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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 2007



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    Monthly Bulletin Of Congregation Ner Tamid A Special Place To Belong Tammuz/Av 5767 July 2007 Volume XXI h Consecration & Grand Opening Sunday, September 9 at 9:00 am Join us on the FIRST day of Religious School as we hang the mezuzah and bless our new school building. CHECK OUT OUR NEW & IMPROVED WEBSITE! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG CHECK BACK OFTEN, WE?RE UPDATING ALL THE TIME! Inside AUGUST FILM SERIES Thursday Evenings - 7:00 pm Hosted by Rabbi, Philip and Craig Details on page 9 2 Rabbi's Message 3 President's Message 4 Cantorial Soloist's Message 5 Executive Director's Message 6 Dir. of Early Childhood Ed 7 Dir, of Lifelong Learning 8 Program Director 9 Adult Education 11 Men's Club Message 11 Sisterhood Message 13 Calendar 15 Yahrzeits JEstablishing Family Ties That Bind Rabbi Sanford Akselrod As most in the Congregation are aware, July is a month when I take the majority of my vacation time. This year one of the things that I will be doing is attending a family reunion. We have had gatherings before, but for the most part they were associated around b'nai mitzvah or weddings or sadly, and most recently, funerals. This is a gathering just for the sake "family''. To be honest, up until recently although I enjoyed the time to see family-many of whom I really didn't know that well since they lived in other cities or states, I never quite understood the importance. As a child I would kvetch, "Why do we have to do this? I don't know them. I never see them. What will I say? It's boring." And my parents would always express the hope that as I got older, I would come to understand. That time has come. Perhaps it was the loss of my Dad. Or my great aunt Helen who lived into her 90's, but was quite the character. But I know that our reunion will be down a face or two or three... The quilt is changing, and the next generation is getting older, taking its place of leadership. It is almost as if to say, "If family is important, then it's up to us to care." We are all so busy with our lives and our own personal drama, that too easily we forget that we are not alone. And while family may live far away or even be absent from our daily lives, if we are truly fortunate and make the effort then we have the chance to create a bond that is lasting and loving. Family Shabbat Vinner Friday, duly 20 6:00 pm Come enjoy a lovely catered Shabbat dinner with your CNT family and then stay for a beautiful Shabbat service followed by Israeli dancing. Everyone is welcome; invite your friends and neighbors! Temple Members $25 - Adults $20 - Children 12 and under Non-Temple Members $30 - Adults $25 - Children 12 and under Vour Check is Your Reservation! Mail checks, payable to CNT, by July 8. Questions? Contact Roberta Unger in the office. Check Out New Reform Prayer Book Saturday Mornings Come experience the "wave of the future" for the Reform movement! Throughout the month of July, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein will introduce the latest version of the Reform Movement's new prayer book, Mishkan Tefillah, at our regular Saturday morning services. She will answer all your questions and comments relating to the prayer book following these services. :TEMPLE BOARD Temple President Marla Letizia President - Marla Letizia Ak VP Administration - Harry Sax W harrydotcom@cox.nct VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth &: Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta dacosta6@cox.nct VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon This is a time of renewal and we have begun to infuse the inner workings of the Temple with new life. We have a mission this year and are looking ahead. That mission is to carry Congregation NerTamid far into the future. In January, we held Leadership Development Classes in which Temple members were brought in and educated about the needs of the Temple and how they can help. We had a young and dynamic group of people that will be stepping up to serve our needs. They will serve on committees, chair committees and join ourTemple Board. Through this process, we had one common goal: to host the best classes, to obtain and retain the best membership and to truly stand out as the best Reform synagogue in Nevada! Trustees Barry Lewisohn Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz Illisa Polls illisa Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Jacky