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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-99


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    PRIORITIES Commissioner Smith moved that Mr. Cazier, Purchasing Agent, he authorized to accept the invitation of the government priorities agencies in Los Angeles to contact them personally, with a view to clarification of procedure which may eliminate unnecessary delay in securing priorities for the City of Las Vegas and, also, that Mr. Cazier's expenses for the trip be paid by the City. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; noes none. CHAINMAN Commissioner Tinch moved that Ralph Allison be hired as of May 17th at $175.00 EMPLOYED per month to replace Robert Ball, chainman, who left the employ of the City RALPH ALLISON last December. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; noes none. CEMETERY HELPER Commissioner Tinch moved that smother man be hired as helper at the cemetery HIRED at a salary of $160.00 per month. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; Commissioner Smith voted no. POLICE DEPT. Commissioner Clark moved that the cook at the city jail be granted a salary COOK'S SALARY raise to $150.00 per month. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried RAISED by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; Commissioner Smith voted no. The Board at this time proceeded to make a canvass of the 2,134 ballots cast at the General City Election held on the 4th day of May, 1943 for the election of a Mayor, a City Attorney, a Municipal Judge, a Commissioner 1st class, a Commissioner 3rd Class and the Question "Shall the City of Las Vegas Adopt a City Manager Form of Municipal Government?" and the result of said canvass is as follows: FOR MAYOR CRAGIN, E. W. Las Vegas Precinct No. 1 178 Las Vegas Precinct No. 2 118 Las Vegas Precinct No. 3 138 Las Vegas Precinct No. 4 91 Las Vegas Precinct No. 5 124 Las Vegas Precinct No. 6 126 Las Vegas Precinct No. 7 122 Las Vegas Precinct No. 8 66 Las Vegas Precinct No. 9 103 Las Vegas Precinct No. 10 76 Las Vegas Precinct No. 11 128 Las Vegas Precinct No. 12 138 Las Vegas Precinct No. 13 120 Las Vegas Precinct No. 14 123 Las Vegas Precinct No. 15 101 Las Vegas Precinct No. 16 91 Total 1,843 FOR CITY ATTORNEY AUSTIN. HARRY H. Las Vegas Precinct No. 1 168 Las Vegas Precinct No. 2 98 Las Vegas Precinct No. 3 122 Las Vegas Precinct No. 4 71 Las Vegas Precinct No. 5 102 Las Vegas Precinct No. 6 102 Las Vegas Precinct No. 7 92 Las Vegas Precinct No. 8 54 Las Vegas Precinct No. 9 96 Las Vegas Precinct No. 10 0 Las Vegas Precinct No. 11 106 Las Vegas Precinct No. 12 114 Las Vegas Precinct No. 13 98 Las Vegas Precinct No. 14 102 Las Vegas Precinct No. 15 82 Las Vegas Precinct No. 16 74 Total 1,481 FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE BLAD, A. G. "GUS" Las Vegas Precinct No. 1 144 Las Vegas Precinct No. 2 100 Las Vegas Precinct No. 3 142 Las Vegas Precinct No. 4 95 Las Vegas Precinct No. 5 116 Las Vegas Precinct No. 6 107 Las Vegas Precinct No. 7 104 Las Vegas Precinct No. 8 64 Las Vegas Precinct No. 9 77 Las Vegas Precinct No. 10 67 Las Vegas Precinct No. 11 99 Las Vegas Precinct No. 12 121 Las Vegas Precinct No. 13 102 Las Vegas Precinct No. 14 103 Las Vegas Precinct No. 15 94 Las Vegas Precinct No. 16 67 Total 1,602