections shall take place no later than one (1) week after the last day of the elections.] IX. FINES A. Fines will be levied in accordance with CSUN Senate Bylaw 19, Article III, Section C(8) as follows : 1. Failure for candidate or proxy to attend a scheduled Elections Board meeting will result in a ten dollar ($10.00) fine. 2. Campaigning prior to date set by Elections Board will result in a minimum fine of fifty percent (50%) of the original filing fee or disqulification. as determined by the Elections Board.. [The Elections Board will also reserve the right to take further action if deemed necessary. The action may be, but is not limited to, disqualification.] 3. Campaign material(s) placed by a candidate or supporter(s) within twenty-five (25) feet of voting area(s) will result in a ten dollar ($10.00) fine. Any handbills/handouts found within twenty-five (25) feet of any poll during the two election days will result in a one dollar ($1.00) fine for each handbill/handouts. Excessive offenses, as determined by the Elections Board will result in disqualification. 4. Actual physical campaigning within twenty-five (25) feet of the voting areas will be subject to fines as determined by the Elections Board. 5. Failure to submit samples of campaign materials to the Elections Board will result in a ten dollars ($10.00) fine. If samples are not submitted within [three (3) days] fortveight hours after [usage] posting of the fine, the candidate will be disqualified. 6. Failure to adhere to the rules set forth by each building will result in fines as determined by the Elections Board. 7. Failure to comply with the Elections Board rules concerning posting will result in loss of filing fees or disqualification, based upon Elections Board discretion. Consolidated Students EE3 University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 7 of 7 8. Receipts not turned in by seven o'clock (7:00) p.m. with the candidates spending and contributions statement on the second day of elections for Senate, on the second day of elections for Homecoming, on the second day of the Primary Elections, and on the second day of the General Elections, to an Elections Board member will result in the forfeiture of filing fees of said election. If a canidate has already incured fines totaling the amount of the filling fee, failure to turn in the contributions and expenditures sheet will result in disqualification. 9. Any fines that total an amount over the filing fee of said election will result in an automatic disqualification. 10. Candidate expenditures over two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the Senate races will result in automatic disqualification. 11. Candidate expenditures over two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the Homecoming elections will result in automatic disqualification. 12. Candidate expenditures over five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the Executive Board elections will result in automatic disqualification. 13. Fines will be posted in CSUN offices and are subject to appeal as per Elections Rules Article III., Subsection G(1). 14. Banners that are affixed on any campus structures without the written permission of those in charge of the building or not with in their specifics will result in the minimum of a ten dollar ($10.00) fine. 15. Use of CSUN materials for the purpose of campaigning shall result in a minimum ten dollar ($10.00) fine or disqualification, based upon Elections Board discretion. 16. Any candidates fliers that have been posted over another candidate's flier, this includes any "piggybacking", as defined by the Elections Board, will result in a one dollar ($1.00) fine for each offense. 17. Conduct that is found questionable or unbecoming of a candidate by the Elections Board shall result in a ten dollar ($10.00) fine up to and including disqualification. 18. There will be no writing on any UNLV property with any materials. Faluire to comply will result in fines or disqulifaction. based upon Elections Board discresion. Consolidated Students EE3 University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" CSUN ELECTION RULES Page 8 of 7 19. When canidates are due to turn in their final contributions and expenditure lists, they have 96 hours to remove campaign materials. Failure to do so will result in forfetiture of the remainder of the filing fee. 20. Any signs that are taped, stuck, or an any way affixed to the UNLV property must be there in accordance with the written permission of those in charge of the location where the sign is being placed. Failure to obtain written permission will result in a minamum ten dollar ($10.00) fine. 21. There is no physical campaigning other then speaking to classes allowed in the UNLV bulidings. Failure to comply will result in fines or disqulifacation. as determined by the Elections Board. 22. There is to be no campaigning off of the UNLV property. Failure to comply will result in fines or disqulifacation. as determined by the Elections Board. 23. No advertisments may be purchesed or donated using the candidates name may be placed in the Rebel Yell (student newspaper). i ( Consolidated Students EE3 University of Nevada "Students Serving Students" University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 28-04 Monday, November 24,1997 Room 201, Moyer Student Union cm CtOn —2£ CO c g S m >t n "O' Vc?. N c-—tct i-<r•.n -rJn ST » oI-'Soa^r o ."< !.» ufc-.r-' CR* F-R. —t 3o>o TaJ' ; Ooy CA CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE called Senate Meeting 28-04 to order at 7:00 p.m.. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Christian Augustin Amy Canepa Leia M. Cartwright Scott Ceci (left @ 8:38 p.m.) Aaron M. Clemens (entered @ 7:01 p.m.) * Melissa Colen David Fisk John P.A. Garcia Heather Hamilton Jamie T. Hemington Jerry K. Jory Michael "Zo" Kawazoe (left @ 7:45 p.m.) Richard Kimbrough Anne-Marie Lazaroff Nicole Lehman Ildiko "Lani" Lutar (left @ 8:46 p.m.) Jenny Marshall Randy Milmeister (left @ 7:45 p.m.) David Shapiro (left @ 8:46 p.m.) Joaquin Trujillo (left @ 8:10 p.m.) Marty Weinberg Ryland Whitaker Tony Zaranti * denotes an unexcused tardy III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I. II. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 28-04/ November 24, 1997 Motion to Approve the minutes for Senate Meeting 28-04 made by SENATOR CECI, seconded by SENATOR ZARANTI. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE TRUJILLO stated that he has everything ordered for the pictures and should hopefully have those back up the week after next. SENATOR CLEMENS arrives at 7:01 p.m.. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that Executive Board announcements are now limited to 7 minutes. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR FISK announced that Campus Safety Awareness will have its first meeting next Wednesday, December 3, at 3:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers. 2. SENATOR MARSHALL announced a tentative meeting date for Bylaws set for next Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers. 3. SENATOR KIMBROUGH announced that he still needs everyone's schedules. 4. SENATOR SHAPIRO announced that Ways and Means met today. He stated that they repassed two items that will hopefully be on the agenda for next week or the week after that. He announced that their next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m. and they're going to try to fix all the problems that are going on right now. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports: 1. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE TRUJILLO announced that the NCAA Fiscal Requirement Committee met and laid out the work that they're going to be doing this year. He stated that they'll be meeting every Thursday at 4:00 p.m.; and then they will reschedule their meetings again for the Spring. 2. SENATOR CARTWRIGHT announced that the Faculty Senate Curriculum will meet next Tuesday, December 2, at 2:30 p.m.. Director Reports: SENATE MINUTES 28-04/ November 24, 1997 1. NSA DIRECTOR CONTINE announced that he's been meeting with members of the County Republican Party as well as the County Democratic Party, dispersing lists of registered voters on campus to them for their database, so that the voters can get a reminder next election to go out and vote. He stated that about 2/3 of our registration is non-partisan and asked the Senate for their opinion on doing a Student Government sponsored mailing to remind registered voters to vote on election day because there would be a problem if we dispersed lists of non-partisan voters to any certain party. He stated that he met with a Republican who will be running for United States Senate, so there will probably be a forum on a specific issue such as student loans or campaign finance reform on campus early next semester. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE TRUJILLO congratulated DIRECTOR CONTINE on getting over 1100 registered voters and told him to keep up the good work. 2. Elections Board DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN stated that all of her issues are on the agenda and she'll be happy to answer questions at that time. 3. O-Board DIRECTOR FINKELSTEIN announced that the new boxes for organizations are ready and he's going to pick them up tomorrow. He then announced that the last Organizations Board meeting is tomorrow; and he stated that at that meeting there will be lottery for tickets. He also reminded everyone that the rosters for organizations are due in by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. 4. E&P DIRECTOR WIESSEN stated that the posters for Paula Poundstone will be ready tomorrow and requested that everyone pass them out. He then stated that he'll be passing out the tickets for Paula Poundstone on Monday at the next meeting and everybody gets two. He reminded everyone that the night of the concert is Thursday, December 4, at 9:00 p.m. in the Artemus Ham Hall. He stated that the Hey Rebel cups are here. He also asked that someone take responsibility of the Hey Reb to make sure that it's at every game. He then left early due to being ill. 5. OSI DIRECTOR A YON announced that the banner that we did for the football game went very well; and he's working on having maybe something for the basketball game. He then announced that the shirts are on schedule. He stated that his computer is not working so the web page is delayed due to that. He also stated that if all else fails, he has the information he wants to put on the web page at home, and if he could get a security clearance to get the information at work, he could do it from his computer at home instead. He stated that there won't be a meeting for the rest of the semester due to finals and stated that he's rewriting his current operating policy. D Residence Hall Liaison Report: SENATE MINUTES 28-04/ November 24, 1997 JENNIFER PECK apologized for coming in late. She stated that over the past week they had two very successful programs in their halls. She then stated that they're hosting a Thanksgiving extravaganza for those residents who are not going home over the holidays. She stated that they're beginning the hall closing for the winter and have several study week programs lined up for dead week. She also stated that she's starting interviews for a couple of open positions for the Spring. E Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report: DARON DORSEY stated that the Board will not be meeting for the rest of the semester and will pick back up in February. He then stated that they had 3 members of the Student Athlete Advisory Board appointed who are going to be taken to a Substance Abuse and Leadership Seminar in San Diego in February. He also announced that he just got an email from a NCAA director that is going to allow four of our student athletes to attend a NCAA Leadership Foundation Leadership Conference in Orlando in May. F. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE read the expenditure for the month: $106.00 - Blvd. Trophy for new nameplates that are going to go on the picture board. He also stated Senators get paid the month following the month of the meeting. He stated that the pay date for all of the November meetings will be December 31 and stated that the pay date for October is November 26. He then stated in order to get paid, everyone must come in and sign an employment document (E-doc) within the first week of each month. He stated that the E-doc is going to show the meetings that someone attended and the total pay, and asked that everyone look them over carefully to verify the information that's on a employment document. He also stated that if an E-doc is not signed any particular month, then that person will not get a pay check at the end of the month. He stated that the pay won't be lost, but it won't be paid until a month later. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Jennifer Peck as a member of the Elections Board; as submitted by SENATOR HAMILTON. Motion to approve made by SENATOR HAMILTON, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. 4 SENATE MINUTES 28-04/ November 24, 1997 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed ( $13,700.00 to hire Collegiate Elections Services to conduct the ballot casting and counting for both the Primaries and the Generals of the Executive Board Elections 1998; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen Acct); as submitted by SENATOR COLEN. Motion to approve made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR ZARANTI. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of changes to Elections Rules as submitted by SENATOR COLEN. Motion to approve made by SENATOR MARSHALL, seconded by SENATOR LUTAR. Motion to amend the first page of attachment one after the word "registrar" to include "and/or CSUN Business Manager" made by SENATOR KIMBROUGH, seconded by SENATOR CECI. Move into a vote. Motion to amend the first page of attachment one after the word "registrar" to include "and/or CSUN Business Manager" passes 23-0-0. / Motion to amend the second item D to be item E under filing fee on attachment one made by SENATOR KIMBROUGH, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion to amend the second item D to be item E under filing fee on attachment one passes 23-0-0. Motion to amend to strike rules 22 and 23 from HH on page 7 made by SENATOR KIMBROUGH, seconded by SENATOR CARTWRIGHT. SENATOR KIMBROUGH stated that he doesn't think that the Elections Board has anything to do with what we advertise in our mail and is an infringement on the First Amendment right. In response, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN stated that rule 23 was in conjunction with the Rebel Yell and was their idea and rule 22 was an attempt to level the playing field because it is unfair to anybody who is campaigning against you for any office if you have the capability of advertising somewhere that someone else does not. In response to a question, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN stated that as long as advertising is open to all candidates, she doesn't have a problem with it. In response to another question, she stated that there are rules where individuals can file a complaint that would be handled by the Elections Board, but it is a tricky issue. DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN then stated that the rules here came about from issues that came up while she was talking with the Elections Board. 5 SENATE MINUTES 28-04/ November 24, 1997 Move into a vote. Motion to amend to strike rules 22 and 23 from HH on page 7 passes 16-7-0. (SENATORS HEMINGTON, LEHMAN, WEINBERG, COLEN, MARSHALL, GARCIA, and LUTAR opposed.) In response to another question, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN explained what is considered as campaigning inside a building and rule 21 was brought about to prevent people from being hassled and disturbance of class room activity. In response to another question, she also stated that no campaigning will be allowed inside just because of increment weather. She added that there shouldn't be a question to what the outside of a building is. SENATOR LUTAR stated that the rule is very vague and expressed her concern about being able to get voters. SENATOR TRUJILLO stated that he doesn't think that we should dictate where students can campaign and DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN should focus on the 25 foot rule. In response to another question, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN stated that she can adjust the item so that there is no physical passing out of handbills inside buildings because that is what the main problem was. Motion to strike rule 21 made by SENATOR AUGUSTIN, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. SENATOR FISK stated that he sees a need for a law stating that you can't pass out handout handbills in buildings. SENATOR MILMEISTER stated that it's right to say that it's illegal to say that a person can't campaign inside a building. SENATOR ZARANTI stated that he doesn't see a difference when it comes to harassing someone inside or outside; and he stated that if this was passed that the voting turnout would probably be a little lower. SENATOR LAZAROFF stated that if an individual college has a problem with college, then that individual college should make the rules and forward them to DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN and allow that building to have its own set policy. Move into a vote. Motion to strike rule 21 passes 20-3-0. (SENATORS SHAPIRO, FISK, and LEHMAN opposed.) Motion to amend to include the number "21" followed by "there are to be no more than a maximum of 20 signs per candidate stuck in the ground during any one election on campus" made by SENATOR KIMBROUGH, seconded by SENATOR MILMEISTER. In response to a question, SENATOR KIMBROUGH stated that the signs littered the area during the last campaign and people were unable to go and remove their signs. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE TRUJILLO stated that there should not be a limit on the signs because there is already a limit for the amount of money that can be spent on the signs. SENATOR LUTAR expressed the same thing as SENATOR TRUJILLO. SENATOR CANEPA expressed her concern about ruining the grounds on campus. DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN suggested that "there are to be no more than a maximum of 20 signs stuck or in any way affixed to the UNLV ground per candidate during one election". SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE added that during his campaign last year, the grounds department didn't have a problem with any candidates putting signs in the ground as long as they removed them