Rosen Amy Christensen Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President CNTSistcrhood@cox.nct Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Scott Stolberg Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater *deceased It is with great pleasure that I get to witness, first hand, all the new plans and ideas coming forth from our various clubs and committees. While we are at a good starting point, we can always use volunteers to help the Temple with all of our various needs. If you are as committed as we are to the growth and success of Congregation NerTamid, why not volunteer your time and skills? Every person in our congregation matters, and every skill set has a place here. Our members make Congregation NerTamid what it is... truly, a "special place to belong." High Holydays are Coming! Is Your Account Up-to-Date? Clarification of the Temple's policy - 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holyday Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year?s Building Fund Commitment. For example: If your Building Fund Assessment Total is $2,500 (your full 5 year commitment), you would need to have a minimum of $375 paid towards your 2007 (current year's committment) BF Commitment ($2,500 divided by 5 = $500 X 75%=$375). If your Annual Dues is $1700, you would also need to have a minimum of $1,275 paid towards your 2007 Annual Dues ($1,700 X 75% = $1,275). In total, you would need to have $1,650 paid towards your 2007 Annual Commitment in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. (These are only examples; your actual Commitment amounts may differ.) If you have any questions or need to speak about any of these numbers, please feel free to contact Irv in the temple office.Just A Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist It?s hard to believe that another year has passed... ?One season following another?. Well enough of Fiddler On The Roof. When I look back and reflect (which time does not permit very often) I am amazed at all th^^ has been achieved during the past year here at CNT... I love it!!! I have a great sense of accomplishment for the past years music programs and look forward to another exciting year at our new Synagogue. When we moved into our new Synagogue the Consecration Service utilized elements of every aspect of our music program. It was an exciting and awe inspiring event. Over this past year we?ve had special guests at CNT like Michael Isaacson, to give us more beautiful music than we?ve ever had before. Thank you to the Music Season Sabbath supporters that allow this kind of event to happen every year. Plus we have a new service, Shabbat Unplugged, which has received overwhelming support and positive feedback from our congregation. Thank you to Gregg Solomon for helping to make Shabbat Unplugged possible. More music, concerts and special events are planned for the coming year... stay tuned. I want to acknowledge the hard work and talents of a lot of people here at CNT. First I want to recognize the wonderful people that we have in the office. Karen, Mary, Lynette and Kathy, thank you all. Thank you to our wonderful Program Director Nancy Weinberger, Catering/Facilities Director Roberta Unger and Executive Director Irv Duchowny. The new building has had its challenges but we have a great team of people who keep things running smoothly. Jared, William and John, thank you for your hard work and flexibility. As we come into the summer months I also want to recognize some other individuals for their hard work and dedication. First I want to thank Lillian Kollar for her amazing talents and incredible musical ability. She is one of the best accompanists I have ever worked with and I greatly appreciate her. Thank you so much Lillian. I must thank all of the members of the Shabbatones band, who volunteer their talent and energy into this program: Ira Spector, Jay Poster, Glori Rosenberger, Alan Molasky, Eddie Birch, Matthew Birch, Tracy Birch, Brad Torchin, and Mike Adler. Without all of their enthusiasm and hard work, there would be no Shabbatones. We have grown together as a band (more like extended family) and as friends. I want to thank Lois Bergman, Ayelet Blit and Adam Brustein for their wonderful job of tutoring the B?nai Mitzvah student ? They continue to do an outstanding job and I continually receive positive feedback from the parents of our students. ^ I also want to thank Lori Frankl for conducting the High Holy Day Teen choir and Sherri Swezey for conducting the Junior Choir throughout the year. They?ve never