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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 27, 2004






Includes meeting minutes and agenda. CSUN Session 34 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac001134. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CSUN SENATE MEETING 34-32 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 MSU 201, 6:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA called the meeting to order at 6:02pm II. ROLL CALL The following senators were present: SENATOR CORPUZ (left early at 6:55pm), SENATOR MULLINAX, SENATOR CRAWFORD, SENATOR CAZARES, SENATOR KRISTA DONNELLY, SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR JIMENEZ, SENATOR ESPINOZA, SENATOR ZANDERS, SENATOR HUERTA, SENATOR BOWERS, SENATOR MACK, SENATOR TEMPLETON, SENATOR DEARMAS, SENATOR KARA DONNELLY, SENATOR SORVONGSAVANH The following senators were late: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI (6:24pm), SENATOR MAYER (6:07pm), SENATOR CONWAY (6:07pm), SENATOR SANTIAGO (6:26pm) The following senators were absent: SENATOR FRIEDLIEB (unexcused), SENATOR MAPES III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following minutes are submitted for approval: 34-30,34-31 SENATOR KARA DONNELLY moves to approve minutes from 34-30 and 34-31 SENATOR HUERTA 2nds 16-0-0 Minutes PASS unanimously SENATOR CONWAY arrives at 6:07pm SENATOR MAYER arrives at 6:07pm. V. REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR CAZARES: rescheduling for next Saturday. Didn't have quorum. 1 SENATOR CORPUZ: I set a meeting for Friday at 12. Who can't make it? For Ways and Means. Okay, so meeting on Friday at 12. I'll put last year's budget in your boxes. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: Rebel Renovation meets tomorrow. C. Business Manager Report DIRECTOR BUDGET PAYEE AMOUNT COMMENTS E&P Rebel Ruckus from Music Today $ (120.00) sponsorship from Music Today E&P Discretionary-E&P Discretionary- Metro Pizza $ 73.00 hosting at meeting ELECTIONS Elections OfficeMax $ 48.93 7 luggage locks for laptop carrying cases ELECTIONS Elections-Senate Discretionary- Reprographics $ 104.15 251X76412 - senate packets MARKETING Marketing Creative Signs $ 200.00 sign stakes MARKETING Promotions Reprographics $ 94.32 251X76412 - postcards NSA Lecture Series Reprographics $ 15.30 251X76412-invitations NSA Discretionary-NSA Sherrelle Blood $ 46.69 hosting at board meeting on 09/15/04 OFFICE Maintenance Contracts Motorpool $ 38.93 repair flat tire on MSU 004 OFFICE Supplies OfficeMax $ 288.55 invoice 94427177 OFFICE Supplies OfficeMax $ 96.61 invoice 94458330 OFFICE Supplies OfficeMax $ 129.34 invoice 94458327 OFFICE Supplies Reprographics $ 43.52 invoice 94499878 OFFICE Senate Expenses Reprographics $ 48.10 251X76412 - business cards OFFICE Senate Expenses Reprographics $ 51.00 251X76412 - copies of minutes OFFICE Supplies Reprographics $ 34.80 251X76412-stock forms 251X76412 - business cards Michael OFFICE Supplies Reprographics $ 18.50 Amesquita OSI Discretionary-OSI Fry's Electronics $ 392.47 digital camera SERVICES Pencils OfficeMax $ 242.00 invoice 94499754 D. Directors' Reports i. CSUN Services: Ea Madrigal See attachment ii. Elections: Sabrina Sumner iii. Entertainment and Programming: Aaron Arneson See attachment SENATOR ESPINOZA: is there extra security for the Reno tailgate? DIRECTOR ARNESON: I'm sure our campus police will be there and Reno is bringing their own security. SENATOR HUERTA: what time does the tailgate start? DIRECTOR ARNESON: 3, game starts at 7. SENATOR SUMNER: can you tell people to go a little early? Can we make the announcement periodically? iv. Nevada Student Affairs: Sherrelle Blood DIRECTOR BLOOD: We had Lee Ryan Miller on Thursday. Thank you SENATOR ESPINOZA for taking care of that. We had about twenty people there. I'm still working on congressional debates. My assistant is also holding a board meeting on Thursday at 5:30. RFK Jr. is coming on October 7th. Met with representative from an organization named .. .talked to him about giving a lecture on text book reform. Also, 2 young democrats are bringing Chris Heinz to campus on Thursday. It'll be in alcove at 3. if you want to go to that.. .they're also doing gain training on October 9th. SENATOR MACK: Chris Heinz is coming what day? DIRECTOR BLOOD: Thursday SENATOR ESPINOZA: Lee Ryan Miller said he .. .review journal...? DIRECTOR BLOOD:.. .I'm not sure. v. Office of Student Information: Michelle Bourdet See attachment SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI enters at 6:24pm SENATOR SANTIAGO enters at 6:26pm vi. Publications: Michele Muscato See attachment vii. Rebel Radio: Tyler Wistisen See attachment SENATOR SUMNER: what do you need money for because we're about to allocate some money? ASSISTANT DIRECTOR RANGEL: all of our cd's are outdated. SENATOR SUMNER: I advise you to go to the Ways and Means meeting because money shouldn't be an issue. SENATOR ESPINOZA: you were talking about i-tunes?? ASSISTANT DIRECTOR RANGEL: addresses question. SENATOR JIMENEZ: when you guys buy the cd's do you guy the whole album or singles? DIRECTOR WISTISEN: we went to fry's last time and they don't have.. .so we're thinking about going to i-tunes. SENATOR ESPINOZA: it sounds to me it sounds like you're saying let's work less and just buy the music. SENATE PRESIDENT AMES QUIT A: are you having a board meeting soon? ASSISTNAT DIRECTOR RANGEL: maybe. 