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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 24, 1978






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 7 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000199. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    MINUTES SENATE MEETING 021 October 24, 1978 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order The twenty-first meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Speaker at 4:02 p.m. in Lounge 201 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Shellee Willden Phillip Jackson Peggy Racel Lise Wyman Kirk Voelcker Lorraine Alderman Joyce Bridges Peggy Burnham Ron Deems Scott Greene Lisa Wolfbrandt Rick Gutierrez Jeff Wild Mary Barney Bruce Bayne Danny Campbell Bill Onorato Dave Craddock Joe Matvay David Martinez Scott Gonzalez Absent DeAnn Turpen (unexcused) Byron Blasco (unexcused) Susana Reyes (unexcused) Jeanne Ilarkenrider (excused) Carole Beck (unexcused) III. Executive Board Announcements The Speaker informed the Senate that he spoke with Dr. Seidman about the situation with this meeting, and Dr. Seidman stated that only Emergency Items can be voted upon at this meeting, the rest will have to wait until the next Meeting. The Speaker also announced that Dr. Seidman will be sending down a memo by the end of November, stating whether Item VII A - Restriction of Religious Organizations from Matching Funds, is legal or not. Resignations The Speaker announced that there hawbeen two resignations from the Senate: Bill Botos from University College, and Shawn Jenkins from Education. The Speaker announced that these seats will not open up until the new Senate takes office. USUNS Report President White reported that at the last USUNS Meeting that only outstanding item of business was a proposal for an allocating of money to USUNS from the Board of Regents. The Board of Regents allocated $3,000 to USUNS. The President White informed the Senate that USUNS is listening to the state-wide S.E.F. program, but they are not jumping in just yet. President White announced that another item discussed with the Library addition here at UNLV. lie reported that there will be a tube connecting the present Library to another four story building. This will be published in this weeks YELL. Minutes - Senate Meeting If21 October 24, 1973 Page 2 President White also announced that the full-time enrollment figures came out, and basically, UNLV didn't make its projected figure, and thus, will not make $310,000. This means UNLV will be headed for a budget cut sometime in November. Faculty Senate - CSUN Senate Protest President White announced that Vern Mattson from the Faculty Senate, issued a resolution saying that they are concerned about the safety on Maryland Parkway and University Road. A Committee will be formed to perform a combined protest with the Faculty Senate and the CSUN Senate. This will be a five - six member Committee. Mandatory Physical President White informed the Senate that he is now gathering information on how Memphis State University got rid of their mandatory physical. He announced that getting rid of this mandatory physical on campus is one goal that really should be accomplished. Snack Bar Gene Russo announced that the progress of the building of the snack bar is going very well. He announced that it should be finished by the first or second week in November. (Due to an employee error, the Agenda was not posted in time so only those items that are considered "Emergencies" can be discussed and voted upon.) IV. Committee Reports B. Activities Board //13 1. NECAA Conference Trip (November 2 - 5 ; submission & passage) It was announced that the total expenditures for this trip will be approximately $641. Bruce Bayne moved to approve, and was seconded by Jeff Wild. Lorraine Alderman informed the Senate that this Conference will be held in Fresno, and Lorraine Alderman, Ferenc Szony, and Bill Botos will be attending educational sessions pertaining to contract negotiations, new film releases, opportunities to talk to professionals, etc. Bruce Bayne then moved to amend the motion so that the personnel going on the trip were Activities Board members, and was seconded. The reason for this amendment was that Bill Botos resigned from the Senate, and thus resigned from the Activities Board. Although, he still is a member of the Activities Board, he must again be submitted to the Senate and voted upon as a student-at-large for that Board. Discussion took place, and Bruce Bayne called for the question, seconded, a division of the house took place which failed with 11 in favor, and seven opposed. Jeff Wild then called for the question, was seconded by Bruce Bayne, and passed with two opposed, and four abstentions. The Senate then moved into the vote on the amendment to the main motion which failed. The Senate was now back into discussion on the main motion. Bruce Bayne moved to vote by roll call vote, and call for the question. Danny Campbell seconded the first motion, so the call for the question died for the lack of a second. A vote was then taken as to whether to vote by a roll call vote which failed with six in favor and eleven opposed. Bruce Bayne then called for the question, was seconded by Jeff Wild, and passed with 15 in favor, and 1 opposed. A vote was then taken on the main motion to send the three people submitted on the Conference Trip for $641, a division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 12 in favor, 7 opposed, and two abstentions. Minutes - Senate Meeting it21 October 24, 1978 Page 3 V. Old Business B. Matching Funds Requests 1. La Raza ($250) David Martinez informed the Senate that the date of the dance has