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I agree.Los Angeles, C al, August 14, 1917, F ile 513 - 599 Cement - Mr. H. Cragln: I have your mailgram o f the 9th Instant asking th at I fu rnish you R eq u isition to cover 340 sacks o f * cement d e live re d to Mr, ftsalson fo r use in making s id e walks at la s Vegas, fh/s work is being performed under au th ority issued to th / Maintenance o f Way Department, and I am thefefore^sai/ding copy o f th is l e t t e r to Mr. M ille r fo r h is Inform ation, In order that he may furnish you w ith r e q u is itio n . As regards the cement fo r the pipe l in e , our records show as fo llo w s : 6542 - 100 BhlS. 3.1. 11715 6531 - 200 « ; ft ft 11473 6491 400 | ft I ft ’ ft 11542 “ TOO I If • ft ft 11334 ISSSll on used •663. 75 n iMo ? • Over - ~2S6.<&5 Bbls* or th a ty o u .h a ve 145 sacks o f our cement o n h a n d , W ill you k in d ly in v e s tig a te fu rth er and advise.C hief Engineer, SGB/d 'GO Mr. K i l l e r I Al