3 SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: maybe you should so senators could prepare their questions and they can be better addressed. viii. Marketing: Manuel Cabral See attachment SENATOR JIMENEZ: the mouspads with the turntables, I thought that was the logo for rebel radio, so what's happening with that? ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: I'll ask him. DIRECTOR BLOOD: Manuel's whole thing is that we all have a brand. He's still using it, he's just building on it. SENATOR JIMENEZ: is the printer the same kind that the architects use? ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: it's for posters. SENATOR MAYER: can you guys put together a proposal? I don't think we're going to approve it without a cost breakdown. Traditionally we try to set a ... E. Liaison Reports i. Greek Advisory TOM STUDDERT: a hundred men accepted bids for recruitment out of 150. We'll have final number tonight... Rebel Rally on Thursday. PRESIDENT SCHUCK will be presenting on history of the cannon. Free pizza and drinks for everybody. Office purchased 1500 bottles of water for Aaron for Rebel Tailgate. Club Caliente is tomorrow in the ballroom brought to you by... free salsa bar and live music. Leading education series apps due Friday. Director of community relations for our campus has asked us to help with the United Way campaign. Starts 10-18. You can call Tom Flagg or myself to get involved. SENATOR ESPINOZA: was it you guys that put the samurai games on? TOM STUDDERT: it went well. We had about 20 students. SENATOR SANTIAGO: Rebel Rally? TOM STUDDERT: starts about 11:00. Actual program starts at 12:45. SENATOR JIMENEZ: will you still be able to play with 22 players? TOM STUDDERT: yeah ii. Residence Hall Association See attachment 4 SENATE PRESIDENT AMES QUIT A: the tickts for knots are those only for residents? MS. FERRELL: still deciding. The majority will be. SENATOR MACK: the Residence Hall channel, is that only solely for advertising or movies, too? MS. FERRELL: we'll have movies, too. iii. Student Athletics SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: last women's volleyball this Thursday starts at 7. I'll sing the national anthem at 6:30 and we all know football game is this Saturday. SENATOR KRISTA DONNELLY: there are intramural games tonight. iv. Student Health Advisory Committee PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I went to dermatology clinic and it's really sweet. You guys give me pimples so I had to go. v. ROTC JUSTICE CHAPEL: we had successful.. .at Redrock. 10k. we do that every other Friday. We're going to do individual movement techniques. We had a snack shack and a beer stand at ... raised some money for our department for the semester. We're going I out to the Airforce and going to do.. .this weekend we'll be at football game guarding the cannon. We're going to do pushups every time we score a touchdown. SENATOR MAYER: lucky for you guys we don't score too many touchdowns. vi. Leadership Advisory Board SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: Met with Mat Starky. Looking for someone to fill in for me on Thursdays at 6pm. Was hoping Schuck would do it. F. Rebel Yell Report VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: Chelsea is offering free classifieds for... e-mail to VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ANDERSON: helping VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ with elections. Setting up .. .for candidates. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: after we finished homecoming elections packets we gave it to... so we're just waiting on her. The elections... Schuck is taking care of on-line stuff, I'm ... SENATOR CORPUZ leaves early at 6:55pm 5 SENATOR DEARMAS: why is it that, there's an item on here for an elections member? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: we have to wait two weeks anyway. I think the consensus has been we want to wait until after the elections. SENATOR CRAWFORD: investment account? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: that was last week. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: Pass SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: Pass SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: if you don't come up to me tonight then we'll pick and choose, (reads memorandum) Having the ability to be where students normally wouldn't be able to is where our power lies. