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    Mr. E. E. Bennett - Los Angeles: (cc - Mr. A. E. Stoddard Mr. ¥. H. Hulsizer Mr. R. M. Sutton) Referring to your letter of March 19, file &0-11, enclosing four copies of preliminary draft of proposed agreement between LA&SL, UP, LVL&¥ and Las Vegas Valley ¥ater District, covering the sale of the water production and distribution facilities at Las Vegas, Nevada, and re­lated matters: Subject to such comments and suggestions as Messrs. Hulsizer and Sutton may make as to details pecu­liarly within their province, and, to the minor items here' inafter noted, this draft of agreement seems to be in very good shape, and I see no objection to using it as a basis for further conferences with representatives of the ¥ater District. The following items are called to your attention for appropriate revision: 1. Section 1(d) includes among the properties to be sold the following: n(d-l) 12-inch cast iron and 14-inch transits pipe line shown by broken black and white l,ines be­tween points marked KK and LL on Exhibit ’A’." Exhibit T!An indicates that the pipe line between points KK and LL is all 14-inch transite pipe. I do not know which description is correct. 2. There is also included in Section 1(d) among the properties to be sold the following: "(d-4) 14-inch steel and 14-inch transite pipe line shown by broken black and red line be­tween points marked HH and R and by solid red lines between points marked R and Z on Exhibit ’A’, to­gether with pumping station at point marked HH on Exhibit |A».H Exhibit nAn indicates that the pipe line is all 14- inch transite pipe. I do not know which description is cor­rect.