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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1995



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    Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Gerald Gordon President Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Monty E. Willey Administrator Leah Kamer Preschool Director Rebecca Herren Bulletin Editor AnE ven tJoi incj YVI 'oin Congregation Ner Tamid in welcoming Kol B?Seder in concert on Sunday evening, March 19 at 7:00 pm. For more than two decades, Kol B?Seder?s music has offered a uniquely modem response to Hillel?s challenge. The duo of Cantor Jeff Klepper and Rabbi Dan Freelander bring to their original material a wealth of knowledge of Judaism and Jewish music, giving their sound a contemporaiy spin bom of the 1960s and ?70s. Kol B?Seder?s style, which been likened to that of Simon and Garfunkle, combines melodies to produce a new Jewish sound. Kol B?Seder means ?everything?s okay,? and describes not Fjnly the music of Kol B?Seder, but also the special relationship they establish with every audience: a spirit of warmth, participation and fun. Their tools are simple - a guitar, two voices, and the values of Jewish tradition - but their impact on contemporary Jewish culture is immeasurable. It is virtually impossible to attend a Jewish camp, religious school, Jewish arts festivals, college campus, convention or worship service and not hear one of their songs. Their music is for every generation, but it is Kol B?Seder?s message that touches our Jewish hearts. Central to that is tli Kol B?Seder (1. to r.) Cantor Jeff Klepper and Rabbi Dan Freelander of Kol B 'Seder educating Jews to embrace their Jewish identity and turning Jewish concepts into action. They have worked with Jewish educators, helped organize kids working with the urban poor, continued on page 10 Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman March 3, 1995 NTTY Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood March 10, 1995 Family Dinner Grade 2 - 6:00 pm Purim Family Services - 7:30 pm Oneg Co-Sponsored by Gr. 2 Parents & Bill & Sally Feldman March 17, 1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bat Mitzvah of Jennifer Etcoff Oneg Sponsored by The Etcoff Family March 24, 1995 Shabbat Service-7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Lee & Randi Friedman March 25, 1995 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Friedman Kiddush Sponsored by Lee & Randi Friedman March 31, 1995 ORT Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by ORT r In si d e This Edit ion Rabbi's Message President's Message Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist B?nai Mitzvah Religious School News Kids Korncr From the Administrator Auxiliaries & Committees 11 Yahrzeits Anniversaries & Birthdays Tributes 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 13 14 15 17QSupport (S>iur ddloeal (^federation ~ dHow Otfore rChan GLver Sunday, March 26 marks the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas? annual Super Sunday Campaign. On that day literally thousands of phone calls will be made to households throughout Clark County by a host of volunteers from every facet of the Jewish community including a significant contingent of volunteers from our Temple. These volunteers will be asked to do something very important: ?To heed the call of Jewish Tzedakah. ? In other words, ?Do the right thing - help support your Jewish community. ? We all know that it is a mitzvah and an obligation to give Tzedakah. And I dare say that most of us do so. We give to a variety of groups and our Temple. Why then is it so important to give to the Federation? The answer is simple: through our support of the Federation?s campaign, OUR campaign, we enable the community to achieve communal goals that are difficult to achieve on an individual level. The campaign is used to support vitally needed projects in Israel including the resettlement of new immigrants. And locally, funds are given in large measure to support Jewish Family Services, Jewish education, the new Jewish community center and TEMPLES. Yes, over the past years our Temple has been the recipient of thousands of dollars which have been used to strengthen and support our religious school and our overall youth program. Just this past year, much needed funds were used to provide teacher training for our religious school staff. Scholarships were made possible for students to attend the Los Angeles trip to the Museum of Tolerance. Also the Federation funds help support our overall preschool youth programs. This year?s campaign is increasingly significant as