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Question 12. State, if you know, the normal number of cubic feet per second flowing in the source at your point of diversion. Answer: Total flow in underground channel unknown. IF WATER IS USED FOR IRRIGATION ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Question 13. Upon how many acres have you beneficially used water? Answer;.........................................................................................................------------—........................................... Question 14. Give the number of acres in each legal subdivision. Answer:.........................................acres in the............................of Sec...................., T.............., R...........................E. ....—......................acres in the............................of Sec....................., T..................... R...................E. .........................................acres in the............................of Sec..................., T...................., R....................E. __..................-.-—-.acres in the............................of Sec..................... T..................... R....................E. ................acres in the............................of Sec..................... T...................., R....................E. . i.........acres in the...........................of Sec...................., T...................... R...................E. (Enumerate only the land upon which water has been actually used.) Question 15. Have you installed a headgate and weir at your point of diversion, as required by the terms of your permit ? Give approximate dimensions of headgate. Answer:.....................................................................................................................................----------..Iff-—... ---------- Question 16. Do you use the rotation system for irrigating? Answer:--------------------------------------------------------------............................................................................— ........ Question 17. What is the character of the soil irrigated ? Answer:................................,................................................................................................................................................ IF WATER IS USED FOR STOCK-WATERING OR DOMESTIC PURPOSES ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Question 18. Give detailed description of works of diversion and manner by which water is stored for beneficial use, embracing approximate dimensions of dam at source, size and length of pipe, and size and number of tanks or troughs. If troughs are not used state exactly how water is stored for beneficial use. Answer:...........................W.........................................................................................................................—.................... Question 19. Give approximate number and kind of animals watered. Answer:.............................—WHBi— ................................................. IF WATER IS USED FOR POWER OR MINING AND MILLING PURPOSES ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Question 20. What are the dimensions of the diversion headgate and carrying capacity of the conduit in cubic feet per second? Is water diverted by ditch, pipe or flume? Answer: Question 21. What are the dimensions of the cross-section of the pipe, flume, ditch or other conduit at each change in cross-section, and the length of each portion of the same size ? IBBjBpj F$et of 12" C.I. pipe, 219‘ of 1^H Transite pipe, 53' of 16“ clfl. pi^^^ Seibil®^ 3^p|enee ............................ Question 22. What is the average grade or difference in elevation between the termini of the conduit ? Give the grades of the different sections of conduit as shown above. Answer: .„El?vat_igi at.Reser e.le.Ya.'fc.i.o.1?. 2.025............................................................ Question 23. Give any information concerning diversion and use of water for power or mining not covered above. Answer: ..........................................................——.....................-.............Sw-........4—...................................———— IF WATER IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT HERETOFORE NAMED DESCRIBE FULLY UNDER REMARKS: Remarks: The water produced under this ...permit, is ...trained into t supply at the reservoir* w^^f contributing to the F^'snarhfi supply abJov^si#tijned^^e |§.s,ed and equipped with valves so that their production can. be shut .ia.-and...cpnserved..when..not...actually...required. (Give all information relative to the method of use of water and any other matters you deem important) The map made in substantiation of the claims herein, prepared under my instructions and authority, shows the actual conditions on the premises. A, M. FOLGKR Signed: ........................................................—-....................... I hereby certify that the foregoing testimony was read to the above subscriber before its signing, and I believe him to be the person he represents himself to be, and that said testimony was subscribed and sworn to before me at my office in.................................................... County of................................................... State of.............................I.......——......, on of-iii—................................... A. D. 194 [One dollar filing fee must accompany this proof]