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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL | manhasset, new york 110301 516-627-sooo s; 4? ^ %/ III z m .y' Op* , ?½1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES % Co-Chairmen WILLIAM S. PALEY JOHN HAY WHITNEY President JOHN L. SINN Past Presidents A. LYNDON FOSCUE JACK HAUSMAN ^JOSEPH E. RIDDER WILFRED P. COHEN *ERNESTG. BLAICH GARRY M. KETCHAM MRS. CHARLES S. PAYSON THOMAS W. FITZGERALD Vice-Presidents VINCENT deROULET RICHARD D. HAUSMAN WILLIAM KAUFMAN *CHARLES H. OESTREICH FRANCIS J. SORG, JR. Treasurer JOSEPH H. EISENBERG Secretary PAUL B. TOWNSEND Chairman, Associate Trustees MRS. WILLIAM S. PALEY Trustees LESTER AVNET NORMAN E. BLANKMAN ROBERT S. BOAS *HOWARD C. BOERNER DAYTON T. BROWN JAMES A. BRYSON CHARLES H.BURGER LEONARD CARDUNER MICHAEL J. CRIMI MRS. VINCENT deROULET EDWARD L. FROHLICH LEROY R. GRUMMAN ROBERT KAUFMAN JOSEPH A. MARTINO HERMAN L. MECKLER MRS. CHARLES H. MELLOR ROBERT W. MILLER ADOLF H. RUST BERNARD TOMSON Honorary Life Trustees THOMAS W. FITZGERALD TEX McCRARY DR. JOHN L. MILLER WILLIAM B. SCHRAUFF President of the Auxiliary MRS. MEYER SCHER Director DENNIS F. BUCKLEY Associate Director JOHNS. T. GALLAGHER Development & Public Relations Director JOHN W. ROBINSON November 24* 1969 Dear Friend of North Shore Hospital? Please accept our most sincere thanks for your generous support of the 1969 North Shore Hospital Yearbook along with the enclosed copy. This is the sixth consecutive year that North Shore Hospital has combined its Hospital Ball Journal with its Annual Report which comprehensively reviews the many services and achievements of this University affiliated medical center. Among our dedicated readers are leading industrialists* corporate chairmen* presidents and officers of many of our outstanding manufacturing* retail and service organizations who have assisted us and given their support*, Coupled with this distribution* is the interested readership of thousands of families* including those who received the Yearbook at the Annual Hospital Ball* contributors, Auxiliary members* patients and visitors who read it throughout the year* We are grateful for your participation which has made Yearbook Sixty-Nine the most impressive to date and look forward with pleasure to your continued support* Thanks agaip. Enc * Cordially, ph H, Eisenber; ook Chairman ?╟≤DECEASED