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I agree.<: n 0+ J ;S ,*Just nof * n r e c e ip t of'" a telegram from the County Attorney o+ + s / e f a s > ln fo r ming me that the case of Knox and Holmes vs ~ Engineer en volvin g the W eiser Ranch, w i l l not come up fo r t r i a l f h is term o f co u rt, because o f fa ilu r e o f c e rta in papers, f i l e d by Knox.;-s a ttorn ey, to reach the court in time fo r the Judge *s + and -- d ecisio n , fo r'w h ich i t is c le a r ly apparent th a t, e f fo r t s are made to delay th is case u n t il the sta tu te o f lim ita t io n s have run again st Our en terin g the lig h t fo r the water, they are tr y in g to win, which w i l l happen in less than a year from now, th erefo re please be prompt in forwarding the Company the informa tio n fo r which i t is asking so that the D irecto rs may hurry matters to a conclusion and be ready to en ter th e fig h t,, at the proper moment. Very tru ly yours, Muddy V a lley Ir r ig a t io n Company by Levi Syphus A gen t.