the needs of our Temple and the overall community increase. As the co-chair of the Federation?s Community Relations committee, I am privy to discussions that take place regarding the overall planning for our communities? future. As many of you know a demographic study is being conducted which will help shape the community?s agenda define our goals is now taking plac? To make these goals a reality we need to assure a vital and strong campaign. Your help is the only way to make this happen. A Campaign quite simply is built one contribution at a time. EVERY gift is important and welcome. Thus, I ask you once again to join me in making a difference. Heed the call; and do your part in supporting our community?s campaign. B ?shalom, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad 2 Cong-egatbn NerTamid March 1995 ___ Temple Board Members Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann VP Administration Stephen Joseph VP Ways & Means Lois Doctors VP Membership David Stahl VP Ritual Philip Goldstein VP Education Debbie Levy VP Social Jack Nitzkin Treasurer Janis Rounds Recording Secretary Nadine Cracraft Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee David Gross Trustee Debra Kaner Trustee Maxine Gratz Sisterhood Scott Dockswell Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai George Lipshaw Golden Chai Libby Goldstein NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio The Board of Directors has an opening position for Trustee. Anyone who is interested, contact Monty at the Temple office, 733- 6292. MEW CMT Event Hotline 263-5960 For information regardfng upcoming Temple events RESIDENT For the past 2Vi years those of us who have been working on the Sanctuary Campaign have, in some respects, been living in a dream world. Results have exceeded our most optimistic expectations. Initially we had to evaluate the desire on the part of the membership to expand our facility and assume the financial burden. The response was overwhelmingly in favor of the project; our initial $1,500,000.00 goal was quickly eclipsed. (This was very fortuitous since despite wielding and liberally using a big red pencil and a stamp with the wording ?NO, NO - TOO COSTLY;? the cost of the project quickly exceeded the initial goal.) Experts told us to expect an appreciable drop-off in membership in light of the costs; this never happened. Over the past year we wondered if we could design a facility that would meet our needs, be aesthetically pleasing and, again, be within our budget. Given the number of people involved in the process and their individual perceptions and viewpoints, this did not appear to be an easy task. Again, a general consensus was achieved and the response to the design has been uniformly positive. Finally, all of us have thought about the timing of construction. Given the nature of the pledges, all of the money will not be in hand for 5 years. As such, we either wait two more years to commence construction or we need to borrow a substantial portion of the construction costs. Can a religious organization obtain a bank loan? Can the Congregation qualify for a loan? If the Congregation qualifies for a loan, will the terms of the loan be acceptable and within our means? Between my writing and you reading this article, I anticipate the following will have happened. First, our plans will have been approved by the Clark County Building Department and building permits issued or in the process of being issued. Second, a contractor will have been chosen and a construction contract executed. Third, a bank loan on extremely favorable terms will have been obtained and funded (I?m cheating somewhat since as I write this article a loan commitment has been issued.) And finally, construction has commenced or is simply days away from commencement. Our new Sanctuary is about to become a reality. However, the process is an ever-evolving one. Now, we will have to address and deal with new concerns of construction as well as the inconvenience that all of us to some degree will suffer. Please be patient. Maybe this too will exceed our most optimistic expectations. Jerry Gordon March 1995 cA &p,e.elcLl <J) ?7o (B elong. Jennifer Etcoff Bat Mitzvah March 17 I must begin this month?s article by expressing my sincere thanks to many people for their participation in making last month?s Music Season Sabbath one of the most incredible Services in CNT?s history! (It also happened to be at the top of the list for one of MY most incredible experiences!!) First, I must thank Dr. Stephen Kollins for his generous support of our Jewish Music Season Celebration for the second year in a row. Without your help, this