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT SENATOR MULLINAX: I would like to state that I still totally disagree that it takes us an hour to get to public comment. Thank you. VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Approval of a Sponsorship between UNLV CSUN Student Government and Red Bull for UNLV CSUN Entertainment and Programming Events. Money to be distributed into the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Discretionary) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. SENATOR SUMNER moves to approve SENATOR CONWAY 2nds SENATOR SUMNER: motion to amend by inserting after Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI 2nds 19-0-0 Amendment PASSES unanimously SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to amend by striking discretionary and inserting Rebelpalooza 6 SENATOR JIMENEZ 2nds. 19-0-0 amendment PASSES unanimously 19-0-0 Action item A PASSES unanimously. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of $15,000.00 for the purchase of a poster printer. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN FY05 Reserves account. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the Executive board. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR SUMNER 2nds SENATOR ESPINOZA: PRESIDENT SCHUCK, have you got bids for different machines? What do you see yourselves doing besides, what? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: going through reprographics, it costs us a ridiculous amount of money. It's $4100 for just 10000 posters, which we easily do. The printer we're looking at is $12000. You eliminate production time, the other thing is to open up so organizations can use these printers. The SORCE room benefits, CSUN offices, .. .all benefit. After two years you make more than $4000 back. SENATOR ESPINOZA: where would the money come from to run the machine? PRESIDENT SCHUCK marketing and services would probably ... SENATOR ESPINOZA: do you guys know if these are easy to operate? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: Manuel seems to know how to use it and I trust him. It runs off Windows and Windows based software. If we stationed it in the SORCE room for organizations to use, Manuel could send a file from wherever he is, CBC or upstairs. It's 11995. Regardless, this is what we give to purchasing., we never get ripped off if it goes through them. SENATOR BOWERS: are you going to need more equipment in the future? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: I'd say no. We'll outsource the magazine. We don't want a bad product. The smaller things, we'd love to do full colored newsletters. SENATOR BOWERS: is the director's time going to get consumed with that? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: no, this is something they run at Reno and they don't have an extra person who does it. The guy who does their e and p does it. 7 SENATOR MULLINAX: was the upkeep brought into consideration? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: it's a one year in service warranty. Yes. SENATOR TEMPLETON: I was going to ask the same thing about the warranty. No more after that? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: sure we can extend it. It's still out for bid. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: it's an idea. It'll go through purchasing... SENATOR MAYER: those were the two things I was going to ask. I didn't know there was a proposal. I trust you guys. We need this. This is a great idea. SENATOR CONWAY: every organization has access to it? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: there'd be a policy where they'd have to go through services or marketing. SENATOR CRAWFORD: just out of curiosity, at what point can we expect to break even? SENATOR ESPINOZA: so I know you have a plan to give to organizations.. .are you thinking at all about charging? TOM STUDDERT: we wouldn't be able to use it. They'd have to go through repro. 19-0-0 Actin Item A PASSES unanimously B. Action Item: Approval of a six (6) credit fee wavier to be paid to Assistant CSUN Services Director Korie Brast. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 CSUN Services budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Madrigal. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to postpone until 34-33 SENATOR SUMNER: 2nds 19-0-0 item POSTPONED unanimously C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $2,500 for staging at Oozeball. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Oozeball) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. SENATOR SUMNER: move to combine and approve c-k and m 8 SENATOR KARA DONNELLY 2nds SENATOR SUMNER: motion to amend by inserting on all items after Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI 2nds 19-0-0 c-k and m: amendment PASSES unanimously 19-0-0 c-k and m: action items PASS unanimously as amended D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $650 for audio at Oozeball. