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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, May 2006



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    Programs Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin Nominating Committee Report To The Congregation By Jeff Zucker The Nominating Committee has selected the following members to run for the office of Director at the May 31, 2006 Temple Beth Sholom Annual Meeting: ? Audrey Abramow ? Priscilla Schwartz Hodes ? Neal Klegerman ? Ellis Landau ? David Stone All congregants are invited and encouraged to attend the Temple Beth Sholom Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 31 at 7:00 PM to elect the new Directors of our synagogue. Please RSVP to Myrna in the Temple office to let us know you will be attending the Annual Meeting. Volunteer Recognition Shabbat, Friday, May 19 The World rests on three things: Study, Prayer and Acts of Love and Caring (PirkeiAvot, 1:2) Temple Beth Sholom is blessed with many volunteers who commit hours upon hours of time to make our synagogue community a more loving and caring place to be. These wonderful congregants volunteer in a variety of ways; in the office, in our schools, visiting the sick, participating in tahara, leading services, serving on committee and assisting with programs, to name a few important ways. Volunteers will be recognized at a special Volunteer Recognition Shabbat on Friday, May 19. The entire congregation is invited to come and help us honor these very special members. Women's League Mother's Day Picnic Sunday, May 14 11:00-3:00 Garden Park on Town Center between Desert Inn and the 215 entrance (There is parking on the North side of the park or on Town Center (parking is not allowed on subdivision streets) Make your reservations now. Don't miss the newest Mother's Day experience in Las Vegas. This is your opportunity to be with mom and the whole family to celebrate her day. And it is also a great way to just spend a Sunday visiting with friends. Bring your own picnic, frisbee, chairs, and games and just relax and have fun. You may bring your own grill. Charcoal is allowed, but no propane. The Women's League will provide dessert and beverages. We are asking $5 per adult and children are free. Want to guarantee a seat and table in the shade? You can sponsor one for $50 that holds 6-8 people. Mishpachat Haverim is a sponsor of two tables and we have six tables still available. Schedule of events- 11:30-12:30 - Rabbi Goodman will be blessing any pets (NO SNAKES) and giving a certificate with each pets name. AO pets must be leashed or restrained and you must clean up after your pet. 12:30-1:30- USY will have craft tables for your enjoyment. The games committee, Lillian Radomsky, Elsa and Alan Chiss, Merle and Mike Mitzmacher, Les Boshes, Kenny Karchmer will have organized games with prizes. Make your plans. Get your group together. RSVP to Elsa Chiss- 255- 9778, Merle Mitzmacher 240-9635, or Nadolyn Karchmer-nadolynk@yahoo. com Men's Club By Harvey Gitel A big mazel tov to all who participated in the Men's club Shabbat. Thanks to all who turned out to support the participants. All the hard work of many individuals made this the best ever. The scheduled meetings of the Men's Club have been modified for the remainder of the year. Meetings in April and May have changed to Thursday night -April 26th and May 25th. The June meeting will take place at it's regular day Wednesday, June 21st. Yom Hashoah candles were mailed out at the end of March. The entire congregation should have received them before Pesach. We hope all will participate in this important remembrance that takes place with candle lighting on Monday night April 24th. When each family lights a Yellow Candle, they will