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    (fffl^/^0Y 7-5371 PRESS Ct^*ilfe BUREAU 165 Church'Street - New Yorkl NEW YORK, N. Y. DAILY NEWS Circ. D. 2,402,346 - S. 4,716,807 DEC* 12 1952 JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle Broadway By PANTON WALKER . fj Broadway Roundup #'&$?· Niles Trammel!** new job won't be with the Government. He will i be president of the newly-formed Biscayne Television Corp., which has filed an application with the FCC for a video station en Channel 7 at Miami. . . iWh *"jth*J"^ii|" H iL^' t T nite club in Miami plays its last show it wilLroe t^rleainto a7tl%vision station. . . . Jack Entratter, former manager op the Copacabaim. in New York, phones friends that it is costing! him|$l 5,000 a day inf overtime to rush completion of the new $5,000jP0Q#Sandg Hotel in ,3LJUVegas, due to open next Tuesday. ... The fta&lcatfe "of-'A'lVser^fa fhtroducing an oral presentation between its Gwistmas chorals this year, a reading by Walter Hampden of "Christmasmin' America." jr -iPUs-*'- " North Hollywood, Cal Valley Times (Cir. 31,876) DEC 2 1952 ; JIMMiE HOLER'S VIEWS OF HOLLYWOOD Dear Staff ?·: Jwwsl to j ^(K*rlc*i eh l to call atten^jtcMv became'a real New England II I tion to a?? .^jrntricah .charaeteris-?╜o|^munity.o| the seventeenth-cen- tic. Worn (f inherent-pride and foS^jtury'. Itere^afetAoq^ftf and jealously,'py Such is. ^American : pride andh lour XMmhers of Commerce. We, j jealousy, all laudable in the ex-M | as Americans, are proud Of our treme. I ask you staff- members, 5 first or biggest or most beautiful was ProvhiQetowhright in making , |'-?╟÷or whatever, you know.' Grand protest al^,^#?·)y_ why the- cele- p Canyon? Well, no other Grand oration in Plymouth? I Canyon. California? Not dupli- JIMMIE FIDLER j ilcated by the,slightest chance anyn'..TlSjMpJE * * ?? *-* Hvhere. Hollywood? Only Calif or- Dear Boss:. We have been : in Knia's Hollywood is "authentic. All hasty touch with the studio, and .''others are mild, pale imitations, the .folks there straightened out ' And every state ?√ß in the Union!the Provjncetown*Plymouth con-| aboutiltroversy instanter. It is all quite1 mple. The. company realises that Provincetown was the first land sighted, but the colonists settled at Plymouth. So;the decision to screen "Plymouth Adventure" in Plymouth. Our combined hat, lymouui. it was u. i^crjhpwever, 1| off"^ to Provincetown. the entire New England They have something there, "and ~e^-^-^_?╟÷-?╟÷^-.^-^^Jii,^*?Σ≤^ ~ia<} they^Ee^cjoWiiig about .^ riomething to boast _ . Well, kiddies, you perhaps-read jh}1 lour news resume this week tha^j ?√ßProvincetown, Mass., rose up and Iprotested to the tune of marching fcitizens agalhst the special.screen- ling of "Plymouth Adventure" in IneaSby Plymouth. It was a pre? :Viewsfoi rasjlrand officials?╟÷but Province-|w Ko^^iad a word of objection, and [it. perhaps a good "reason. r I-am-told that, "-headed by an ;of- fici^ll^-jtown erier, the parade passed through- the streets with banners- and vocal protests, be- pause* Provincetown claims that the first land sighted by the Pil- ferims is now ^Provineetown. -But Plymouth-Went-ahead with its a$j-; lebratioh^h and that town, I am JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Phoenix, Ariz. Gazette (Cir. 43,679) 1952 Our chatte^today: Dami^!|bm- as is back m Holly wojrfl fronEhisj Chez Pare^enga^ York,, andf just uptime f(# his daughter Dec. 15 gas, and premiere ton retv ?√ß*t|Mappearani ' 1 Isles. She (band, Cha leer Tracy waqr^&*w>'*w^m&'??>?'m banquet honoring Nicholas H. i Wagner, manager of Boys Town. i Vera-Ellen' spent Thanksgiving- Day in Honolulu, .She'll be back in { filmland early in December. ... J Louis Clahern came back to Sol- lyWood this week from New York ft j to prepaie for his starring role [with Lana - Turner in "Latin Lovers."- .]-. "I. Dorothy Drew, New SrYork painter, refused to unveil | for Los Angeles photographers her I portrait of Virginia Mayo. She will I not exhibit it until, she gets bj | to New York 3 back I HOLLYWOOD:? oh Jane Russell's Sore Throat He |||PSBLISHED 1888 BArclay IR? I PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York LOS ANGELES, CALIF. HERALD & EXPRESS Circ. D. 428,007 JJBeC JU1352 INew Las Vegas Hotel rrhe I Almo$$#readymoy occupancy Itoday^v&s ttajr Sands, world's ?