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Oozeball) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $450 for power at Oozeball. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Oozeball) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $2,500 for staging at the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $650 for audio at the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $450 for power at the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $700 to be paid to Bogus Productions for talent buying services for the UNLV vs. UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,200 for shuttle services for the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. 9 K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $600 for shuttle services for the UNLV vs. Utah tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. L. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $5,000 for Rebel Card Swipers for tailgates and Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Reserves account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to combine and postpone L, N, and P until 34-33 SENATOR CONWAY 2nds SENATOR JIMENEZ: why are we postponing P? SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: they didn't have quorum. 19-0-0 L, N and P are POSTPONED unanimously until 34-33 M. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $3,100 to be paid to We Serve for security at Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Rebel Ruckus) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. N. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the Election Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senate President Pro-Tempore Cianci on behalf of the Executive Board. O. Action Item: Approval of Jakke Cline-Hicks, Alexander Templeton, Tara Mullin, Allen Guelas, Viviana DeArmas, Korie Brust, Michael McKinney, and Zohra Bakhtary to serve on the CSUN Services Board for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senator Mack. OUT OF ORDER P. Action Item: Approval of Senate Bill 34-37, which proposes changes to Statute 204.00, the Fair Shake Act. As submitted by Senator Crawford, Senator Huerta, and Senator Templeton. See attachment 34.32.01. Q. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the CSUN Services Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore on behalf of the Executive Board. 10 OUT OF ORDER X. EXECUTIVE BOARD SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ANDERSON: we'll be taking pictures next week. You can contact me or Director Bourdet. Elections, any questions see e-baord. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: yield PRESIDENT SCHUCK: yield SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: make sure you see me about faculty senate. I wish every meeting went like last meeting. I think you could have prepared more for printer item. XI. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR MACK: I quit smoking. It's been a week. Laura Bush will be in town tomorrow. SENATOR BOWERS: in Rebel Yell we had an excellent article about poker tournament. We'll sell tickets. Welcome SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA to business fraternity. SENATOR ESPINOZA: I want to use the golf carts but I see directors and e-board using them all the time. SENATOR JIMENEZ: they're probably using the carts because they're actually working, thanks to DIRECTOR SUMNER for ways and means. Let's try to have our mailboxes clean. It doesn't look professional. Don't forget salsa night tomorrow. SENATOR CONWAY: have a good week. Make sure you're studying for midterms. I hope business fraternity isn't making you wear those socks. SENATOR MULLINAX: see public comment SENATOR KRISTA DONNELLY: last Tuesday night I went to Rebel Pride Council for family night and I'll give you guys more information. SENATOR KARA DONNELLY: have a good week and I'll see you guys at tailgate. SENATOR SORVONGSAVANH: I participated in the samurai.. .I'm so sore. SENATOR DEARMAS: yield SENATOR TEMPLETON: salsa tomorrow night. SENATOR ZANDERS: have a good week 11 SENATOR CRAWFORD: yield SENATOR HUERTA: Wednesday Mecha will be hosting a came asada in the ampitheatre. From 10-2. From los Compadres. SENATOR CAZARES: can't reschedule constitutional for Saturday, so I'll just e-mail people. SENATOR SANTIAGO: sorry I was late, I had to take a test. SENATOR MACK, congratulations. I've been trying for a really long time. SENATOR MAYER: yield SENATOR SUMNER: yield SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: There's a light heartedness. It's good to see we're joking around a little not so serious. We have to win this Saturday. See you Saturday. XII. ADJOURNMENT SENATOR HUERTA moves to adjourn SENATOR TEMPLETON 2nds 