increase the awareness of the Holocaust and perpetuate our commitment to our people. The Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program, is sponsored by the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs in cooperation with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the North American Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. The continuation of the yellow candle program is dependent upon donations to the Men's Club, which uses the proceeds to support TBS and local charities. Please return donations into the TBS office in the envelope provided with the candle. Membership News By Ronnie Schwartz Your Membership Committee has had a very active year & we look forward to continuing to find ways to make your membership at TBS an exciting May lyar-Sivan SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Th? S*Klr? & Su<.!*y Millo larty CliiWJ FRIDAY SATURDAY Special Events Wm. Women's League Mother's Day Picnic Sunday, May 14,2006 @ 11:00 am -3:00 pm Gardens Park For reservations, contact Elsa Chiss 255-9778, Merle Mitzmacher 240-9635 or email Nadolyn Karchmer at TBS Gala Honoring Ellis Landau "Man of the Year" Sunday, May 21,2006 Stardust Hotel For reservations, contact Julie at 804-1333 ext. 103 Fg*^ Volunteer Recognition Shabbat Friday, May 19,2006 @ 7:30 pm ua\ Meeting on Wednesday, May 31-2006'. Calendar May 2006 lyar-Sivan 5766 Annual Meeting and Member BBQ Wednesday, May 31,6:00 PM Call Myrna at 804-1333, ext. 100 to RSVP by May 26 Enroll Now for Preschool, Schechter Day School and Summer Camp For tour and info, call 804-1333 Safety Issue For the safety of our congregants and the beauty of our marble floors, wheeled shoes may not be used in the synagogue. 5 6 Shabbat & Me Brandon Woodhuysen 8:30 am Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Ha Neshama with TBS Ruach Ensemble light candles at 7:13 pm 12 13 Shabbat & Me , . Dl ,, .. g.gQ am Zachary Blankfeld Bar Mitzvah light candles at 7:19 pm 19 20 Shabbat & Me v .D , 8:30 am Ion'??rleVu Friday Night Kids 6:30 Volunteer Recognition Shabbat light candles at 7:24 pm Bar Mitzvah 26 27 Shabbat & Me Bennett Shuster 8:30 am Bat Mltzvah light candles at 7:30 pm RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ida Derringer Janice id David Lasky Mai-vin R. Vasquez Thank you: Shirley Chaplin Sam Dvorak Jayne id Harlan Klein In Honor of: Manny Ann Mark id Seidy White Herb id Linda White Ruth Gold fa rb Sam Dvorak Laura Sussman's Birthday Dee & Hal Ober An Aliyah Dr. Bernard id Teresa Greisman Speedy Recovery: Charlotte Showel /wing Herman In Memory of: Frank Brown Dee & Hal Ober Audrey S. Gottesman Rabbi Aaron Gottesman Rabbi Harold Zvi & Hadassah Gottesman Dorrita id Uriel Gottesman Audrey Merkin Teri id Ole Thienhaus Benjamin Orenstein Minnie Orenstein Hazel & Harold Handelman Jane Schorr's Father Dee id Hal Ober CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you: Shirley Chaplin For the CD with the beautiful music Sally id Dick Eskenazi Esther Lapping Hilde id Eric Mayer Audrey Merkin for the CD with the beautiful music Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs In Memory of: Audrey Merkin Teri id Ole Thienhaus CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In Honor of: Elie Steinberg becoming a Bat Mitzvah Anita Lewy In Memory of: Sidney Chaplin Mike Abrams Akerman Senterfitt Attorneys American Road Lines Alain Barbel Pernod Ricard USA Ronna id David Bart Barton Inc. Natalie & Artie Berger Jennie Weiss Block 10 Richard Booth, Jr. Patricia & John Boulahanis Bob, Eileen, Lylle, Shelly id Ben Breier Breier, Seif, Herman id Silverman, P. A. Mrs. Dorothy Britvan id Family Zoe Brown Belinda id H. Robert Burg Kathy Conley Pamela id William Conniff Paul Criscuolo Bobbin Mel Dick Jack Duff & Patrick