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I agree.?’ . ' ' C o p y . . . B a l l Park - Las V ega s... Los Angeles,Cal . ,• March 3> 1919 • Mr* W"• F. Merry: Replying to your l e t t e r o f Feb» 23th, f i l e I r e fe r r e d your former l e t t e r o f February 3th r e l a t i v e to b a ll park at Las Vegas, to Walter Bracken fo r h is recommendation. I have since talked with him and we both agree that we should not turn the a l f a l f a patch next to the depot in to a b a ll park. This green spot looks p r e tty good during the summer, not only to r e s i dent e there, but to passengers going through, and with a l l the a v a ila b le land at Las Vegas, I do not b e lie v e the boya have got to have th is p a rtic u la r p lot fo r a b a ll park. I would suggest that you and Mr. .Bracken go over the matter together and endeavor to s e le c t some su itable ground, and I aril sure we can get a lease from the Land and Fater Company covering whatever you may s e le c t . // cc— Mr .Bracken. UMbed) W, M. COMSTOCK WHO-VAC