program could have never happened. Next, a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of my dedicated, talented choir members. Cantor Sharlin?s compositions were a true challenge for our choir and they pulled off the program like professionals! Mazel Tov to all of you. I?d also like to thank our accompanist Rhonda Greeson for all of her hard work! We make a great team. Brotherhood and Sisterhood chimed right in when I asked for their support and it was also appreciated. Our Bulletin Editor, Rebecca, did an outstanding job with all the publicity and desktop publishing projects I gave her. Thank you for lending your creativity to all of your work! Last, but not least, I would like to thank everyone who attended the service. We had a record turnout this year and it brings me much pleasure to be able to O^V_-------------------- share these programs with all of you! We have many more exciting events coming up in the very near future. On March 10, join us for our first ever theme Purim Service; a ?Disney Purim? at CNT! All of the children will love hearing their favorite Disney melodies while they observe the Sabbath. Costumes are a regular for Purim, but this year we would like to see some Disney characters as well as the Purim person?alities. Our Junior Choir and the second grade will perform silly Disney parodies for a unique and fun Purim Service. This is a service you don?t want to miss! As you all should know by now, on Sunday, March 19 at 7:00 pm, we will be welcoming the ever popular musical duo Kol B?Seder to our Congregation. Tickets are available through the Temple office. If you haven?t purchased your tickets yet, please do so soon! Also we?ve included a flyer in the bulletin for you to put on your refrigerator to help remind you of this special evening. This program is suitable for people of every age and will be the Contemporary Jewish Music Concert Event of the year! I think I?ve covered as much as I can. Looking forward to seeing all of you enjoy all of our Programs. B 'shalom, Bella ? ????????????i If you enjoyed the Jewish Music Season Sabbath with renowned Cantor William Sharlin, you can continue to hear his music. A special edited version of the Shabbat Service has been made to include only Cantor Sharlin?s Music. Tapes are now on sale in the Temple office. Mail in the coupon along with a check for $10.00 (tax included) and we?ll hold a tape for you to pick up at the office during the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Mail to: Jewish Music Season Sabbath Tape do Congregation Ner Tamid / Rebecca 2761 Emerson Avenue ? Las Vegas, NV 89121 Name_________________________________________Phone #_________ L Hi, my name is Jennifer Etcoff. I am a seventh grader at Cannon Middle School and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. I am also in the Varsity Band and play the flute. At home I play piano. I have a 9 year old sister, 3 cats and a dog. I enjoy reading, sleeping, playing sports, going to the movies and fishing. I look forward to seeing you at my Bat Mitzvah. Matthew Friedman Bar Mitzvah March 25 Hi, my name is Matt Friedman. I am in the seventh grade at Greenspun Junior High School. I enjoy all sports, especially basketball, football and soccer. I also enjoy listening to music and rollerblading with my friends. I am working hard on my Bar Mitzvah studies and I am looking forward to sharing in this celebration with my relatives and friends, many of whom are coming from other parts of the country. Please join my family and L on March 25th when I become a Bfl Mitzvah. Congegation Ner Tamid March 1995 The CNT Preschool has a lot of exciting things going ron in the next few months. Our enrollment is gaining in number as more and more families move to Las Ve- ngas from all parts of the country. We have recently en?rolled two children; one from Highland Park, Illinois /Q and one from Atlanta. Welcome to both as well as to our other new children who now attend the preschool. rWe had a spectacular field trip in February for the preschoolers and their parents at a nearby ranch. They got a first hand feel of ranch life. We all went on a tour of the ranch, the kids ran and played, we ate lunch there and then back to the city life for most. What a great experience for all and a big thank you for those involved who made this field trip possible. Purim will soon be here and we are organizing activities for the carnival. Our preschool is honored to have distinguished sto?rytellers for Purim. Rabbi Akselrad will read a Purim story, we?ll share some hamantaschen and then Golden Chai grandparents Joe and Ronae Fink will read a Purim book as well. Many