19-0-0 Motion PASSES unanimously at 7:37pm Meeting is adjourned at 7:37pm ***ALL MINUTES ARE SUBJECT TO SUMMATION*** STUDENT SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY MICHAEL J. AMES QUIT A, JR. SONG KIM 12 S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T Henry L. Schuck CSUN Executive Board Meeting Agenda Monday, September 27, 2004 4:00 P.M. Moyer Student Union, Room 202 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. A. Student Body President Henry L. Schuck B. Student Body Vice President Peter J. Goatz C. Senate President Michael J. Amesquita Jr. D. Vice President Pro-Tempore Eric O. Anderson E. Senate President Pro-Tempore Ryan M. Cianci U/\ ^J/.3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. DIRECTORS REPORTS A. CSUN Services Director- Ea Madrigal B. Entertainment & Programming Director- Aaron Arneson C. Nevada Student Affairs Director- Sherrelle Blood D. Office of Student Information Director- Michelle Bourdet E. Elections Director- Sabrina Sumner F. Publications Director- Michele Muscato G. Rebel Radio Director- Tyler Wistisen H. Marketing Director- Manuel Cabral V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Consolidated Students • University of Nevada-Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 - (702) 895-3645 • Fax (702) 895-4606 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. BUSINESS MANAGER'S REPORT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a Sponsorship between UNLV CSUN/ Student Government and Red Bull for UNLV CSUN Entertainment and Programming Events. Money to be distributed into the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Rebel Palooza) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Ajyypjval of JftVVp Alexander Templeton, CAHeT^Ouelas^Wiviaria DeArmasjKorie Brust, Michael McRinee^; and ZofefalHaEBHry to serve on the CSUN Services Board for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senator Mack. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for staging at Oozeball. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Oozeball) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $650.00 for audio at Oozeball. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Oozeball) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $450. 00 for power at Oozeball. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Oozeball) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for staging at the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. 2 IX NEW BUSINESS B. A. C. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $650.00 for audio at the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $450.00 for power at the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $700.00 to be paid to Bogus Productions for talent buying services for the UNLV vs. UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 for shuttle services for the UNLV vs UNR tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account as submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $600.00 for shuttle services for the UNLV vs. Utah tailgate. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Tailgate) account as submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 for Rebel Card Swipers for tailgates and Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Reserves account. As submitted by Senator Sumner. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $3,100.00 to be paid to We Serve for security at Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Rebel Ruckus) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Kaitlen McKinnon to serve on the Entertainment &Programming Board for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Director Arneson. 3 G. I. J. K. M. o. Action Item: Approval of Ashley Ferrell, Christina Cazares, Dustin Crawford, and Arcadio Ramirez to serve on the elections board for a term ending April 30, 2005. Information/Action Itemijjigsussion/Approvafr of Director MadrtgHt performance durin^-hefprobation period. Further action against Director MadiigaHnay je taken. P. ActionJlemHWscussion/Approval of Jeff Butler to serve on the Tications Board for a term ending April 30, 2005. Q. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the Elections Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. R. Action Item: Disnissinn/AjT^rnval nf nnp (1) fSTTTvj member to serve as the CSUN S ervicgs-Brcectorfor a term ending April 30, 2005. X. OPEN DISCUSSION XI. ADJOURNMENT This agenda is posted in accordance to the Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S.241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, and Classroom Building Complex. During the summer months and Spring Break no posting will be done in the Classroom Building Complex because the building is locked; the SORCE room located in MSU room 130 will serve as the alternative posting site of the Classroom Building Complex. 4 N.