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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Iltattm* (Mil? Stuutrancf mb ©rust Hspmjiqtuj the Bepiat of Grandview Mditibaj thence Easterly & m g said Korth line to the dolat of beginning. Said condemnation order retention of easements heretofore gw xietiag Xtma owned by the Las Vegas 3 8. Linas crossing tract and Lots L6o atsn dj 7 t *i ooff GSrhainndrvtieevw Addition, t&e only Instrument of record is an assignment fro® the Grandview Plater Oca^any, Inc. “feu the Las- Vegae Lent and , Hater Company conveying the lines and the certificate of pub­lic conveyance, which iastrsasent was recorded «3bly w 19*& as Document Ho. 18*0.03, Clark County, Hevada records. 9 . Line located la the alley in Hock IS of Bucks Subdivision between Mesquite Avenue and Hinth Street* This alley was vacated by Order of City Camiesioners which crier was re­corded Hoveaber 11, 19^5 as Document Ho. 207333# Clark County, Bevada records. These is a mention made that retention of easements for ptblic utilities was recommended by the Planning Commission# however, the order does not recite that such ease­ments are to be retained. Therefore, the effect of the order as to the retention of existing easements is questionable. May 9* 1953 Hcarthmsterly along the center of the alley so described to the S aid Block Hi thence Sdrthwester orth line of Block 11 to the ce leventh Street; thenee along a cm? to an intersec­tion with the Hart view Tract, the same being the South line of the Replat of Grand­view Addition | rsection is approximately- 2 ota the Southeast corner of Lot 5 Replat of Grand view Addition; oag the South line of the Rep ddition to the Bast line of Te ? northerly along the last line of Tenth Street to the Hearth line of Section 35# the pane beiag-ithe Hoarth line of Repl&t Mditikm; along Horth dolnt