G. Duff Plastic & Allied Workers Union Frances Fagen Ruth & Alan Fagen Norma Friedman Mary id Queson "King" Ganotise William Getz Getz Foundation Giorgio Gori USA, Inc. Florence & Jack Goldberg William Goldring id Howard Romm Goldring Family Foundation Al Gottfried Barbara id Bob Hersh Judith A. Hill Norma id Hairy Holtzman Thomas Kessler Bertram Klein Renee Landesberg Harry N. Lembeck Alice Levine Dara, Kenny, Mollie & Adam Marias Susan id Irwin Molasky Marti id Robert Murdock Kenny Nachwalter Dee id Hal Ober Palm Bay Imports, Inc. Art Perez id Team Marissa Goldman Repp Kathleen id David Roberts Silvia id Bruce Rosenwasser Carmen id Rodolfo Ruiz Antonio J. Salum Mr. isf Mrs. Adam J. Silverman id Family Jodi, Lairy id Gavriella Springbeig Tanenbaum-Harber Co., Inc. Thesco Benefits LLC Bernard Tarver is! James Kaleff' Pabst Brewing Company Mary id Salomon Terner Trinchero Family Estates Veiyion Undei-wood Young's Market Company Weibel Champagne Vineyards Western Carriers, Inc. Western Wine Services Glenn Yaffa Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Linda id Barry Zeidwig SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Honor of: Stanley Mallin's Birthday Shirley Chaplin In Memory of: Alex Jacoby Dr. Roger is1 Leslie Simon Billy Veprin Mona id Charles Silverman AUDREY MERKIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Audrey Merkin Ellen Aprill is? Sanford Holo Karen Aprill, Bob Stewart id Winn is1 Heather Lorraine M. Aprill Joan id Herb Auerbach Adele Baratz Natalie id Artie Berger Bonnie Berkowitz Barbara Busch Shelley, Stan, Lisa is1 David Carroll Susan Craw Harold De Armas Joan Dunn Sally id Dick Eskenazi Florence Frost Betty Garehime Mimi Katz Dorothy Klegerman Charlotte Kuklin Rosalie is1 Orin Lazer is Family Anita Lewy Lorraine id Gene Morokoff Marti id Robert Murdock id Family Emily, Michael, Aaron, Miriam id Hannah Novick Dee id Hal Ober Keith Posin Laser Optics Ruthe Spector Dottie id Bob Sperling Jodi, Lairy id Gavriella Springberg Elaine id lrv Steinberg Teri id Ole Thienhaus Washoe County Public Defenders Many id Gerald Welt Steven id Tiffany Welt-Doctors id Family Coiy id Tamuna Welt id Family Zhava Women's League FRIDAY NIGHT SIDDUR FUND In Honor of: Bradley Lessinger Ellen Ploesch Stanley Mallin's Birthday Lillian id Henry Kronberg Brandon Saxe becoming a Bar Mitzvah Dr. Geiry id Ratine Murdock Emanuel Zakar Ronnie id Neil Schwartz In Memory of: Harry Bachove Dr. Geiry id Racine Murdock Sidney Chaplin Janice A. Brackett Ellen Ploesch Eva Colodny June Colodny Carrie Ellis John Ellis Dr. Gerry & Racine Murdock Lila Luftschein Carol Jeffries Audrey Merkin Jacki Honig Sheryl Honig Edna Murdock Dr. Gerry (sf Racine Murdock Beulah Neistadt Ellen Ploesch Abraham Schwartz Anna Schwartz Rita Zakar Ronnie & Neil Schwartz GENERAL FUND Joel Hecker Thank you for Mishloach Manot: TBS Congregation Esther Lapping Speedy Recovery: Charlotte Showel Sally (sf Dick Eskenazi In Memory of: Dina Yairel bas r' Shlomo v' Esther Malka, Mein Zeeseh Bobbeh Sam Gewercer Pauline Carroll Beverly & Neil Meinster Laura Sussman (sf Wendy Kraft Sam Dashosh Phyllis (sf Bud Billeter Paul Schmier Audrey Merkin Ten (sf Ole Thienhaus YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Eleanor Abrams Sidney Abrams Shelley (sf Stan Carroll Klara Alter Yolanda Phelps Samuel Barron Phyllis Starr Barron Moe J. Berger Natalie & Artie Berger Albert Bernstein Carol (sf Lawrence Bernstein Abraham Bluth Doris (sf David Bluth Linda (Rifka) Borukh Susan (sf Irwin Molasky Adolph Brown Marcella Brown Rose Raphael Jack Carroll Shelley (sf Stan Can-oil Arlene Chaplin Shirley Chaplin Mildred Delmont Phil Delmont Steve Delmont Max Denker Sheila Stewart Phillip Devore Estelle (sf Edward Devore Sam Don Barbara Don Dora DuBow Ishi, Shoshana (sf Ariana Kunin Joseph Dupler Roslyn Fitch Irene Dvorak Sam Dvorak Henry Falk Lee (sf Steven Falk Phillip Frush Sam Dvorak Edward Ehrlich Sylvia Ehrlich Gladyce (sf Marty Ehrlich Sigmund Emrich Wide (sf Eric Mayer Esther Eskenazi Sally (sf Dick Eskenazi Robert L. Frost Florence Frost Michael Fuhrman Melita Fuhrman Vickter Hyman Genzer Terri Wilensky-Genzer (sf Robert S. Genzer Molly Glenn Daniel Wexler Frances D. Goldman Nestor Goldman Steven Goldman Beatrice Gostinsky Terri Wilensky-Genzer & Robert S. Genzer Samuel Hager Shirley Chaplin Keva Harris Eve Harris Paul Harold Hessing Esther Hessing Walter Jacobs Elaine, Howard (sf Holly Jacobs Hyman Kahn Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes Sam Kaplan Bess Bergman Joseph Katz Brenda (sf Jerry Katz Charles Kaufman Rose Kaufman Irene (sf Herb Kaufman Martha Kirschenblatt Don Kirschenblatt Dora Klessman Marcy Simon Ann Kronberg Aron Kronberg Lillian (sf Henry Kronberg Myron "Mickey" Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Dairy/ Kulwin Samuel Labinsky Dave Loban Dr. Eli E. Leeder Adelle L Gersten Else Lewy Anita Lewy Frances Lipkin Andrea, Richard, Drake (sf Scarlett Gordon Dolores Lubowitz Sherri, Gary, Jared (sf Adam Gilman Louis Molasky Susan (sf Irwin Molasky Evelyn Mordoh Cindy Davis Morris Neistadt Rae Neistadt Ellen Ploesch Mary Ober D'Vorre & Hal Ober Laura Oscherwitz Louise (sf Sydney Hoffmann, Jr. Mollie Polin Phyllis (sf Charles Mack Lila Popkin Karen Popkin Matthew Popkin Lillian Preisler Helene (sf Harold Sussman Laura Sussman (sf Wendy Kraft Florence Premack Renee (sf Joe Premack Stuart Reisman Karen Reisman Robin Resnik Harriett Resnik Joseph Ritchie Barbara Greenspun Miriam Rosenthal Linda (sf Leonard Eckhaus Alexander K. RosefF Lois (sf Bruce Joseph Charles Salton Adele Baratz Rose Samoiloff Marcy (sf Jerry Samoiloff' Fran Schofel Murray Schofel David Schwartzbart Stanley Schwartzbart Evelyn Silver Meyer Silver Sharon Rosenberg William Sincoff Judith Sincoff Morrison Ezra Slonim Phyllis, Ira (sf Erica Wechsler liana Vann Bradley, Rebecca & Elizabeth Snyder Sandy (sf Marvin Snyder Minnie Sotnick Carol Sotnick Isidore Stern Nancy (sJ Albert Rosten 11 Sam Stevens Laura Rinzler Meyer Tobian Joyce & Jeff Tobian Abe Toscher The Toscher Family Aron Winer Leo Winer IiDOR V'DOR Tillie Green Anna Hasten (sf Lola Roth Adline (sf Louis Klionsky Jacqueline (sf Sheldon Kolner Simon Perkowitz Pearl Sanders Red Rock Assisted Living In Honor of: Irv Bransky's return to good health Charlotte Kuklin Cheryl & Ed Goldenberg's new Granddaughter Sydney Meryl Evelyn (sf Leon Goldstein An Aliyah Eric Mayer Speedy Recovery: Caryl Berg Ruth Goldfarh In Memory of: Frank Brown Anita Lewy Pauline Carroll Lois (sf Michael Weinberg Sidney Chaplin Shelley (sf Stan Carroll Lisa Press Evelyn (sf Leon Goldstein Isaac Weiland Irene Weiland WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN In Honor of: Henry Schuster's 80* Birthday Evelyn (sf Leon Goldstein Speedy Recovery: Lil Glicken Elaine (sf Irv Steinberg Elaine Steinberg Lillian (sf Hemy Kronberg In Memory of: Pauline Carroll Susan (sf Hillel Aronson Lillian (sf Hemy Kronberg Sidney Chaplin Susan (sf Hillel Aronson Richard Harris Evelyn (sf Leon Goldstein Maidy Klier Ella (sf Andrew Pa-la HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Adam Carmer's Birthday Andrea, Richard, Drake (sf Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon A. Schore Lana & Victor Fuchs' Renewal of Vows Andrea, Richard, Drake (sf Scarlett Gordon Lawrence Fuchs becoming a Bar Mitzvah Andrea, Richard, Drake (sf Scarlett Gordon Brandon Saxe becoming a Bar Mitzvah Marcia, Lawrence, Emerson (sf Sumner Bergenfield Carol (sf Larry Bernstein Shirley Chaplin Andrea, Richard, Drake (sf Scarlett Gordon Anita Lewy