√ßnewel! iotej^nd the latest, addi- I tion fto EstC Vegas, .Nev., famous r'Strip" on Highway 91. Its doors I will be thrown open to the public [next Monday. I Covering 85 square acres which |was arid desert land a few years || ago, the hostelry was designed by Wayne McAllister, Hollywood architect, and erected at a cost of $5,500,000. It consists ol a j dramatically themed main build- I ing and live hotel room buildings done in the modern Bermuda motif and named in honor ol American racetracks?╟÷Arlington Park, Belmont, Hialeah, Rockingham Park and Santa Anita. The Sands has 200 individually lashioned rooms, 40 to each building, and each room is tiled, making for a cool, even temperature the year around. The buildings form a *semi-circle around a half- moon Shaped sv^Tm pool, riamW the Paradise Pool alter nearby Paradise Valley. The main gliding contains the Copa. Hoom, wherein top stars of the en ?rtainment world will present their' acts. Designed in a Brazilian mo til, the Copa Room will seat 395 people. The facade ol the main building is povered with imported Italian marble with a rougffsMgirlace, left tha* way purposely,^1CA1- lister said, becau^e^smooth marble can't withstEfeM'AexpQSMre to the insert as wen-ifts^Mf^tke roug$/,i - ':^ml^^'"':'- Till Sands, seventh la|g'e hotel th hi? built' in Las .^egas within the past few-years, is a member jof'the Bas Vegas Chamber ol kl Commerce and the Resort Hotels I Committee. i?·_ * . ?╓¬ - \ BY SHEILAH GRAHAM HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 6 (NANA) ?╟÷Jack Carson canceled his New Year's date at the Shamrock when Wisconsin was booked for the Rose Bowl. Jack's from Milwaukee and he ought to know. So is Dennis Morgan, ?√ß'^hjyftiftlftn much...whoop- de-do for the tiijffe--'here. In spite of;.^jry mediocre reviews, theociPoWd'ewanting to see two weeks 'Don Juan in Hell' hits a Methodist church, Jewish syna- ?√ßitA Ctj-tlnnWrt onllocyo with a her sound sexier .. . and^tee* ward-'j ?╟≤ robe ijg&on the set of "Gentlemenf Prefer Blondes" calls it "Miss Monroe's 'violent' dress"?╟÷I believe she means violet. Craig Hill rushed back from the snow to give Bob Wagner competition with the boss's daughter. He escorted Susan Zanuck to Ethel Merman's b 1 a c k-tie farewell-to- Hollywood affair. Bob Six flew in, of course?╟÷to see Ethel. When Stanley Kramer reverted to a standard Western like "High Noon," he made more money than with his previou'l four "artistic" j films put together. An$P-oid you know that, when Carl Foreman took off for Europe, Stanley recut the picture himself and injected ,d Effect On Sou ??children, I %?╟≤ frwtt?· ^^^^^^^^ irhmi fceadiei? is gallivanting >ennis||j Eastern author er Mar&Ann Blyth gets ought !^Em McNu%p?╜r-: r Cold^^Mta; ?╟≤ ex-Strip- Roberta W she jus :ause Byron ^ied hoils* sight We Sing [ers. All that^??ng be- ^eerce's voice! ^Stf "To- J STEWART GRA^han |ff. He'd prefer to Wn p the money. His^Bk ;^[ Air is still unsoM^ Billie, 16,ftf|femg of mary Clooi her hand mouth, posj used to poi The; nevl Velas hoM st J td^^"Bp*eni] ?√ß of Ursula 1 Mason is mi Dick Burton, and James. ^^^^^^^^ Claude DaupKia1-*i0urs France and Africa in "Toy Department," before "Mile. Modiste"-ing with Katie Grayson at Warners ... J Steve Cochran took his ma to ^ Mexico, but he'll be.^stagging it to ^ fcavana and New'^-York. Not for ^g, though, if I know Stevie! ^1 JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif. Times {Cir. 396,959) Newest^Las Vlbgas- Hotel |W^^ Opened, Monday w 31 /W Ljnmm. ms gandM nev^st luxury, ho.- ron th^Las Vegas '^^M'' Fill ''to"-the ;puhli'c londa^it was announced yes- fterd^^ pie $5,500,000 establishment. Wavering- 85 acres, embraces ^00 (individually fashioned rooms in five buildings decorated in modern Bermuda motif..JSajeh building is named for a race track?╟÷ Santa Anita, Rockingham Parky-Up- Hialeah, Belmont and Arlington Park. The buildings form a semicircle around the scimitar-shaped Paradise swimming pool. In the main building is tne Copa Room, decorated in Brazilian motif and |^t??le to accommodate 395 pa- [trfns; Here willbe presented [scfne of the; top- entertainment the world.' fj i jd^^V fThe-.seventh hotel tosbe built ill Las' Vegas within,the last Ifijw -ears, tbe-'Sanrfer'Ava;: de- _ bned ' by Wayne -McAllister, Hollywood-?√ß architect. ?╟≤ it is a liember of the :Das Vegas Cham- tier of Commerce and'the Re- .sjirt Hotels Committee. '\&&to* KJocltel, the lush ha Ke- "Of*.e?╜ o?? t*unew, 3soflie . Set to- / thl^nd8Hm oockJf ^nnymrfh shown ?╟≤Cental ^ fa- ?ench cWLeon r??om?╜? ef- ;M^ the%, ^mT A*-