been changed from October 30, 1978 to November 11, 1978, therefore, David Martinez moved to amend the request to change the date and title, and he also moved to approve if these additions are added, and was seconded. Lorraine Alderman called for the question, was seconded by Bruce Bayne, a division of the house took place in which the motion failed with 12 in favor, and eight opposed. Danny Campbell moved to table this request until the next Senate meeting, and was seconded by Dave Craddock. Bruce Bayne called for the question, was seconded by Jeff Wild; the motion failed. Discussion took place, and Bruce Bayne called for the question, was seconded, and passed with one abstention. A vote was then taken on the motion to table which failed witli two in favor. Dave Craddock then called for the question which failed. David Martinez informed the Senate that La Raza does have a license, they have a responsible person, and that changing the date will probably not have any effect on the organization of the dance, and he called for the question, was seconded by Bruce Bayne, a division of the house took place; the motion failed. Rick Gutierrez moved to amend the main motion to read $150 instead of $250, and was seconded by Scott Greene. Danny Campbell called for the question, seconded, and passed unanimously. A vote was taken on the amendment, a division of the house took place, 10 in favor, 10 opposed, and one abstention, the Speaker cast the deciding vote in favor of the amendment. The amendment passed. Now the Senate moved into discussion on the main motion as amended. Bruce Bayne called for the question, was seconded, and passed unanimously. A vote was taken immediately on the main motion as amended, a division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 13 in favor, and eight opposed. 2. Eckankar Students Society of UNLV ($60.00) Bruce Bayne moved to disapprove the request, and was seconded. Senator Bayne informed the Senate that his reason for disapproval is that he feels that this type of activity is one of religious concepts, and feels that this would benefit only a limited number of University students, and not the whole student body, and the main reason for Matching Funds is for the benefit of the whole student body. Bruce Bayne then called for the question, and was seconded by John Hunt, however, the motion failed. A few of the Senators also felt that CSUN should not allocate money to a religious program. John Hunt then called for the question, seconded by Danny Campbell and failed. Discussion took place, and Peggy Burnhain called for the question, was seconded, and failed. President White expressed his opinion by revealing that he felt that the Senate should not take any action on this request until a letter from Dr. Seidman comes down stating the legalities of allowing Matching Funds to such an organization. (Kirk Voelcker left at 5:27 p.m. - excused.) Bruce Bayne called for the question, was seconded, and passed with three opposed. A vote was then taken on the main motion to disapprove the request, a division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 12 in favor, 7 opposed, and one abstention. Minutes - Senate Meeting it21 October 24, 1978 Page 4 (Rick Gutierrez left at 5:32 - excused.) VI. Adjournment Bruce Bayne moved to adjourn, was seconded, and passed with one opposed. The meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Rene Bernier Senate Secretary AGENDA SENATE MEETING //21 October 24, 1978 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes It20 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Library Committee (vote) 1. Ron Deems VI. Committee Reports A. M.A.F. Committee //3 B. Activities Board //13 1. NECAA Conference Trip (November 2 - 5 ; submission) C. Radio Committee \\1 D. Organizations Board VII. Old Business A. Restriction of Religious Organizations from Matching Funds (Sen. Bayne, ED) B. Matching Funds Requests 1. La Raza ($250) 2. Eckankar Students Society of UNLV ($60.00) C. Use of "Open Discussion" (Sen. Campbell, HA) VIII. New Business A. Music Department Request for Funds - Chorus Tour IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CSUN .is sponsoring a Rebel Logo contest for the purpose of designing a logo that the entire campus can live v/ith. Judging of the logo will not in any way be.affected by the artist's ability. The contest will be judged on ideii and intent. At this time, I would like to thank the entire campus, for their support of this project and the specific rules are listed below. Chuck White CSUN President To design a permanent Rebel lo:-.:o v/hich will be copyrighted for the exclusive use of UMLV. The contest will herein V/cineslay, Qct. 2r< and all entries must be in by '-/gdnssday, Mov. 2.2. The contest is ooen to all the Students, Faculty and Staff of UMLV. C.S.U.N, will offer a $100.00 ourchase award to the artist whose loa;o is chosen. The judges will be one member of the Art Department Faculty, one C.S.U.H. representative, one student who is an art ma.ior, one athletic department representative, and one student at "1 v» cr .