sounded better. And speaking of choirs, our fabulous Adult Choir deserves a round of applause for their hard work over this past year (since High Holy Days) you all are the best. A special thanks to John Smith the Adult Choir Director for his wonderful ability to have the choir sounding their best. Thank you to all the choirs. Our Adult and Jr. Choirs sang consistently throughout the year. These programs have become well established and we continue to welcome new members and grow throughout the year. This truly has been a year of exciting growth. I look forward to the next year in our new Temple and the exciting musical programming that I have planned. High Holyday Adult Choir Rehearsals Begin July 10th 7:30 pm in SanctuaryPreparation for High Holydays Irv Duchowny Executive Director Believe it or not, our staff is now in full swing preparing for our first High Holiday ^ervices to be held in our new temple. Why so early, you might ask? Actually, it's not too early, but right on schedule. We have many tasks that need to be tackled before we are ready to welcome everyone into the building for Erev Rosh Hashanah on September 12th. We need to make sure the building is absolutely spotless, the sound and video equipment working correctly, staff is prepared for all of the wonderful and spiritual services that will be led, and all other preparations are in place (security, parking facilities, prayer books, printing of tickets, etc). In addition, this is the time of year when, based on Board Policy, I need to make sure that everyone's account is up-to-date. As a reminder, each congregant's annual pledges (Annual Commitment, previously known as "Dues", plus this year's portion of the Building Fund), need to be at least 75% paid in order to receive your High Holiday tickets. I would also like to recognize and thank some terrific people who keep everything flowing so smoothly behind the scenes here at Congregation Ner Tamid. Thank you, Mary, Lynette, Karen, Kathy, and our newest staff members Jared and Carolyn. Of course, we also recognize our senior staff members Rabbi, Philip, Craig, Nancy, and our newest member, Lonnie. We continue to grow (in membership, programs and activities), and I look forward to the coming year in working closely with these staff members as well as our congregants. We also have wonderful volunteers too numerous to list, but overall categories include our volunteers in the office, our adult and junior choirs, and those who meet and greet Friday nights on our membership and ritual committees. Without great volunteers, we could not be who we are or accomplish so much. Thank you, and let me wish you an early Good Yuntof. ro be continued.... ? ? 7\vjLc>m^iLic gym m&mkaHjhip wiLKdkawal: $43 7\vifomcxHc cable. kill v/itkdkawal: $fiS JHoving yevik emple dcnahoiD cn aNifamafic witkdkawal: TVice l^l *D)vie;>, T^eligiovr> 3ckoel Fee;>, Kol JNidke "E}dAafiaKY> and mote! Contact IiV T^vikowny fok infokmation, ext ZOI ? ? ? ? King David Memorial Garden Look for our new brochure on the King David Memorial Garden Perpetual Rows of Remembrance. Contact Irv if you?d like Information as to how you can honor and respect those who have passed away.Newest CNT Members! Gary & Rhonda Blanchard, Robert Burkhart, Patrick & Myreen Aschenback, Judith Steele, Bruce & Joyce Nielsen, Adam Chuckrow, Ruth Brick, Adrienne Glusman, Luis Fain, Ruben Gonzalez, Cosmito Gonzalez, Matthew & Wendi Beason, Scott & Brittany Feiwell, Jerry & Sharon Krasn, Bruce & Ann Matza, Greg & Julie Flouck, Libby Miller, Stan Gordon & Alice Ross-Gordon, Valerie Lapin, Marilyn Mirsky, Cynthia Zeidner, Phyllis Floffman, Shelly & Roz Kurzweil, Heather Linefsky & Brandon Johnson July 9 4:00 Pm ~ July 17 5:00 Pm PreSChOOl Open HOUSe! July 26 4:00 pm For Information, Contact Lonnie, ext 215 /?MT C hi m . ? I yfi? i 11 csunuui From 2-1/2 to 5 Years Old Now Enrolling | For Fall! Call 733-6292 ext 211 Safe, nurturing, state-of-the-art classrooms & facility Low student/teacher ratio Exciting & fun extracurricular activities Licensed and experienced staff Full and half day programs Jewish values, traditions & Hebrew taught Before and after school care available Open House July 9,17 & 26! CALI TODAY - 733-6292 Congregation Ner Tamid on tfie Greeospvn Campus for Jewish Ufa, Learning & Spiriua!ty Congregation Ner Tsmsd Early Childhood Education Center 55 N. Valle Verde Dr. Henderson, Nevada 89074 Ni;n- on itFCftMJLttASM Director of Early Childhood Ed Lonnie Kritzler I am finally here! drive cross country was magnificent, the unpacking and setting up a new home was exhausting, and beginning this new job work has been exhilarating. I am thrilled to be here and part of this amazing congregation. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and making me feel like I am part of the family. It is exciting that in a few short months, many little ones and their parents will be enjoying the fruits of Congregation Ner Tamid?s new preschool. We are planning a program that is nurturing, loving, and child- directed. Teachers are being hired, and parents have been calling for information and enrolling their children. This promises to be a wonderful year! If you would like more information about our new Early Childho^ Education Center, please call me at 733- 6292, ext. 215Director of Lifelong Learning Craig Rosen Thousands of Jewish children from around the country are taking advantage of their ^immer break and attending a Jewish summer camp. These camps have a huge impact in creating a positive Jewish identity. Where else can you wake up singing Jewish songs, say the motzi before each meal, celebrate Shabbat under the stars with Israeli dancing, and live each day with Jewish friends who become your extended family. Jewish summer camps have a lasting impact on a young person's life. I myself am a product of Camp Swig/Camp Newman, the Reform Movement's regional camp located in Northern California. This year our congregation is sending a large delegation to this camp and many others throughout the country. Two of our teens will be attending Kutz Camp in New York which is our movement's National Leadership Camp. My hope is that they will all return filled with wonderful memories and a new appreciation of what is it to live Jewishly. In the coming year, my plan is to bring a little bit of camp into our school program to try and capture the magic that camp provides. As we move into our new building and make it come alive we'll share new programs and rituals and continue to make our school a place where students want to be. Of course there's no substitute for a Jewish camping experience, so if you didn't take advantage this summer, there's always next summer. For those adults who missed out on camp, there's always the URJ Biennial Convention. Many call this event a camp for adults as it brings together thousands of Jews from around North America in a week filled with learning, sharing and living Jewishly. The convention takes place from December 13-16 in San Diego, CA. For more information, please check the URJ website www.urj.ora or contact Craig Rosen at the Temple. NTTY News NTTY - recently held elections for their officers for the 2007-2008 school year. We congratulate them and wish them continued success! President Religious & Cultural Vice President Social Action Vice President Membership & Communications VP Freshman Representative Immediate Past President Stephanie Watman Sarah Blank Ashley Beresid Mitchell Weinstein (not pictured) Spencer Blank Megan Stolberg Mazel Tov to Megan Stolberg for completing her year as NTTY President. She did a wonderful job in organizing events and maintaining our NTTY group while we didn't have a facility. It was a challenging year and Megan did an amazing job!! Our Youth groups take a hiatus for ?e summer but will be back in the II with a full calendar of events. Watch the Temple Bulletin and check the website for updates! TGIS - Thank God It?s Shabbat Congratulations to the 13 students who achieved their TGIS reward for attending at least 18 Shabbat services this past school year. They were all treated to a day at the Adventuredome at Circus Circus with our Director of Lifelong Learning Craig Rosen. The following students are to be congratulated: Noelle Bailey, Tomer Blit, Ormi Blit, Michael Bowman, Noah Levrant, Daphne Levy, Noah Morris, Jacob Morris, Emalee Raybrun, Miranda Rosen, Ben Stolberg, Alex Solomon, & Taylor Wachman.Message From Program Director Nancy Weinberger So many exciting things are happening at Temple these days! In June, our Chesed committee completed a wonderful two-evening workshop & training with Nadine Cracraft, Nanette Spector & Rabbi Akselrad learning the very important techniques of Bikkur Cholim, visiting the sick. The formation of several chavurot (friendship groups) has brought together over 50 couples & singles. And more programs, classes, along with educational and social opportunities are planned for the coming months. It is wonderful to see the commitment of so many committee members and volunteers to the mission of Congregation Ner Tamid. The future is our drawing board and we are the