Dr. Sheldon A. Schore Laura, Stan, Max (sf Camryn Shuster Dr. Sheldon A. Schore's Birthday Andrea, Richard, Drake (sf Scarlett Goi-don LAWRENCE A. SCULLY LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Esther Frankenstein Anita Lewy Gavriella Springberg's First Birthday Jodi (sf Larry Springberg Speedy Recovery: Mimi Katz Ellen Scully Charlotte Showel Ellen Scully In Memory of: Gene Henkin Ellen Scully BENCH DEDICATION FUND In Memory of: Sidney Chaplin Judy (sf David Applebaum Bonnie Berkowitz Arlene & Jerry Blut Ruth & Allen Brewster Lil Glicken Judy (sf Ron Mack Sandy (sf Stan Mallin Elaine (sf Irv Steinberg d CUSTOM THEME CENTERPIECES PARTY PLANNING 12 FRAMING STUDIO BEAUTIFUL, SURPRISING, IMAGINATIVE FRAMING FOR 25 YEARS Carved, Hand-drawn, and Custom-OesigneU Mais We Specialze in Framing NEEDLEWORK and JUPAICA 2550 S. Rainbow Blvd. (Behind 7-11 at W. Sahara Ava.) (702) 227-0966 Special Events Bat/BatMitzvahs Weddings / Showers JL Theme Parties fBl Susan Schyman (702)768-7453 (702) 450-3254 Fax f wwwxiwtwpjeCTMrtr.cmn Bofime Berkowitz F9=6i tntr Prudential American* GrMp, RSALTWS* 7^75 'ft. : ft*., Sula *1CC 1.11 V'r-gjf; r-.V rtfn ? but 7'.1 315-7552 Fa* 31E-753c fr.l <U t a I :uHiiul.i';j'aii>iii:3i?^p..u- Ml-, aaw.p* 111* Ik YMTilkJMdlimr at m mmmm m r ^ m v 1 Cdt; 702,216. tCW Ofltos 702.2 >3.3100 Roc 702.2W.3Ce9 Custom Home Loans, Irac Cu$1art\lTff\(t your morfsraje rreetto Jeff Michelmao OWichlitjnsipr 7254 VAtftSaJara to*.Ste IDS L? Vepwt Ntstoda ?6117 jtfl f&L t iXHxJ&isMA i t i*r?b? uxuii A Magical Music Experience MUSIC TOGETHER* Music and Movement for Little Ones yd -ha Grown Ups Who Love Them FREE Trial Classes Cat! io Reserve j.J J j-J * }'} J J Let MUSIC TOGETHER help you make rausic 3ii exciting part of your child's life' Call: 702-838-4751 ERA Sunbelt Realty 3101 Sjiiimj VVuiilar H: jfl lasted* W 6313; Rasa Raphael Mulli Million Dullar Club OHite-^DZHfta-lfiW ffl*. |702j3W-9W3 Toll Free: 1 368 EHARDSE Craail: BuyFrmRrcv^acI com ?vir? 3 CB MIS EKX lfcy< 4 i>injvrrc Buying >r Balling, I will cantrlbut* 10% at my cnmmiaiinn to TBS upon ?ucce??FuI cIpic of eicrnw. CERTIFIED PlLATES TEACHER 1 5 Years Experience jl Beautiful Boot, Clear Mind, Correct Breathing A WHOLESOME WAT of Life * Group Lessons Sharon Law * private mat lessons c1 ,702-612-0228 AT your howe "A Team Approach" JACQUIE: (702) 610-2633 ILANA : (702) 497-3499 fen tgi 7674 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste #150 Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 JACQUIE FRYE ILANA SHAPIRO REALTOR* Liberty Realty 15 Clergy & Staff Rabbi Felipe Goodman ext. 104 Cantor Daniel Eli Friedman ext. 104 Executive Director Laura Sussman ext. 133 Director of Education Jon Mitzmacher ext. 115 The Board Beth Sholom Bulletin May 2006 lyar-Sivan 5766 Officers President First Vice President Second Vice President Treasurer Secretary At Large Member Immediate Past President Edward Seltzer Robert Fischer Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes David Stone Teresa Thienhaus Dr. David Steinberg Jeffrey Zucker President Emeritusj-^ j pgQ^opg Sandra Mallin Director of Early Childhood Education Jennifer Zukowski ext. 113 Comptroller Eniilie Love ext. 101 Program/Information Tech Coordinator Julie Fox ext. 103 Receptionist Myrna Hills ext. 100 Audrey Abramow Abbie Friedman Irwin Goldberg Joel Goot Barbara Kenig Neal Klegerman Blanche Meisel Jeffrey Michelman Joshua Pianko Honorary Board Member Sharon E. Sigesmund /x Women's League Margret Ofek I Men's Club Dr. Howard X. Kramer Temple Beth Sholom 1 0700 HAVENWOOD LANE LAS VEGAS. NV 89 1 35 Non-Profit Org. u.s. Postage PAID Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV Clergy Asst & Catering Coordinator Carol Jeffries ext. 104 Return Service Requested office: 804-1333