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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Sale of Las Re: Vegas water system Los Angeles, May 26 , 195^ 80-11 Mr. W. R« Rouse: I am enclosing for your preliminary use copies of the conveyance documents which Mr. Reinhardt will sub­mit to Mr. Stoddard for execution in a day or two,con­sisting of: 1. Deed of the water-bearing land. 2. Deeds covering transfer of future pumping station site. 3. Grants of Easement for pipe lines and power line. 4. Bill of Sale covering pipe lines and power lines which will remain temporarily upon property of the Railroad Companies and be removed under the provisions of Section 5 of the agreement. 5* Instrument Transferring Interests in Real and Personal Property, which covers all of the real and personal property Interests which are not c o v e r e d by the foregoing documents. Exhibit "A” which will be attached to this latter document has not yet been prepared because our Land De­partment is still checking some errors discovered in the Preliminary Title Report from which the exhibit will be prepared. You will receive copies of these documents togeth­er with a copy.of Mr. R e i n h a r d t ' s transmittal letter to Mr. Stoddard, but these copies are sent to you so that you will have an opportunity to review them in advance of the receipt of them by Mr. Stoddard. All of the doc­uments have been prepared for execution by Mr. Stoddard on June 1, 1954, and I assume that this can be accomp­lished.