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    L . Aqua Show Colorful Spectacle 1 built at the *, Noteworthy werdf trampo. te r,sts' *?? ?╟úd p??ui-, ette two groups of acrobats, ssagMS iWazzan Troup e ?╟úRed Sl1Cu??rwin Harvey-1 board" tf ??n ??n a divm ooard ?╟÷as one lady rPT marked, Jack Wallace, acom-i |c; singer, and-the Dilly Dal bes, comic divers. 7 w3 Ic^dVi^prdsSS ion the West Coast in his fc??., P1&&Z PHis^taTu'0160110 date- Ikti*13 Starlight Spectacular B# and A<3?╜a Show no^ (being presented at the Rtand outdoor theater if a' (breath-takingly b ?╟? , Val Inman, Russ'Saunders and Paula Del ?╟  i by BryanUparnum Pr??Vided -BETTY MARTTW [in his indoor extra4aa St p?╟╓ C??mic divers- p [the verdant Palos verS | coastline as a backdrop. Revues Adapted The Donn Arden Revues Bni4?orfCvPa?╟╓-Africana?╟╓ Car- 1 , Vemc6 ahd Circus |pE^hfoveti?eenably trans' lm whh ?uthls outdoor are- tion of L be Possible-excep- mon o! Africans which m i>?·V able expanse of water inJarrafof? ??f an inlPos- lu ^ array ??f top perforriiprc! |and annuals, - which appear J with the aquacade between [production numbers, g?·& fch iqUaIity t0 tbe Sw |d.renhaQ VUne t0 please chit- I area as well as adults Tt is fcP0Sl,hat ?Σ≤?╟ ?╟≤??open? Pw!Ihb.'echnical di?╜?·ui. Isemilnf ba moned out in suk ?√ßsequent shows. I Everything from perform [mg ponies to the daSS fcSV?0 ?╟Ñ S |aem] act on a ?0-ft. tower Swf.ena' c?╜*'h Valley News (C!f. 17,450j JUN 2 5 19c jAdrr uiit GIs Freen^!^ * member^; Qf ShOW United a uniform, I /the PacifftjjjA^APrineKnd of j Mondays JaiPK", wning excem Ped be adng J Starlight Specta^.i. an!t Sennes- pes?╟╓ guest. ' Ular as Mr-?╟╓Seffin fa??d Aqu/^8 to Sjf* sta*s at (rmeland is gj^thf^u at Ma-,j I for any ?Σ≤Ser 1 armed forces wearinl 6 U?╟╓ s- Sennes- anng a tmiform. and Present for the fiw aqini-belle. r bo In outdoor under Sennes?╟╓ Stae7 ^ ?½ Wopta, Which had ife L*?.d Aqua show, .June 9, Premiere on press and pub^CJa?Σ≤!d by the Presentati0nPUo?Σ≤c for J*,unique Jstage and water^ o??mbination feet?╜y stage? Lf^obons ex" Iftg cSStHiin %?╜ft kLas^Vegt?½6 ?½Ssf^ ?√ß???╜ ?╜. J ors, swimmfra of 60 <lanc- I ere, daHng div. Irineland Sbw remiere r.^Wlr- By JIMMY STARR/ f is ?╜n adjective oft/?╜sed in sjln ?√ß bu* ii: Meally fits the beaten I Fr3nh Sennes presents--------------*?√ß?╟÷-Jammmm -at Marineland of the PaciS The title of this awe-inspir- extravaganza is ^ Starlight Spectacular stage and Aqua Show,?╟Ñ and it is! I ^aged and directed fc^Donn I5J2S?½n> who has I Piished the same applause- getting chores for the Mou- ?╟ú1m Rouge, the Desert Inn ;$(in Las Vegas) and several - lavish Paris revues. Opening last night, there ./were a dozen cleverly con- jcocted acts and ensembles?╟÷ ^everything ?╟÷ Including acro- bat?½, water ballet, Africana ^dances, ponies, a baby ele- f phant, wizards (under the ?╜blue sky big top), champion high divers ahd a colorful tskyrocket display lor a grand . finale. U .There Isn?╟╓t a phase of % show business that didn?╟╓t ?√ß get into- the act. A delight for young and old alike. There was Orwin Harvey, a comic highdiver; such water champs as -Mack Brown, Willie Ferrell, Jane Aull and the Aquabelles, Russ Saunders, Val Inman, Paua Del; the Hiawatha ?║ Liberty Ponies, Paul and Paulette, Chandra Kaly, the Wazzan Troupe, Jack iWallace (a clever mimic), the Los Gatos Trio and ft* many another exciting per- i Is former. + ?'?√ß%r it The occasion last night also was a ?╟úSalute to the Greater Los Angeles Press Club?╟Ñ in the form of an In- vitational premiere. Prank Sennes and William F. Mona- han. vice president of Marine- land, were hosts to some 700 members Of the Press Club along with many Holly woodltes. ?╟úMiss Press Club,?╟Ñ in the pretty form of MGM starlet YkftniMA __L Inglewood, Calif. Morningside; News Advertiser (Cir. 11.668) IQ 59 Myrna Hansen, was there to welcome other celebrities and local and civic digni- taries. it ir it ?╟??╟?-mong 411086 spotted In the 3000-seat arena were Sandra Giles, who served hotdogs to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly (he?╟╓s the co-star with James Gar- ner in the Warner Brothers TV series, ?╟úMaverick?╟Ñ) . . . Mrs. Kelly is the former ac- tress Donna Lee Hickey . , . ?╜. jfohn Smith, the star of Cimarron City?╟Ñ television senes, escorted the sexy Bar- oafa Nichols, who chatted Connors, one of the lovelies in the ?╟ústarlight Spectacular?╟Ñ ... Peter Graves, star of the jTQPUjar Western series, Fury?╟Ñ, was with his wife ?╟≤Sy* ^h0 wanted to go home and get her bathing suit and Join the water ballet gate 7. . Harking back to the early ?╜ays of the fabulous Billv ???5e Acquacade -4*16 late Mike Todd with his Jones Beach water n^fer*?╟╓ F*** Semea * ?½on?½ Arden don?╟╓t take a ckse at to anybody?╟÷ they?╟╓re up front! A truly thrilling aqua She from every standpoint. J art-paid tickets to the ?╟úStar Spectacular,?╟Ñ extMvagan za being presented b# Frank Sennes each evenin^w Marine land in Palos VeMe^ will be offered Ne^-A^rtiser read- ers byJ^r|fo; boys when they make tffefr ^onthly collections this weep Tickets also are available at any News-Advertiser office, 2621 West 54th Street, 225 East Kelso Street, Inglewood; and 6218 West Manchester Avenue, Westchester. The spectacular is staged un- der the stars, with a mammoth pool as the setting, and the surf as a backdrop. Although the outdoor theater seats 3000 people, every seat is close up with unobstructed vision and sound from every angle, Staging and direction are by Ddftm >iAiPdm% famous for his many hit Broadway productions and successes at the Moulin Kouge in Holly wood. Production numbers include beautiful girls, daring divers and swimmers, plus singers and dancers, joined by breathtaking acts from all over the world to complete an unforgettable evening of entertainment by tie sea. Open every night but Mon- da y, Marin el a n d is easily reached down Pacific Coast Highway to Palos Verdes turn off with the road sighs leading you right to one of the bright! est jewels in southland attrr1 tions. im ?√ß * * WBpm