artists. If you have ideas you would like to share please let us know. We are here to create and provide meaningful Jewish experiences for all. We are ALL a congregational Chav rah and the only thing missing is U! Hope you are all having a wonderful & "cool" summer. NEW young Adult Group Open to singles, couples, EVERyONE Age 22 * 41 is welcome! Bagel Brunch Sunday, July 15 @ 10:30am Join us as we kick-off our young Adult Group with delicious bagels, beverages, great conversation & fun! Location: Brett & Christina Primacks? Home RSVP: Watch for your E-vite invitation Future Events to Watch For - September 7 - 1st Annual young Adult Chardonnay Shabbat - 6pm September 29 - Havdallah & Dessert Under the Stars in the Temple Sukkah For information on any of these events, contact NancyWeinberger in the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 205. YOU Can Make a Difference Volunteer Opportunities Put your life experience to work with CNT. You will be joining others who give of their time to make the world a better place for everyone. Do you have a special skill? Do you have some extra time on your schedule? Whether you like ongoing committee work or prefer to work on short projects or in the office, we have a placJ for you! Call Nancy Weinberger Program Director (702) 733-6292 nweinberger@ What is a CHAVURAH? * Chavurah (pi., Chavurot) comes from the Hebrew word Chaver meaning ?a group of friends? * Each Chavurah is a group of Temple members who come together to enjoy Jewish life with their families and enhance their shared Jewish experience * We have Chavurah for families, singles, all ages * For many, the Chavurah is an extended family. Some Temple Chavurot have been together for over 25 years * Enhances your experience as a Temple member * Chavurah membership is open to all CNT members Registration forms available in Temple offic^ For more information, contact Nancy Weinberg^ Program Director nweinberger@lvnertamid.orgA Potpourri Of Judaism Tuesdays, July 17 & July 24th ^ 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. ^ FREE and Open to Everyone! Classes Taught by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein July 17th - Our Obligation to Change the World: Social Justice in the Talmud. If you have ever looked for an easy way to study traditional Jewish texts, this is the class for you! We will look at traditional Jewish texts to see what the ancient sages say about our sacred obligation to make this world a better place. No Hebrew or prior text study experience is required for this easy-to- understand class regarding our Talmudic tradition. July 24th - Our Need to Knead - Challah in Our Tradition and in Our Homes. This fun (and tasty) class will explore both the textual and culinary traditions associated with our most recognizable Shabbat dinner item, Challah. Open to both men and women, you must RSVP for this class so we can make sure we have enough supplies available. No prior bread-making or text-study experience required ... just an RSVP! ) FOR ALL CLASSES RSVP to Mary in the office at 733-6292 x200. Questions? Contact Nancy Weinberger, Program Director, at the Temple office. Tisha B?av Program Monday, July 23 at 7:00 pm Join us as we commemorate Tisha B'av, which recalls the many tragedies that have occurred to the Jewish people on the Ninth of Av. Examining our tradition, we invite you for a night of learning and discussion from a Reform perspective. Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein will lead ftp evening of new ritual of remembrance, redemption, and hope. AUGUST FILM SERIES Thursday Evenings - 7:00 pm Join Rabbi , Philip and Craig Rosen as they present 4 different movies and offer discussion following each one. Popcorn and lemonade will be provided. Please RSVP to Temple office so we pop enough corn! Thursday August 2 - Rabbi Akselrad will present the movie ?Oh God? staring George Burns and John Denver. This movie is a classic comedy about an assistant manager of a supermarket who has a conversation with God and is ^sked to deliver God?s message to the world. ^ Thursday August 9 - Philip Goldstein will present the movie ?Shalom Y?AII?. This movie is a documentary feature film about the Jewish experience in the American South as told through the eyes of a native son and the cultural cousins he encounters. It?s a wonderfully funny, sad, touching, interesting, quirky little film that explores an aspect of the Jewish experience in America that seems to be mostly overlooked. Thursday August 16 - Craig Rosen will present the movie ?Paperclips?. This