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    Mr. 1. A, Blond®, I*® Yogast V'' £ & • ^ " 1 op194rLot ABC®!®®, August 25, 19*9. (ec- Mr. A, Mr, I. MX.. FBoelngneert,t, X£#®ec Y <o=g==a=s=)==— Z attach copy of letter received from Mr. folger referring to letter which Me received from B. V. Cradn, Mayer of Lae Togas, regarding a proposed laerea®® la fee® far u®e of City ctreet® «ad ®ll®ye la Lae Yaga® la ear voter di strlbution r.yetem. Z «uggest that you call oa Mayer Cradn and advise Mia that X m i y 1 imalag to arrange for a meeting la La® Toga® about October 1st for ebo principal purpose of discussing the whole Lae Yogas vator situation, and that at that tiaa Z will be very dad to go Into the natter of fran­chise feet with bin. Za year conversation with the Mayer It night be well fer you to point cut that ve are staking no eharge to the City either fer water used from fire hydrants or ae a service eharge to thaee fire hydrants, and that wo had always considered that this was a very generous fern of franchise payment. Vn. Reinhardt.