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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V UNI ON PACIFIC SYSTEM A d d i t i o n t o R A I L R O A D C O M P A N Y A. M A G UI R E , A s s i s t a n t C h i e f E n g i n e e r . E N G I N E E R I N G D E P A R T M E N T IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO bos .Aagelss* A p ril 19th* 1924* f,le n°- 539 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING F l l 0 L^ 3 f A N G E L E S , C A L . | hanro letter April ISfch* repr&isg plans £w addition to vom&i&Mpm* # lee Ye©&s* Kfcartly after Maaftgit of letter of April M * I received a wire fro® hio asking zae to defer earlc as the plane on,til bo Sod aa otfpcrtaoxitj’ to diocese the® with tae* ©&$!& discnssitm onl^ toefl£ place a fey or tso ago# At ttsafe fctae Sr*. Brastoa sbrnsed s» ©cgsfp of letter $m bad ittittatt rJn,, ooyisg tbat you oer© ®r« Seatley t© tarry frej^ra&Son at plans* Coaseotjenfelpii | fxaee doe© noth Sag |# fete* I- tm t ttcdetfstsaod plans ore tar© sod I %&X1 iJnery eerk on thea a l l possible* least* Hhi-ef Brigfeeer* CO-^r*^alter Bradsea* Yice~Pres*# lee Yegas Iteft. & later @®«« Zkas Yegas, ftwaSa* m/fam