thanks for all the participation. Don?t forget, there will be a TOT SHABBAT on March 4 at 10:00 am with a Purim theme. All should come in their Ha- man, Esther and other costumes. There will be a lot for the chil?dren to do and they will have a ball. Don?t forget costumes!!! Many thanks to all of our parents for supporting the pre?school in whatever we do and without revealing too many of our future plans. We have a brainstorm for a great fund raiser that will be wonderful. It is still in the planning stages, but it will be great fun for all. Our very best to Joe and Ronae Fink who have been won?derful friends and never fail to help us have a better preschool. A Happy, Healthy Purim, Leah & Helene School Tieoae by Jackie Fleekop S^yit and Sweet We are sooo busy... In February we participated in the Mitzvah Day and had a wonderful learning experience. Students are working on a special program called the Museum of Famous Jews; which we will complete this month. Each grade level is studying a different famous Jew. Entertainers, sports figures, Bible characters and Zionists are just a few of the categories. We are all excited about our Purim Carnival. Please help support Jewish Education and attend the carnival on Sunday, March 12th beginning at 11:00 am. Tickets will be sold before and after school on Sunday, February 26 and Sunday, March 5; they?re $5.00 per book. Buy your tickets and come in costume. There will be lots of food, games, prizes and much, much more! I want to thank the Board of Education committee and Mr. Philip Goldstein for their continuing support. We have had much success with our school curriculum and programs this year. Support of this committee and parents are helping to make the difference. Our students work hard in school, preparing and learning their prayers. Sit next to a child at services (Bring Them!) and you?ll love hearing them read. Your approval of their accomplishments mean a lot more than the praise of a teacher or a good report card. Our Temple is growing in size of our building, in numbers of families and students in our school. Most of all, we are growing Jewishly in our education, participation and spiritual growth. We should all be proud to be part of this ? I am! B ?Shalom, Jackie Fleekop Come One, Come All To The Purim Family Services Friday, March 10,1995 Join Congregation Ner Tamid on Friday, March 10 at 7:30 pm as we celebrate Purim ?95. This year we will have a ?Disney theme? - Shushan Purim tService. So dress up as your favorite Disney character and join us at services. Every one who comes in a costume will receive a prize! Then on Sunday, come join us at the Purim Carnival. So shake off those dusty costumes and masks and join us Sunday at the carnival. There will be a parade, lots of food, games, raffles, prizes and a lot of merry?making. Come One, Come All ? you?ll have a BLAST* March 1995 (/I Siteeia.L ?7o (BeLong. \ 5 Wilner Foundation Achievement Awards The Wilner Foundation Achievement Awards are made to select, recognize, honor and award outstanding Jewish youth for their religious commitment and their social action aimed at enhancing the community in which they live. The award is given to financially assist the recipient to participate in any Judaic activities such as summer camp, day camp, enrichment classes, travel to a Kinnus, travel to Israel with an organized pilgrimage or other scholarly projects. Recipients are chosen by a selection committee of the Wilner Foundation using specific criteria. To receive an award, a recipient must be registered to attend the activity for which the award Parent B?nai Mitzvah Meeting Set For March 13th There will be an informational meeting on Monday, March 13 at 7:00 pm in the Social Hall at Congregation Ner Tamid. Several topics will be discussed concerning the upcoming 1996 Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Rabbi Akselrad, Bella Feldman, a representative from Sisterhood and Monty Willey will be in attendance to answer any of your questions or concerns. Any parent who has questions concerning an upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah, whether it be in 1995 or 1996, is also welcomed to attend this very important meeting. Parents, be sure you bring your children. For more information regarding this meeting, contact Judy or Monty at 733-6292. ROM THE ADMINISTRATOR?S DESK As Jerry mentioned in his article, by the time you receive this issue of the bulle?tin, we should be on our way to begin?ning construction of our new facility; the culmination of a dream that many have had for several years. Upon the comple?tion, we will have an outstanding facili?ty for worship, to continue the education of our children and a facility that can ac?commodate various assemblies. During the construction, there will be some disruptions. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable, but we will do our best to ensure that we present the building in the best possible manner foT all functions held here during the construction. I appreciate the help in addressing our concerns during the Friday night Onegs. The appearance of the Temple at the end of the evenings is a lot better. We need to continue to show our respect for the Temple however. The reader board in the lobby continues to be played with. Letters are lost and rearranged to a point that it takes over an hour to prepare it for the following week. Your further help will be needed dur?ing construction to ensure that children are not wandering off into areas ?under construction.? The potential for a person?al accident will be tremendous at this time and we want to ensure that nothing serious will happen to anyone. I look forward, as we all do, to shar?ing our new facility. Let us all be patient, address your concerns to me and we will get through this time together. Thanks for your support. is granted. Applications must be postmarked no later than April 3,199^^ Award recipients will be notified by ma^^ no later than June 1, 1995. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements and complete a formal application in their own handwriting. Typing will cause an immediate dis?qualification. Please use black ink only in order that necessary copies may be produced more clearly. Note: Applicants cannot be a relative of any member of the board of directors, officers or selection committee of the Wilner Foundation. Eligibility requirements are: ? Be of the Jewish faith ? Reside in the state of Nevada ? Be under the age of 18 and attending school ? Have a scholastic GPA of B+or higher ? Be a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or attending Hebrew school Be able to participate in his/her selected activity Send applications to: Wilner Foundation 3166 E. Pradera Circle NV 89121-3823 Las Vegas, Tot Shabbat March 4 Congregation Ner Tamid?s next Tot Shabbat will be held on March 4,1995 at 10:00 am. The theme is ?Purim.? Everyone is encouraged to come in their favorite Purim costume. This Tot Shabbat will be a lot of fun and there will be a special surprise for the children (and parents, too). Come and enjoy a brief ser?vice with music, crafts and food. Don?t Forget ? Come In Costume! C ongregation Ner Tam id March 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purim Family Services Friday, March 10,1995 7:30 pm 1* Disney Theme MM Come celebrate Purim with your Temple Family. Come in Costume... Prizes will be given to ALL Purim Masqueraders!!! \ Purim Carnival Sunday, March 12,1995 11:00 am yy, <y/ Come in Costume. There will be games, prizes, food and a parade. w Lots of FUN!!! 't o p /\/ s c-, 0 Q 0 0 0 b Q 0 0 b 0 b o b -\ 7TO* 0 b o b o b o o b b o March 1995 cA S p e c i a l ^ Q o (B e lo n g . 1 I & ? iYou Arc Invited To Congregation Ncr Tamid?s PA&SOVED SEDED Friday, April 14, 1995 at the (Sheraton Desert Inn Country Club 3145 Las Vegas Blvd. South Friday evening services to be held at 5:30 pm in the Silverado Doom followed by a Traditional Seder at 6:15 pm in the Terrace Doom st MENU st Seder Plate ? Matzah ? Wine Gcfiltc Fish ? Matzah Ball Soup ? Doasted Chicken ? Brisket Kishke ? Potato Kugcl ? Tsimmes ? Dessert ? Coffee and Tea * Deservations MUST Be Made By April 4, 1995 * Maximum Sealing: 300 People ? Your Check Is Your Reservation Adults: Members $40.00 / Non-members $50.00 / Children (age 11 and under) $15.00 Name Adults Absolutely NO LATE Deservations ? No Exceptions Mail checks to: Passover Seder Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 Children Cong-egation NerTamid March 1995 5th Annual Goods & Services Auction May 6 We need items for our auction. If you or anyone you know would like to donate items, please contact Mary Zone, chairperson for the Goods & Services Auction, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at the Temple ? 