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    cJtllen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGERS Los Angeles, CaM. News (Cir. D. 209,165} MAY 1953 DAILY NEWS, Loi Angeles ?╟≤ FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1953 || Southland sports |car activities wejl-spaif?║ed by Arrowheadf club By .BRUCE KERfc^ Daily News ^H^l^a^^fi^ft^jdft'l^'' Perhaps tlie . m<)st .success/ill of the motor sports,. clubs in Californi^i S?·. ":|]|l^|^rrowhead Foreign Car. i?·3p|i' jjwhich. was formed as a mgestilt of "ajKijim** promptu meeting of ?·& Iiandful of automobile enthusiaf^8n*San Bernardino in the fail - qf 1949. The adoption of the constitution and by-laws, and -the..first; .election of officers,- occtilff^lapSh'e first formal meeting held- ^January 1950. The primary,'.||bjec- tives of the Arrowhead 'jtTtxr-eign Car Club as stated in thg*constitution are: :1?╟÷To foster interest in motor cars of foreign manufacture. 2?╟÷mTo further the existing comradeship among foreign-car owners and enthusiasts. sEI" -; 3?╟÷To provide a reliable source of authentic information relative to the specifications and performance of foreign automobiles. 4?╟÷To promote driving skill and safe road conduct, mm 5?╟÷To provide safe, well-regulated sporting events for foreign cars. THIS UNUSUAL club has constantly maintained a policy favoring family groups and has endeavored to conduct events providing fair ijfempetition between the owners,, of sports cars, economy cars ihd luxury cars. A minimum of* ten club championship events are beld* each year. These are usually rallies or gymkhanas and points earned are credited toward very handsome annual trophies. Participation fiiMvents fff iSi& Arrowhead Foreign'.Ck$\Club is restricted to automobiles of foreign. manufact'OT$?f^R^;: In addition ;^jife;;the regular- intra-club comp^t^fBji;-;;the mj|M serious enthusiasts have fdrafted two, competition groups jy^&ttfc the club. The first of these is the Arrowhead racing; team, which has scored notable successes in practically every major event here in Southern California. The other is the rally group and consists of enthusiasts for predetermined time runs who wish to try I their mettle against the best that other Southern California clubs have ,to offer. The rally group has done much to contribute to the Arrowhead Foreign Car Club's reputation as an organization ever ready to provide stiff competition and the much treasured" element of real enthusiasm to , any Event" j was urifteard-of in sport car racing; noyij^fM|?·e boast- a rnknbei-ship of ;60 ^wgpen drivers! under the Jeasdership of Jean Burkehart, j^M^.p0^dent, and W$j! roceiv#4i$i^jrational recog- nitiori sonKetai^s 'thistgve^ ?╟≤?╜?·. BecauseJ^J|(^-|$|&k they do, the girls ^fer^%lJ^^| to race Hi avclass by:^^^^e3?^^felnce then ii lias risen hr popularity to one |of the main events. The work j consists <|j|| lap^scoring, taking entries, telephone\ communications, assi^^^p^ts to drivers ?√ß and mechani^l#tg| -T''laSfl Club meetiri^l^ft held every third Thursday 'fk t^ig. month at the Baldwin SilkyS^lubhbuse where they plan r^tS^|;7and ways* of improving spor^eliv!raeiTig; ...Good going, gals; Bj^^h^d^ off to you and your objectives; and by the way some men drivers I know could stand a few lessons . . . how about it? PETER SATORI Familiar to sports car enthusiasts throughout-the country is PETER SATORI, shown here in a dignified pose. Satori arrived in - San Francisco from his native England after a brief stay in Canada, and in 1948 began his startling rise to popularity. On Christmas day of that year, encouraged by friends, he opened a display room in the city of Berkeley and introduced the now umwp'sally popular "MG" sports eaprJrateie west coast, ^^p^tjfigh initiative, determination >$pdi??ptst plain "drive" ISS* t|lr?·& ;sales- zoomed and before PETER SATORI long he was hob-nobbing with CHARLES HORNRTTPa. Sole MEMBERS of ins, Arrowhead Foreign Car Club rally group take San Die time out^for^a rest in the DeAnza Desert during a rally held by the paved d Pasadena, where the name j | "PETER SATORI MOTORS, INC." is a synonym with not! only the Crown Cita^>ut with? the ten Imported ^pu^mobiles, including the rega$|Ftol1|t Royce, he sells and services. ?? HAVE YMJ j&EAIW ' '?╟≤ ROGER B^Ml.&/7, pj&ident .INTERNATIONAL: *M O TC R S. will have- a fecial display of Mercedes-Benz ||t tfte^San&Ho- tel;. Las Vee-nM where" 'Tj|XU^! LAH "BANKHeId is maktig a personal appear^ice. Thel five M-Bs have a totM cast valfe of almost $50,000. , Bfelow wjeS thei 1500 cc. champiorffei 1958 and | very active in racinmevj$ts... EDDIE DAVIDSON/^formerly with Snyder-Lynch, Ford dealers,! * * 7 "" <N > ^ '^f;'; ??* Y~ '\* is now- sales manager for Chloel \ *"_?'"' \ I ?√ß N % r *'-'\ * \ I, ~: * -f ** * Meman, owner-operator of the ?╜;*- < * ^** *?╓¬ > r - *--ir-* <??wfi?· * * &'<;- '- POHN Q,.. MEHAN CO., 12001 CAL_MARKS (left) and Hunter Hackney display Ventura Blvd., Studio City, for- their Jupiter Stock Cars that won five out of a eign car dealers. possible nine trophies awarded in three racesdur- NASH MOTORS division has L ;ng the recent Phoenix Sports Car Racinq Meet; entered two NASH-HEALEY ~*~ ^..^ ^ . ^ ( l.??lVf< sports cars in the 21st annual f 'J&tt-J v??~ i,*, > *.?╜.*.+*,. '??*?√ß>',?╜**.* ~ *>' LeMans, France, 24-hour "Grand -Prix d'Enduriajice".. race,:- June. 13-14, ;H. C?·jJb|jS,: vice president in charge of sale;s, announced to: day. The-two American entries Will be powered^'b&tffe Nash Ambassador LeMans Dual. Jetfk'e engine . . . the-bnly.American engine which scored high among the leaders for three consecutive years in the famous French race. The Nash-Healey placed third in lg.^2, sixth in 1951 and fourth in place in the 20-mile, 1500;rseconol^n 50-mile stock novice and swept both first second in the Governor's-Cup Race. I and"