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A ****' / / M r. L eo M cN am ae brought up the m atter of clo s in g out p u rch ase p r ic e adjustm ent fund, m entioned in Paragraph IV (d) of E scrow Instruction s dated June 21, 1954 (E scro w No. 121905) betw een the R ailroad C om p an ies, L as V egas Land and W ater Com pany and L as V egas V alley W ater D is tr ict, as am ended by the "Am endm ent to E scrow In s tru ctio n s ," betw een said p a rties, a lso dated June 21, 1954. M r. N elson Conway advised that he had the final rep ort c o m pleted. That fro m his ca lcu la tio n s, which w e re con cu rre d in by the Union P a cific R ailroa d C om pany’ s a u d itors, the amount of the pu rch ase p rice was $ 2 ,3 1 7 ,2 7 4 .9 3 ; that the D istrict had paid into escro w the sum of $ 2 ,4 7 5 ,0 4 6 .1 8 ; that the said P u rch a se t r i c e Adjustm ent f und was the sum o f $176,016.54. That the d iffe re n ce betw een the amount paid into e scro w and the am ount of the purch ase p r ic e is the sum o f $157, 771.25, which amount the D istrict is entitled to have refunded, and the d iffe re n ce betw een the amount of the P u rch a se ^ rice Adjustm ent Fund, to wit: $176,016.54 and the said sum o f $157, 771.25 is the sum of $ 1 8,2 45 .2 9 which latter sum belongs to the R ailroa d C om panies and L as V egas Land and Water C om pany. Upon m otion m ade by D ire cto r C ornw all and secon d ed by D ir e c tor C oulthard the follow ing resolu tion s w ere unanim ously adopted; RESOLVED : That the P resid en t be and he is h ereby au th orised to notify in w riting, F irs t National Bank o f N evada, T ru st D epartm ent, the E scrow Agent in E scrow N o. 121905 , to d istribu te the P u rch ase P r ic e A djustm ent Fund held by it in said E scro w , am ounting to the total sum of $176,016.54, as follo w s: T o L as V egas V alley W ater D is trict $157,771.25 th e re o f, and to Union P a c ific R ailroa d Com pany, L os A ngeles & Salt Lake R ailroad Com pany and L as V egas Land and W ater C om pany (o r as they m ay oth erw ise d ire ct) $18,245.29 th ereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said E scrow Agent be in form ed to hold the R elocation i and, m entioned in Section VIII of said E scrow In stru ction s, until fu rth er n otified by the p arties to said E scro w , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as to the p ro -ra tio n o f ta xes, said E scrow Agent be notified that such p ro -ra tio n w ill be m ade by the parties to said e s c r o w , ou tside of said e s c r o w ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon receip t by the