award winning documentary is about a middle school in Whitwell Tennessee that began studying the Holocaust as a way to learn about intolerance and diversity. The Paper Clip project culminated in a unique memorial that changed the lives of those who created it as well as the entire community. Thursday August 23 - Craig Rosen will present the movie ?Promises?. This Academy Award nominated documentary explores the lives of seven Palestinian and Israeli children. Although they live only 20 minutes from one another, these children exist in completely different worlds. Watch what happens as the filmmaker brings the two worlds together in this deeply touching, highly entertaining film.41st Biennial Convention of the URJ Men of Reform Judaism (formerly NFTB) in Memphis, TN Attendees Michael Unger, Stu Solomon and Drew Levy Stu Solomon, left, accepting the Tikkun Award from Aaron Bloom, President of MRJ (Men of Reform Judaism) ?Day Spa for the Soul? An Afternoon of Spiritual Healing Saturday, July 21 ~ 3:00-6:15 PM Join us on a spiritual journey that concludes with Havdalah, led by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein * Participate in guided meditation and study Jewish healing texts * Relax your body and mind with gentle Tai Chi * Release your healing energy by creating a square for Sisterhood's newest Mi Shebeirach Tapestry Quilt * Create a personalized plan to care for your spiritual needs A special note of thanks to the following May office volunteers: Arlene & Paul Liebman Amy Christensen Charlene Naft Ellen Sonenthal Lisa Skurow Lorelei Wojnicz Lou Friedner Marlene Acosta Maureen Plascove Patty Myers Shirley Gellin Shirley Kouffman Sid Barasch Sybil Stenzel Free, but space is limited! RSVP to Mary at 733-6292 ext 200Sosteuwou News Laura 'Bailey, President Sirst, I want to thank all you who have served on rny board this past year, and thank those who will be serving the next. Your dedication to Sisterhood is appreciated more than you know. I also want to thank you, the congregants, for your support of our new Simcha Program. We are honored to be able to offer this service to you and grateful that you support it. Monies raised from this program support the Temple and many WRJ (Women of Reform Judaism) projects such as financial support for NFTY (high school) and Kesher (college-age) Union youth groups, WUPJ (World Union for Progressive Judaism), HUC-JIR rabbinic scholarships, special project materials for Sisterhood's all over the world, grants for special projects and much, much more! A Special ?Thank Yon? To Weiss Restaurant Deli-Bakery 2744 IV Green Valley Pkwy. In Henderson For Donating the Challah For Shabbat Services I look forward to a new year in this beautiful new building and the many exciting programs and events. I hope you will all join us! CKTT Men?s Club President ~ Stu Solomon As in the words of our immediate past president & Leo Wilner Man of the Year, Dr. Fred Toffel, these are the goals of the Men?s Club. The Men?s Club has had the opportunity to go to Memphis Ten?nessee to attend the 41st Biennial Convention of the URJ Men of Reform Judaism, formerly known as the NFTB. Michael Unger, Drew Levy & I went and we learned a lot. We had the opportunity to share our ideas and the way we do things as well as gather new ideas to make our congregational family and community a better and happier place. In the next few months, Men?s Club is going to start to implement a lot of the things we have learned and bring them to you. To make this happen we are looking to engage many of our members to serve on many new committees. Our programming will be more varied and we hope more people like you will become involved. So look to the future! If you think you may want to be involved in various ways, such as rides for congregants, youth activities or your own new ideas, please contact me. Let?s see what fun we can have coordinating these kinds of events. Our congregation and the Jewish community (including the Men?s Club) are the heart of life for us here in Las Vegas. So come on out to an event, board meeting, drop me an e-mail, call, whatever! Get ^nvolved and let your views and ideas be known! Help us help others. Get involved and meet a great Bunch of guys and feel the comradery that permeates when we all get together to achieve our goals. I?ll be looking for all of you at our next bagel breakfast. - BE PART OF SOMETHING SPECIAL!fflgmm November 17, 2007 Ifl/atch for more information! Mensch of the Year Dinner % JACS Thursdays, 6 pm at Temple In Multi-Purpose