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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V XXXXXXXXXX3ocxxxxxxx Las fmmt Hevada February 2, 1951 • I** l* CfifijT) Looal Manager QfXitomk*. Water Sarvioe Company Whittier Blvd. Los Angelee 22, California Dear Mr* Carp: 4rtLwl*ll;to4 thaflk y°a for your letter of January 24 • enclosing copy of your form of application for water servicewhich will be very helpful in proparing similar fora for our use at las Vegas* _ _ * w&nt to thank you for your of forts concerning !$** ?• reareo, who hAS requested opportunity of bidding on pips line work hers* 2 an sorry that X was unable to oontactyou while in Los Angeles last week* X have been assigned temporarily charge of our operating at Las Vegas and find many phases with which 1 am entirely unfamiliar sc appreciate the opportunity of seeking advice from you* We have another problem which is causing considerable controversy - that is an equitable fiat rate for motels* As you know, a motel may be only sleeping quarters with bath, equivalent to hotel accommodations, while others are of the living room* kitchen and bath similar to some of your apartment houses in and around Los Angeles, while some have praotioally no area devoted to lawns and shrubbery * others have extensive areas* We have been unabls to reach any agreement eo far with the Motel Associations as to rates because of the wide range of (Continued)