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fZ .Knickerbocker 4-27-29. fb ) That Las Vegas Land and. »¥&ter Company a t th is time apply to the Public Service Commission o f levada f o r a C e r t ific a t e o f Convenience and N ecessity to serve water to the in h abitan ts in a l l t e r r it o r y w ith in the C ity o f Las Vegas that can be served by g r a v ity from present source o f water supply, in clu d in g r a ilr o a d area, excluding those su bdivision s now holding C e r tific a te s o f Convenience and served by us under contract at wholesale meter ra te s ; Commissioners o f the C ity o f Las Vegas fo r a franchise to lay p ip es, mains, e t c . on a l l t e r r it o r y w ith in the boundaries o f Las Vegas C ity now p la tte d and la id out in s tr e e ts , a lle y s , e t c . , in clu d in g Clark’ s la s Vegas fowns&te, and a l l areas that ard l i k e l y to be subdivided in to blocks, s tr e e ts and a lle y s , th at can be served w ith water by g r a v ity from our present source. This in order to i n i t ia t e a f i r s t r ig h t and claim t o g iv e s e rv ic e fo r the whole area. op p ositio n to any increase in water ra te s at th is tim e, owing to the fa c t that th ere has been h ereto fo re an excess o f w a ter. Municipal ownership has a ls o been advocated, notwithstanding our low water r a te s . However, from the data contained in Mr. Adamson’ s le t t e r o f even date, we are probably in as good a p o s itio n t o make a showing f o r an increase a t th is time as we would be to d e fe r i t u n t il the e x p ira tio n o f the fra n ch ise, fo r our franchise provides that should i t become necessary fo r the Company to rep ort to pumping p lan ts, stand p ip e, or other expedient in order to supply the town w ith w ater, the Company has a r ig h t to increase the schedule o f t r ic e s to such extent as to cover a d d itio n a l co sts, e tc . CC - Mr *A. S.Halsted Mr*H « L•Adamson Mr.W.R.Bracken Mr ? L©o A«Me ftamee. O rig 9215-355 Las Vegas Townsite-water system, LVL&W Co. i^Oopy 9215-355 Las Vegas, Water F a c i l i t i e s & supply -LA&SL R R Co. Copy 085-355 Las Vegas,Sales o f water & E lec, by LA&SL to LVL&W Copy 9215-355 Las Vegas,Boulder R ea lty C o .-sa les o f water to fc ) That a p p lic a tio n be made to the Board o f <e w i l l , in my judgment, experience serious ( Signed) F. R« McHamee