733-6292. March 1995 c l 'p /a e e (B elong. Kol B?Seder continued from page 1 rallied on behalf of Israel and Soviet Jewish emigration and offered leadership in the Jewish response to AIDS. Rabbi Dan Freelander serves as National Director of Program for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. He is past Regional Director of the New Jersey-West Hudson Valley Region of the UAHC and is the former Associate Director of the National Federation of Temple Youth. He also serves as an editor of the Reform movement?s music anthology, Sha ?arei Shirah and guides the work of its Commission on Synagogue Music. Cantor Jeff Klepper serves as Cantor of Beth Emeth in Evanston, Illinois. A graduate of the School of Sacred Music of Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Israel. He is a leading composer of new music for synagogues and religious schools, with more than 100 published and recorded songs to his credit. Tickets for the concert are available either in advance thru the Temple office or at the door. Prices for Adults are $15.00 per person, Children (under 18) $5.00 and Family $36.00 (two adults and more than one child under the age of 18), For more information, please call Rebecca at the Temple office at 733-6292. ?Challenging Personal Growth ?Magnificent Sights of Ancient and Modern Israel ?Jewish Pride and Self Esteem ?Superior Programs Designed Specially for Reform Jewish Youth ?Great Fun and Friendship For more information NFTY in Israel contact: PQ Box 443 Your Rabbi. Warwick. NY 10990 C914J 987-6300 Youth Advisor Adult Education Growing at CNT The new Adult Education program was kicked off Friday, January 27 with our first scholar-in-residence Joel Grishaver. Joel amused the congregation with anec?dotes about Jewish identity. His ultimate message: We cannot guarantee our chil?dren will maintain a strong Jewish iden?tity, but what we do while they?re growing up can influence their direction. On Saturday, January 28, Joel pre?sented a ?Talmud on Training Wheels? segment. Many of those attending partic?ipated as characters in a play. The session covered zoning laws and school criteria, including bussing and class size. His ap?pearance here was made possible by a generous donation from CNT members, Gary and Joan Zimmerman. Most, if not all, of our congregants should have received a phone call from the Adult Education Committee. To keep up-to-date with what?s going on at Tem?ple, we have established an ?information?al only? Events Hotline - 263-5960, where you can call to see what?s all hap?pening with our Temple. There have been good responses to several of the classes which began in Feb?ruary. The Adult Education Committee is now preparing programs for the future. If you have any ideas, you may leave a mes?sage on the Hotline or call Katherine Scott at 564-0903, the Adult Ed chairper?son. Many adults have been pursuing adult Jewish education. In order to rec?ognize their studies, the Keva program was developed by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) of which Congregation Ner Tamid is a member. Several of our Temple members have en?rolled in the Keva program which has recently become a part of our Adult Ed?ucation program. Enrollment is free and one need not join our Temple in order to attend any of the Adult Education programs. Those who do participate receive a ?Keva cred?it? for every 10 hours of study. When you accumulate 10 Keva credits, you will re?ceive a certificate from the UAHC. Rab?bi Akselrad will present the certificate on the bima during Friday night services. If you would like to participate in the Keva program, fill out and send the Keva Registration Form enclosed in this month?s Bulletin. For more information call the Events Hotline at 263-5960 or the Keva coordinator, Katherine Scott 'M 564-0903. ^ 10 C ongregation Ner Tam id March 1995 Thank you to the members of Congregation Ner Tamid! I On January 29th our congre?gation had its first-ever Mitzvah Day. It was a tre?mendous success with over two hundred participants in the Temple facility and throughout the community. The Social Action Com?mittee wants to thank each of you for your assistance. Together we did perform mitzvot and made a dif?ference in many people?s lives. We began the day with Rabbi Akselrad explaining to the children the true meaning of the word mitzvah. Then the students of the school, organized well by Principal Jackie Fleekop and the entire staff, began a series of activities. The kindergarten students made get well cards for the Rabbi to take on his hospital visits. First and second graders made and decorated sack lunches for the homeless that were distributed later in the day by the members of TNT and their advisors. Upper grade students sorted food and lothing donated by congre- ants. We were able to have twenty-four bags of food that went to the Weekend Emer?gency Assistance Program for impoverished families, as well as two boxes of food to congregants who are temporarily in need of some help. In addition, hundreds of items of clothing were given to a United Way agency for their distribution. Members of our senior youth group, NTTY, visited patients in the pediatric units of University Medical