-j * A t ~ (In the event that an acceptable lo^o is not submitted, the judges reserve the right to retain the existing lo^ro< The contest shall be covered by the Yell and the University radio station, arid there will be handouts distributed to art students and throughout the university. (Special Mote - This lo?;o is not a design for a mascot or a statue but is to be used exclusively as the UNI.v Rebel -.Hrrl niii? De partment LOPTO .) TRI-AD COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 1978 Dr. Christianson Mr. Dan Celeste Mr. Kerry Kindig Cindi Kiser Bill Hornbuckle Danny Campbell Pat Moreo Danny Campbell brought in to discussion that a language course be part of the cirriculum in the Hotel College. This course would cover basic languages, spanish, French, German and possibly Italian. He spoke to Mrs. Moreo about this, and the course would cover basic "Hotelmen's Talk" but the response was not positive. Mrs. Moreo felt that the Language Department would not respond favorably to this. Danny then suggested that a language course be part of the Hotel College requirement. Dr. Christianson suggestedthat a few Hotel College Professor 1 a getting together and writing a language course for the Hotel Students to take. He felt that a few faculty members tht spoke a second language could team teach a course in "Hotelmen's Talk". This would be a six or nine hour requirement. Danny then remarked that a language requirement would upgrade the selectiveness of our Hotel Degree. Dr. Christianson explained the'importance of a second language and remarked that many employers are taking crash courses in languages so that they might be able to speak with their employee's better. Bill Hornbuckle remarked that if the Hotel College departmentalized itself ie. Food Service, Hotel Tourist, etc. That the language requirement could be in the tourist level. The second topic brought in to discussion was that Nutritio^ Courses and Sanitation Courses be taught in the Hotel College. As electives in the Food Service department. It was brought into discussion that maybe a extension of our internship program could be to have students follow along with a health inspector on one of or several inspections. It was suggested that a letter be drafted to Dr. White at Cornell University, and ask for his text book and course description of his sanitation course. Another suggested course was one on grooming, and how to deal with a Hotelmen's job. This course Would include alcoholism "th"2 l°nS hours involved etc. Also suggested was a class on Uniforms, and "signage" Etc. The Bartending course now offered on campus was dicussed and it was suggested that Jack Stafford President of the Bartenders Union Local 18 9/186 be informed so that he can suggest it to his fellow union brothers as a refresher course. The Third topic brought into discussion was the Hotel College building a Hotel on campus for the students to run. This idea was abandoned when Mr. Moreo explained that we would be hurting the college rather than helping it because by putting a hotel on campus, v/e would be in compitition w i t h a 1 1 t h e o t h e r Hotels. And since most of the major hotels help us in many ways v/e would be defeating our purpose. Mr. Moreo also explained that the new Hotel/ business building would have a few hotel rooms in it. The fourth topic discussed was that more accounting courses be req.uired in the Hotel College. It was unanimous decision that the students aren't learning enough in the Hotel Accounting course that is taught now. It was suggested that maybe we could get a teacher out of the business college to teach Hotel Accounting for the Hotel College. But it would have to be a teacher that was completely familar with the Hotel Accounting proceedures now used. If a teacher could not teach the course, maybe he could help in setting up the course. Meeting ajourned at 3:20 p.m. Next meeting set for October 18, 1978 place and time to be decided later mc cc/ck,dr.c,dc,dc,bh,kk pm,ml, 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 MINUTES RADIO STATION MEETING #7 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 th 2 :'l5 PM MSU-307 Call to Order at 2:05 Roll Call Members in attendance: Tommy Walker Dan Lovil Joyce Bridges Bryon Blasco Mike Stowers Susan Mueller The FCC reviewed the engineering portion of our application and found only minor discrepancies. They a n of such minor importance, no response is necessary. Since there are no competing applications, vze should have a construction permit by the end of this year or early next year. We bid a Sony SD cassette recorder and microphone, Tech Stereo had low bid, recorder $325.00, Superscope one point stereo microphone $45.00. It was proposed by the chairman and seconded by Dan Lovil and Joyce Bridges to procede to write the bid specifications for the portable console. Additionally, it was resolved to put out the bid for two cartridge machines. The trailer will be put out to bid after we recieve our construction permit. Absent: Scott Greene Bill Botos UNIVCEORNSISTOYL IODFA TNEEDV ASDTAU,D LEANST VSE GAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 We presently have one bid from Design Space. Dan informed the committee he has spoken to the new advertising agency for Tech Stereo and suggested that Tommy Walker call the agency since there is a possibility Tech Stereo will donate a reel to reel stereo recorder. Tommy Walker indicated he kneww the gentleman in charge of the agency and would contact him at the earliest possible convenience. Tommy Walker thanked Dan for his efforts. The need for more easy access to the studio was discussed. The chairman felt that keys to the studio should be provided to the radio station personnel. Tommy Walker will assume responsibility for the keys to be provided by Mike Stowers. All KULV staff members will be recieving an identification cards identifying them as staffers. Once the keys are in the .radio .-station, Audio-Visual Services will not under any circumstances issue a key without a staff ID. The possibility of KULV on other cables (on TV monitors) was once again disscussed. Tommy Walker and Mike Stowers will pursue this. The next meeting of the Radio Committee will take place next Thursday at 2:15 PM. Meeting adjourned at 3:04 PM UNIVCEORNSSITOYL IODFA TMEEDm SDTAU, DLEANS TVSE GAS