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    OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT W ILLIA M CO ULTH ARD 9 D O S O U T H 5t h S T R E E T SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER LAS VEGAS, NEVADA E. O T T O UNDERHILL JAM ES C A S H M A N t e l e p h o n e s s 2 Q JO H N BUNCH p . a . b o x 1 4 4 B SPEN4 EER ™ n tFIELD LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Mr* James Montgomery Pa9® Two* October 20, 1952 The District will defer execution of the revised offer, dated October 15, until you hove hod an opportunity to go over It and express any views and comments you may have. In particular, the District would like to have you go carefully over Exhibit I and take up with us and Attorney McNamee any points that may occur to you. LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT TACiar Attachments * 3 Thomas A, Campbell, President Y