Center, bringing them coloring books and crayons. Adult volunteers of our congregation gave out food at WEAP. The ladies of the Sisterhood, under the leadership of Maxine Gratz, did some baking. Several members of Brotherhood went to a day care center to assist Sister Diane in laying tile and carpeting several rooms. This was actually a two day project that our men com?pleted, organized and led by President Scott Dockswell. Members of Golden Chai knitted booties that will be given to Jewish residents of convalescent centers at Passover. A special thank you to Ronae Fink for making seventeen pairs by herself. This was truly a day of wonderful activities for which we should all be very proud. I want to thank each and every person who participated in this very worthwhile event. If you have any ideas for future projects, please let us know. It is wonderful to have the support of so many people as the Social Action Committee continues to do their work of tikun olam, to improve the world. If you have a college aged child who is living out of town and who would like to receive a Passover care package, please submit his or her name and address (in writing) to the Temple in c/o Eileen Kollins. Also, if you know of a senior citizen who would enjoy a small gift package at Passover, please also submit those names and addresses as soon as possible. Thank you again, Eileen Kollins Social ACTION Mitzvah Day March 1995 ^ e e t a / ?7# (Belong. D n o t n t n n o o b fku/ n The Brotherhood would like to thank The Social Action Committee for establishing the first Congregation Ner Tamid Mitzvah Day. It was certainly a pleasure to go out into the community and spread goodwill (as well as some tile glue). Participating in this event were Brotherhood members Tom Nanes, Scott Dockswell, Eddie Bellaflores, Frank Sinatra and Drew Levy. We went to Variety House which is a day care center for children of working, yet under?privileged parents. Our mission was to replace the carpeting with tiles in the baby feeding areas. Well, we measured and cut, and ripped up carpeting, and measured and glued, and laid down tile in the required areas. We were treated to just-baked muffins from Sister Diane and some coffee and juice. In fact, it was so much fun that Eddie and Tom are going back next week to do more, (and eat more muffins). Anyone who missed the opportunity to help, should sign up early for next year?s event. Last call for Entertainment Books! We are coming down to the wire for purchase of Entertainment Books. If you only have one book, now is a good time to get one for the other car. They still make good gifts. The Brotherhood is sponsoring two members to the UAHC Southwest Council Meeting. Steve Joseph and Scott Dockswell will be attending to represent the Temple, The Brotherhood and to support Jerry Gordon as he becomes installed on the Board of this prestigious organization. It is only through the constant support of the Temple and all of our Brotherhood members, that we are able to be a real force in the community and there is always room for more participation. tronT If you know someone who wishes to be more involved in Temple and Jewish Community, have them call me. Upcoming Brotherhood Events Bingo Night March 4 Putting Tournament June 10 (Angel Park) Remember, the Brotherhood Shalom Ride Program is available to pick up someone who wishes to attend Temple functions and needs a ride. For more information call Scott Dockswell at 897-7888. We in the Brotherhood are proud to serve Congregation Ner Tamid and if you have any ideas or suggestions as to how we can serve better, please call and direct all Brotherhood communication to Scott Dockswell at 897-7888. There?s Still Time To Join T.N.T. The sleepover at the Schyman?s house was totally awesome. We want to extend a big thanks for their generosity. The Mitzvah Day was a big success. For those who were unable to make it, we could have used your help at the homeless shelter; but we had a great time helping out and handing out lunches to the less fortunate. It was a great day for everyone. We have several exciting events coming up. Anyone for the snow??? We?ll be going to Lee Canyon on Sunday February 19. Don?t forget the Purim Carnival on March 12. Come see us and show us how strong you really are. Our Tupperware Fund-raiser, the most successful in T.N.T. history, makes a concert or other special event possible in the near future. Our meetings and activities are thi first and third Sunday of the month, sfl keep your calendars open and come join us. We have lots of fun and it gives you an opportunity to be with Jewish kids your own age. Call our advisors, Eddie an