Room Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others offers help to Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent person and their families with a 12-Step confidential program. Provides support and understanding to Jews in recovery. Free and open to everyone. Second Tuesday of Each Month @ 6:30 pm at Temple Group is open to all caregivers, family and friends of loved ones with Alzheimer?s. Together we will find a way to cope with the continuous struggle of this disease. For more information contact Carol Hecht at 617-6430. Thursdays at 9:30 am at Temple Alcoholics Anonymous? is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism Wednesdays at 11:00 am at Temple Open to anyone who wishes to share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Nancy Weinberger in the temple office 733-6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. Coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community /Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Alzheimers Support Group Alcoholics Anonymous Gamblers Anonymous Shabbat Transportation For SeniorsJuly 2CC7 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Triday Saturday n 2 3 4 5 6 7 Office Closed AA 9:30 am JACS 6:00 pm Intro to Judaism 6:00 pm Beg.Hebrew 7:15 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10am Torah Study 11am Independence Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Preschool Open House 4:00 pm Intermediate Hebrew 6:15 pm Exploring Judaism 7:30 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm Adult Choir 7pm GA (Gamblers Anonymous) 11 am AA 9:30 am Bereavement Group 10:30 am JACS 6:00 pm Intro to Judaism 6:00 pm Beg.Hebrew 7:15 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Seivice 10am Torah Study 11am 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Men's Club Breakfast 9:30 am 1 Intermediate Hebrew 6:15 pm Exploring Judaism 7:30 pm Preschool Open House 5:00 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Summer Adult Ed 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7pm GA (Gamblers Anonymous) 11 am AA 9:30 am Bereavement Group 10:30 am JACS 6:00 pm Intro to Judaism 6:00 pm Beg.Hebrew 7:15 Shabbat Dinner 6:00 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Education 9anr Shabbat Morning Service 10am Torah Study 11am Spa for Soul 3 pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Intermediate Hebrew 6:15 pm Summer Adult Ed 7:00 pm Exploring Judaism 7:30 pm Summer Adult Ed 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7pm GA (Gamblers Anonymous) 11 am AA 9:30 am Bereavement Group 10:30 am JACS 6:00 pm Preschool Open House 4:00 pm Intro to Judaism 6:00 pm Beg.Hebrew 7:15 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10am Torah Study 11 am 29 30 31 Aug 1 2 3 4 Adult Choir 7pm GA (Gamblers Anonymous) 11 am AA 9:30 am JACS 6:00 pm August Film Series 7 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Seivice 10am Torah Study 11am Giancaspro Bat Mitzvah 10am 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Adult Choir 7pm GA (Gamblers Anonymous) 11 am AA 9:30 am JACS 6:00 pm August Film Series 7 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Strasler Family Sponsoring Oneg Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10am Torah Study 11 am Melville Bat Mitzvah 10 amMazel Tov to Billy Tiep on being ordained as a Cantor at Hebrew Union College in New York City on Sunday, May 6lh. He will be joining Touro Synagogue in New Orleans, the oldest synagogue outside the thirteen original colonies. Lily Hoover, great-granddaughter of Natalie and Gil Shaw was born in California on May 7th. Mazel Tov to the entire family! Mazel Tov to Jolie and John Brislin on the birth of their first child, Hannah Amy. She was born on May 18 (Chai), weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long. Very proud new grandmother is Maxine Molinsky. Mazel Tov to Roberta Sabbath on the wedding of her daughter, Shana Lauren, to Matthew Crosby on May 27th in Glen Echo, Maryland. Mazel Tov to Brittany and Scott Feiwell on the birth of their first child, Maverick Albert. He was born on June 4th, weighed 5 lbs 12 oz and was 18-V2 inches long. Congratulations to our bookkeeper, Kathy Hage, who became a grandmother for the first time! Madison Lynn was born on Saturday, June 16. She weighed 6 lbs, 10 oz and was 17 inches long. Proud parents are Amber and Gale. Thank you to Nadine Cracraft, Nan Spector, and Rabbi Akselrad for facilitating the Bikkur Cholim Society workshop for the Cbesed Committee. Congratulation to those volunteers who completed the most recent wo